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Show aeinrneiice A Tableof Enelith names. 1339 Polme oz Wolyoke Polphocke and his Kinds Dolp 'Thitie, fe bleien Thitte. Poly feed 101 PHollprofe andhis eindes from 1275 to noone, Freos,i. theret of the white Slower de luce. Siop i. pfop. Ficwod,i. ffonp Wieed, 02 Sod made ftones. Ptatian Fitch 1252 Sod of life, commonly called Lignum 116 Aoiwort o2 Wollow rat and his wtndes. 2° 490 é ’ Ponywore, fee Cerinthe Ponpluckicand his Hindes.. Pooded Willow Herbe : Hoke heale Sppeboad andhig inded tide 2 Dioche op abies ine-beame o7 Parb-beametre Bezned fea Poppy Bortemint e Mater Hoyieke fea 530 846 5 ia 77 ae #53 28 es 6 #3724529 Jninbe tres I the areater as unos teares 7 Gupiters epe ox beard 200 wed of Conftantinople Brie. fee Creer. S. Rathatines flours 3085 Heviocke Herneiioozt 716 & cre 062 Ridnep oe andbisHinves froma2r1r tor2r dalOnep beane of raat 12% Abney bean of Cappers America 1214 1215 fs Howmnd-berrp tre 146 Dunvjpedheaded ThHiftic, fea Champion fea Bolly 1163 Hurt Gcbie, \. lew hottie. Hpacinths, fs Zacinths. Bytoy,{ee BitloyI Hldnep etch 1240 Ht and Mthaton,fee PalmaChritti. 496 Bindelyp Sautns, i, Werried Sanine. 1375 ings fpeare 96 Hing Cob,i. Croiwfor, Hipper nut Hite Hepes Finer Bnapwoed, fe Silner. dine haber 507 Zanapioad and bis tinves 92 Ackeokthebuttery 5 La Facke bp thehedge,i. Curners a Hnaweiland Parhy plert,i. fmall SHarte frage 566 - lichwoo2t : 799 heeholue Faciath and 9°7 his Hindew FOMIOS Fadames he wont '. Ragwore Aabeineebuite oy Bete {rwrsthorne.i. Gyatks thorne, 280 892 stegrate Rhights fpurre t Lo Pitot nights Mater Sengreen Foristalont Brrichake a8 Aelveriail £4 op Crowne 5 wipertall Littp, Finperiai, golp pents, i, Crowfat. Hist crate beerp Siok 202 7 re ape rot, fe franbincenfe Rofena: 15.66.1567 Snotry Couch aratte 4nvian Spikenm red. . Flovting ced AB ouy 02 Aolie Sundoure Sig tres: Aobaca Datincaies* 7080 39 1530 75t £512,1514 358 85 23. 83 509 609 622 14952623 ‘ater K 20, Aichwale Aignun Bloee Aliquam bite Hilly Connal,i Wap Lilly tedor purple 192195, great andimall monntaine Ailip, uray, :. Darnell. 826 807, s1o0 971.973 ALarch 02 dLarip tree LLaterwort Aauender cotton Zanenderiptke fea Lanender ALaunce fora dad,fe Cats tatle, aLaurel of Bierandza ALanrelioz Wap tree 1407 Aaurel of fpurne dLanreli 140$ eke and his hindes 174176 LeadWort 44nt2s4 Feather Snmach 1474 Lentil anv dis indes 1224 Lentifbeor Mafticke tre 1432 Leopards bane, fee Beantte 9 Aettuce and his bindes 305,86. Liblong 59% Aupiters — 684 eagteat DPounns tangue 0} pile 1369 Bdp and vis Iindes Ground Fup Hanipcr and his Bindes Horbrong o2 Wosedtrange Borfkertongue Hopie Goute, fer Mclampirum Hortecheale, 1, Ciccampane. Hoplehofe 212 Hozks fot 814 Horthne 1235 BHoretatic; i, Shanegraffeand his binds Tr13 1495 aca ] os Ho © OW As NIV Op Sym c © OM Do nm O-0 OO PPW AA ° WMO ° so 891.1 win Bop Secale= vite, edartre HPauciWort Datmeate, tobe Panicum Rocket, fe Rhefeda HUO (D > 2w 0 Pomlocks, i. herbe 15 Homiocks aifo tg Filipendula, Sptide o2 Water Bomlocks Dtinking bomiocke Dmaili Boneky, i, Pinckes Poneiwszt, 899 1534 599 $42 540 Folephs floure, that 1s, Go to Wed at SeaHolly; fea Wolme, fea Wulace 1162. baftard fea Hollies 1429 88 1527 &.Fons Wortandhis Rindes T292 1163 S}.Fobns bzead Foods reares opd20p9 Fone Giver pin. do wbie Poppy. 