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Show Lia.3, Ofthe Hifterie of Plants. 1538 Lin. 3. The Nutmegis good againft freckles in the face, quickneth thefight, ftrengthens the bellyand Nutmegsbruifed and boiled in Aqua vite vntill they hauewafted and confumed the moiftur finit grow cluftering together vponlongftalks, which come forth at the ioints againft the leaues, gyoumay fee in thefigure: the root (as one may conie@ture) is creeping ; for the branches that gon the ground doattheir ioints put forth new fibres er roots. Weare beholden to Clsfius for of flisexaét figure atid defeription, which he made,bycertaine branches which were brought home the Hollandersfrom the Eaft Indies. The curious may fee more hereof in his Exotickes and The fame bruifed and boyled in ftrong white wine vntill three partsbe fodden away,with thé roots ofMother-wort added thereto in the boyling,and ftrained : this liquor drunke with fome{ugarcureth all gripings ofthe belly proceeding ofwindineffe. potes vpon Garcias. $ Astouching the choice,theteis notany fo fimple but knoweththat the heauieft,fatteft,andfulleft ofiuiceare the beft, which may eafily be found out by pricking the fame witha pinne or fuch like. 4, Piper Aithiopicum, fine Vitalonga. Pepper of Ethiopia. + 3 Piper longum, Long Pepper. Cuap. 152. Of the Pepper Plant. a The Kindes. Here be diuers forts ofPepper, thatis to fay, white, blacke, and long Pef cer T longerthan theother ; and alfoa kinde ofEthiogins Pepper, i= a Piper album, White Pepper, f/ FOO RISOSSE, ELIA ESSER eESCEOS Ore aaia: : ther kinde of Pepper, feldome brought into thefe parts of Europe, There is alano from the head,to helpe Canarium - it is hollow within, light, and empty, but good to draw flegme the tooth-ache andcholericke affects. : black no fimilitude at all with the plant that brings 3. Thetree that beareth long Pepper hath nt to and white Pepper: (ome haue deemed them to grow all onone tree, which is not confona q The Defeription: He Plantthat beareththe blacke Pepper growethvp like a Vine among bufhes and brambles whereit naturally groweth ; but whereit ismanured it is fowneat the bortomeofthe tree Faufel and the Date trees, whereonit taketh hold, and clymbeth vp euen to the top, as doth the Vine,rampingandtaking hold withhis clafping tendrels ofany other ie°o coo. B and alfo that countrey where there tuth, for they growin countries far diftant one from another, ng Bete Ve Sblacke Pepper hathnot anyof the long Pepper; and therefore Galen followi s,is notgreat, Yer of eae dy fubMonarde ith tree;fa This point. his in n ouerfee borh ‘zether rtrees and g tendrels, wherewith it taketh hold ofothe we ng here and there his clafpin ance, difperfi ggie, s ) whereon growes Bm he branches are many and twig BOYS: : Tk tt. vato do grow necre clo — t or e, uch other things.as a& thruf ftalk comp der footor flen chruft ing vpona ike, ng of manygraine onde Vv the fruir, confifti yWing i s grow : i fk * Fru ors 8 SS eg cane ana or n white Pepper growes: CluMetwith, haue deliuered vs any thing of certaine, of the plant whereo mayfee it here expreft t. you as ftalkes, the ypon growes it how fas only hath giuen vs the manner called Piper oan from black to white, as diuers other plants do. + Neither Céufiws,nor any =a Sa ATt plant, but only d from the other 2 The Plant that brings white Peppet is not to bediftinguithe Grapes, fromthatwhich brinblacke beareth that Vine a than more no fruit, by the colour of the th fometimes change it felfe plantdo fame felfe t t, the hat though is gethwhite : and of fomeit other elfe chat I haue yee Spgs I Piper nigrum. Blacke Pepper. Y . ofae39.599) E 1539 | The inches broad, and foure long, hauing alwaies fiue pretty large nerues running alongftthem, addingthereto of Rhodomel (thatis, honey of Rofes) gently boiling them,being ftrained to ag formeofa fyrrup,care all paines proceeding ofwindie aud cold caufes, if three {poonfulls be : uenfafting for certaine dayes together. D ae oS good againft all cold difeafes in the body. | thing itmeeteth withall: The leauies are few in number, + growing at each ioint one,firft on one oftuy, bur chinner, fde ofthe (talke, then on the other,like in fhape to the long vndiuided leaues fharpe pointed, and fometimes fo broad, that they are foure inches ouer, but moft commonly two feeble liuer ; it taketh away the fwelling inthe {pleene, ftayeth the laske, breaketh winde. andi C Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. |