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Show 824 Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. 1 Tribulus aquaticus. Water Caltrops. Lis.2. $ 2 Tribulus aquaticus minor quercusfloribus, Small water Caltrops,or Frogs-lettuce, Lis. 2. "Ofthe HiftoryofPlants. 625 the French men,Macres : in Englifh itis named watet Caltrops, Saligot, and WVater-huts :moft docallthe fruit of this Caltrops; Ca/lanca aquatiles, orwater Chef-nuts, @] The Temperature. Water Caltrop is ofa cold nature, it confifteth ofa moift efferce, which in this is more wateriethan inthe land Caltreps,whereinan earthie cold is predominant,as Galen faith. i q The Vertues, Theherbe vied in manner ofa pultis, as Dsofcorides teacheth,is good againft all inflammations A othot fivellings: boiled with honie and water,it perfectly healeth cankers in the mouth, fore gums; and the Almonds of the throat. The Thracians,faith P/inze,that dwell in Strymona, do fatten their horfes with the leaués of Saligotand they themfelues do feed ofthe kernels,making very {weet bread thereof, which bindeth the belly; Thégreen nuts or fruit of Tribulus aquaticus;or Saligot, being drunke in wine, is good forthem which are troubled with the ftone and grauell. The fame drunke in like manner, or laied outwardly to the place, helpeth thofe that are bitten with any venomous beaft;and refifteth all venomeand poifon. The leaues of Saligot be giuenagainftall inflammations andvicers of the mouth, the putrifas Gion and corruptionof the iawes,and againft the Kings euill. i B C D E iss A pouder made: of the ntits is given to fuchas piffe bloud, and are troubled with gtauell, ae itdothbind the belly very much. : ¢ Thetwoleffer water Caltrops here defcribed are in my opinion much agreeable in temper G tothegrearone , andare muchfitter Succidanea for it then Aron , which fomein the compofitiNotPagnentum CAgrippe haue appointedforit. + Cuar. 299. Of water Sengreene,orfre/h water Soldiers Militaris Aixoides. Freth water Soldier. £ Tribulus aquaticus minor ,Mufcatellefloribus. Small Frogs-Lettuce. waies4 ae husks making fix {eueral the ene ke eli sar root flours . The riuet bybe.: the in y ntl groweth abunda reth in ae ford in Hampfhire. It flou doth,and om 0h Iuly when the other reens oth couéred over with waterg terand Sommer.lohn Goodyer+ “eq The Plat. |. eas: Cordus faith that itgr wveth aos that ny inmyrie lakes,and in citi¢ nd ino of haue mud.in them:in Brabantal found places ofthe Low-count oe tentimes in ftanding waters, Maitthiolus writeth,that it Sar in a ly in lakes of {weet water, a Ve |] The Defiription: ee PRaeTacer Soldier or water Honfleeke; hath léaues like thofe of theherbe Aloe,or Semper vivum, but fhorter and lefler,fetround about the edges with certaine ftiffe and thort prickles: among{t which commethforthdiuers cafes or huskes, verie like vnto crabbes ¢lawes + out of which when they open grow white‘floures,confifting of three leaues, alto. gether like thofe of Frogs-bir, hauing iif the. middle little yellowith threds ithead of roots there be long ftrings, round white, verie like to great Harp-ftrings, ortolong wormes, which falling downe froma fhort head that brought forth the leaues, goto the bottom of the water,and yet be they feldame there fafte- taine ditches by the fea neere ned : there alfo grow from) the fame other nice. éd after the manner of Frogs-bit, ftrings aflope, by whichthe plant is multiplis f qj The Time. Iuly, It flourifheth in Lune, The Names. | it omtont call ns cia Gre e Th 4 us aquate ee and Aus ¢_ ind Latins, Tribul e Apothe Tribulus lacuftrds th Dare lof Be h Hig :in s inu lus mar nt egpi the Brabanders, neater1 les> likewéffe of yron nai @ The Place, Ifoundthis growingplentifully in the ditches about Rotfeya {mal village in Holderneffe. And my friend M'. Willams Bread obferued irinthe Fennes in’ Lincolné-thire. ¢ The leautes and floures grow vpdn the rap of the water, and the roots are fent’ downe. through. the water t6 the mud. | The Time. : 2273 Téfloures in Iune,and fometimes in Augu(t, © The |