1544 1487 ALadies bower our Ladics Qhittle ALabplaces Lady {mocks Radtes feale, 1. Wilde Wetony Aadtes mantic,i great Sanicic 949 310 ZLambes Lettuce Lancathire Alphedtt 96 Land Caitrops 1246 Londoners Way buhh,i. tohite thoane, Uangnvederte o7 Wilde Wigtorte 798 Zandcleapers Spurge, fe Eula maior, og Mauachlaluers Curbich Aarks {purre and Larkegs beele,oz asthee slate 1083 darks {puere 02 Lark hele tslfes bane Shite Liiy,and alto Sobite Lilly of Cone ftantinopis 1483 Ling,fee Heath. Ling%oit Lions Gyrnep i itons foot, fee Leontopodion 4ar 236 642 843 aLions teafa, fee ns tarnep+ Aiqnerice of Atcortce and his Minders & Mad apples Madver aud his hindeg Madnep Galens MPadwoot. 854 4 z $ 6s if oo noble Linerswozt, i. Garders Sretetk 1203 Lorkrom Goniong London Cutts Aote tree 1146 Che Sotive Daltow. 93 Werveine Mattow oz cut “Barlow 931 Mamocia Mandrake and his kindes Manna gratte Waple and his kindes MWaracocke Wargerites herbe atieremeand his kindes 66 Mlitos Of battard op greund Warterome 66 668 Goats Warierome Mayp- weed 757 Matozane ee Maricrome Makcbate 1310 Warters 448 Warigoidandhis kinves 739 Golven Marigoids 742 Cone 743 of Dern 751 Warkh 817 MWartagons MWaruelious apples, Matuell of Dern Mattertworta UBlacke Waticheand his tree Makicke Cine iP Watard.Geats Marterome 67 Batt vee, t. Fir tres Matchinmd,i.Coychwood SParfelion 727 Watwedand the bindes 4142.43 Maudeline Watthes,i. Way weed Rov Weat Sumach Mead linet Meadotn parfnep 9 Meriar Deionthittie *elitote tens Percurie true Utide.3 33 Dercurtes bioiees Bow o7 Weon Bilfoite arm his bindes T204 917,925 332 329 448 1403 1495 one-Ferne 338, 113g Morice bells of Jndta 15.4.5 MPaor=oralle 1 524 Mozeli 02 petty mozelt,i. FUghtthade Mofles and his kindes 1558, to1563 Mofile Feane,i.WDolppovp Heamoie,i.Cozaiitae MP orher-wort 705,052 Mother of tte 579 Moule care and his hinde 337,639 DM oute-tatle 426 WMugwort andhis kindes N03 Dusgwet,i.cuoodrmle Petty Dugwer 127 Mutberrietres and hig kinder 1sZo7 Wulberrie fig tree 1§09 Mulletneand hts kindes 174) 775 Wooddp WDuileine,i, French fage 767 Wake Muiieine 782 Moth Mniicine 177 Giaolp o Ethioptan Durleing 779 Hetty Wulleines 782 972 Wunkes hoon Bubarbs WDuske 39t 941 917 1266 Mutard commory 244 ‘Treacle Towers , Wareetn gratie,i Scrophularia Much good Dutioms r Cre Buthzeun,i.Conchwod 262 272 101G, 1579 1584 let graffe paitiwatte fee Syplenekoozt Ueipooge and his kindes Slacke and shite gimeuntaine Rigene hts kindes gqinintt Fith; oz. Wreoke % » balane and hts kind gailtie o2 Ditict es on Mudate mutkard BtieWwort Maneiwort davies Mantit j2auet qentic Rabe and hts kindes Mavew Chozrowwar SMechwed.i. bempe IPeting powrer Mennphar,i cater lly Mep fee Cat mint Mette and his kinds 560 680 a7, 14DE 3500 1359 202 1392,1393 Die pcm 14.02 Drebdjave,i.one leafe Dnion andhis kindeg sDnton o7 vuiber Blphorili 97 Dopen arfe,i. Wedlar Dple,i Darcth Cider Djach andiis binves Stinking itive Dpchanet,{. Bikernet Drchis. and hig kindes 326 328 3255326,327 ta 228 205 Diengetre 1463 Drengebay 1613, Degany i wilde Darterome: Goats Dogany 66% Dipbanch 131, 1332 Maobug i.bitter Weteh Dipine and his kinves 519.520 Dratee,i . Flonrecde-tuce O&er 138 Dinundthe water tani Ctatecterne Great Dreheale1 IPeucr dping borage SUcottan,i.Cabacco Nigella and his Kindeg 3 —2 1087 3393340 339,340 350 351 360 6G 15225154.7 Span Mut ¥Vadnuts : ¢ ly nubi , ; Water nats Panaaaa ie Bdelton Paddocke Mooies 1584 584 Paigies og Cownips and his binded 7805781 Painted gratte 2G Palme tree, fos Date tyes Cdari ti tti = D. a 120, and46G Panag 02 tooundinozt,¢ bts kinds, ~ 100% Pannicke and his kinds Pannicke grate Small Pannicke grate Dankies oy Barte-sale 1548 1547 $23 84,852 Io re Qe0 e55 Paper reed 4o Parkeleanes $4.4. Poore mang parmacetp,i, Dhep hearvds arfe Pallewopts 78E Pratting parneil Parkelpand bis tinne 10TRE Wreake tone 594 artelp ptert,i.tnawelt 3y22 10 Purging o2 vomiting Nurg a8 1005 To$4,1985 HFoonc tive, fe Gotobedat Moone) Pats andhissindes 1438, 1437, 44x H2ntmnegue tree Anvia z 83 7s 1173 929 749;742 Pp 606,607 Hettte tree Dend oz blinde Mettic Roflebeed,'. Yarrow Pine 1232 Ditue Spurge DOnederry,i-herbe Paris Drelips Mevingwost of Meefetnort and his bint gs Slozmandp Wheat tiiet Dily Puife,oz selamum Dbe and his kinds 1339 Srerne u3g ME Ferufatem, of Cappadccia,o; Dara dice u8 fcartet 1242 Great Polme coke 1344 Ditander.s Rote bay Dilue treeand hig kind; Fndian Datmeaie Datgandhis kindeg Dte Thittie Dartandihh Bote Dreepeand hts kindes Dre tongque,.@tpipe Wagiohe N Pighthhade Sleeping o2 deadly Bed Zuchanters € re He trefoite oz thaub Crefoite, ioilde Clarp 772 AG ikort. Optker greene,. Sea LungoSwort 1131 Sted 07 Motloe Gate, DD Dilice vetch 1549 1453 1i77 QO 1§30 Money« boost 630 Moonewozt and his bindes 4055 464. 649 Mech oatan Durey Wesereon Sifard Devinwoob 1049 Molle Clufii &Lobclii 1630 RLoulepouder Roole Krife. i. Lyfimachia Lowery. i. Laarie} Aewie grafle Rungwort fca -UAyftwort, i. Sun Dew. MpGimachta, i. Lovie ferife, 465 Common MWaidenhatre 1146 Garden Matiow and hig kindes 928 Lonteherbeos Louleswort , i Atautsacre, tree Ladies thae, te our Tadic Rung flours Dur Aipper LAY Lupines anvhis Bindes 345 1118 1009 Magydare. 1007 Watdenrhatreandhis Mnves 143.1144. Marth Batiow Velloy Wailow Gonice Maiiow 969 Docke=Witlow 1601 Mocke-ppinet 1395 +1600 Wot orfoscerers Gariicke 183,184 Saffron, 57. Crefotle, 1185, Gzalle,r 1302 Ririconfancy,i. Dap Atlip. Aine in Wdienefle Wine tong, i. Spanith Dgyine, Hinerinozt and his Aindes Aithridate Kol fes bane M Wevdicke Fetch Sooser aLisng foot 02 pa 1533 hadies Genitraty 1126) Daur Ladieshare 1144 Davies combe 4040 Aadtes glatie,fee Uenng lobing gale. a aio LM) at Himewort, eg Vilcaria dlinden oz dine terse and his dindes baftars L Acca andbhig rotten tree ae ; Lily, i. Bolg The Table ofEnglithNames, : wD Bawa oO arkdike Prilop and his Rindes Dockes, fee oilibacke. Hogs beans. i. bite Dales : Hogs -Fenncit TOSS Pole, Solip,and. Vulner,with bis kinds 1345 D0'x9 0 Bipwort mozzice beils nut tress Crefles Pannicke Weanes Poplar MWowner,. Howowkall tre } Wallow wort, i, iifanck ieafe, i. Tamalapatra H Met Johns and his kindes Square H Fobns wort SN RS VOQu Permodadpius Pundebrerp and his Bindes: _uiaterand bts Rates 10! de Watkardyoz red Darky bleh Ss Ehroughboren Partelp 1624 Parlelp tuotten,.022,thenntain henge,ic22 ftone;.016, Wiid,r 5 IOI, oze } Gazven € wtide Parhey Cow Parlnep |