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Show Ofthe HiftoryofPlants, ements Lisa, Lie. Ze is the ordinary Rampionis called Rapunculue.and Rapunti um m tins, Lobell thinkesit the Pe; Locufe of Anicen, and Columna iudges it tobe Erinus of Nicander and Diofcorides. Thethit dig the Rapin. culus nemorofusfecundus of Tabernamont anus. & the varictie of itis Rapunc Aemor tertins. Thename + 4 Lencoinmfylueftre. Wilde wall floure; ofthereft are fhewenin their defcriprions, | The Defiription. G The Temperature. Theroots ofthefeate ofacold temperature, and fomething binding, I q The Vertues; long, narrow, {mooth, flippery, of a blackif_i greene colour, and leffer than the leaues of ftocke Gillofloures. The floures are fmall,yel: low,very fiveete of fmell,and made of fourelit- The roots are efpeciallyvfed in fallads, being boiled and eaten with oile,vinerer, and pepper, Someaffirme,that the decoction ofthe roots an goodforall inflammations of the mouth, and Almond woorts. s ofthe throte,andother difeafes happening inthe’mouth and throte,as the other Thor. Cuar.iig. tle leaues, which beingpaft,there fuceeed long flender cods;in which is containedflat reddith feed. The whole plant is fhtubby,ofa wooddie {ubftance,and can eafily endure the. colde of Of W.all-floures, oryellow S,tocke-Gillo-flowres: winter. 2 The double Wall floure hath long leaues @ The Kindes. ; greeneaud {mooth,fet vpon ftiffe branches,ofa wooddiefubftance : whereupon do grow moft pleafantfiveet yellowflours very doublewhich Hefe plants which wee terme commonly in Englifh, Wal-floures and StockeGills floures are comprehended vnder one generall name of Leucoion, (i) Viola alba,Whitey Olet, we fignifying white,andia Violet, which as fomeWouldhaue it is pot from the whitenefl plant is fo well knowneto all, that it fhalibe needleffe to fpend much time about the de{cription. 3 Of this double kitide we haue ‘another ofthe floure, for that the moft and moft vfuall of them areof other colours, but fromthe whitens or hoarineffe of the leaues,whichis properrather to the Stocke Gillouers than to the wal-floures, I therefore thinke it fit to diftinguith them into Lencorafolys viridibus, that is VVal-floutes ; and Leucoiafoliis incanv,Stocke Gillouers. Nowthefe againe are diftinguifh ed into feuerall {peciesas you mayfinde bythe following Chapters Moreouer you muft rememberthereis another/ialea:ba or Leucoion (whichis thought to be rhat of Theophraftus and whereofwehaue treated in thefitk fort that bringeth his floures open all atonce, whereas the other doth floure by degrees, by meanes whereof it is longin flouring. + 4 This plant which was formerly feated in the fourth place of the following chaps booke)whichis far different fromthis,and for diftin@ion fake called Lewcoium bulbofum. % ¥ Viola Lutes. VVal-floure; Heftalks ofthe Wall floureare full of greene branches, the leaués are ter, haue brought to enjoy the fame place in this, forthat by reafon. ofthe greenefle ofhis 2 Violalutea multiples, Jeaues and other things he comes neareft to thefe here defcribed,alfo I wil deferibe it anew, Double VYal-floue, becaufe theformer was almoft wholly falfe : Ié hath manygreene Jeaues at the top of the root like to thefe of the-wall floure, but narrower,and bitter oftafte,among which rife vp oneor more ftalks of a foot or more in height,crefted and fer with carinated leaues, The floures growat the tops ofthe ftalkes many together, confifting of foure yellowleaues apiece, leffer than thofeofthe ordinary wall floures ; there floures are fuecees ded by long cods containing aflat feed. Theroot is long and whitifh,with manyfibres. s Befides thefe,there is 1 fome gardens kept anotherwall-flourediffering from thefirftin the bigneffe of the whole plantybutefpecially ofthe floure,which is yellowandfingle, yet very large and beautifull, 6 Alfo there is another withverygreeneleaues,and pure whiteandwell fmelling floures. £ q 7 hePlace, mg rubbifh weth ypon bricke andftonewalls, inthe corners of churches euery where, as alf a ch other ftony places, The double Wall-floure groweth in moft gardensof England | The Time. o bat efpecially imwinter,whereuponthe people The Names. in Latine, Viola lutea, and Leucoium lutenm : in the tolettas Amarillas iv Dutch @ioltéren ¢ in French, Girofflees iglifh, Wall-Gillofloure,; W all-floure, yellow ftocke Gillo© The Temperature. ; of Wall-Gillofloures,as Galen faith, is of aclenfing faculty, andofthine @ The Vertues. he vellow Wall-floure is moftvfedin phyficke,and more rhan the reft & cofthis is holden to bea kinde :which hath mooued meto preferteit 1, that the juice mixed with fome vnGious oroilie thing, and boiled he chops orrifts of the fundament, : ¥ she |