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Show SpRETO : ‘Lin. 2 a Lia. Of the Hiftorie = 9 66 ni Be pointed rough cods, conteinin fharpe wines x teen : . which follow there fiucced fiue, or fix tharpe p that of che former ¢ ; 6 feed aloft ite ~~Ofthe Hiftory of P lants. or baftard Acoc Matthiolus hath| vnproperly calledit P/éwdoaconitum,ch ; at Matt 5 at is,falfe ? that arguethalfo ¢ nite.A forwithout queftion thereis noworfe or more {peedie venomein the world, nor no A¢onite ortoxicall plant comparablé hereunto. And yet let vs confider the fatherly care. and prouidence fo venomous, namely his of God,who hath prouided a.conquerour andtriumpher ouer this plant which is the very antidote anthora, Anizoni/t, Antithora,or to fpeake in fhotter andfewer fyllables, finogth, orremedie againtt this kindeof Aconite. The talke of this plant is fmalland rufhie,very rvo orthtee handfuls hich : whereupon do grow two,three,or foureleatiés,feldomne more, which; 4 of be fomething hatd,rouiid {mooth,of a light greene colour tending to blewneffe, like the colour Of Woolfes-bane. C HAP, 372% t the kindes I ftalkes, of 4 ycllow the leanes of Woad,ni¢kedin theédges. The flouresgrow atthetopof the ; ‘ oo be diuers forts of Wolfes-bane: whereof fome bring forth flowers ofa yellow colour; others of ablew, ortending to purple: amongthe yellow ones thereare fomegreater, others leffer , fome with broader leaues, and others with narrower. 1 Thora Valdenjis. Broad leafed V Volfes-bane. ‘-g Thora montis Baldi, five Sabuidit. Mountaine VVolfes-bane, colour,leffer than thofeofthe field Crowfoct,otherwifealike : in the place therof groweth aknop or round headwherein is the feed the root confifteth of nine orten flenderclogs,with fome fmall fibers alfo,andthey are faftetred to2ether withlittle ftringsvnto one head, like thofe of the white ; Afphodill, 2 Wolfes-bane of the mountBaldtts hath one ftalke,{mooth andplaine,in the middle whereof come forth tivo leaues and nomore, whereinit differeth fromthe other of the Valdens, haying ’ likewife three or foure (harpe pointed leaues, narrow andfomewhat iaggedat the place where the falke dinidechit (elfe into {mallet branches , whereon do'grow {mall yellow floures like the precedent,but muchleffer. @ The Place. Thefe venomous plants doe grow on the Alpes, and the mountaines of Sauoy and Switzer- lind :the firft grow plentifully in the countrey of the Valdens, wheinhabite part ofthofe mountaines towards Italie. The other is found on Baldus,a mountaine of Italy. Theyare ftrangers in England gland. The Time, They floure in Marchand Aprill,their feed is ripe in Iunc, The Names, } : This kinde of Aconite or Wolfes-baneis called Thora,Taura,and Tura, it is futnamed /aldenfis, thatit may differ from Wapellas,or Monkes hood,whichis likewife named Tfora. Avicen maketh mentionof a certaine deadly herbe in his fourth booke,fixt Fen.called Farfiuns itis hard to affirme this fame tobe Thora Valdenjis. + Gefner indges thisto be the Aconitumpardalianchés of Diofcoridesy and heréin is followed by Baubine, t a G The Temperature and Vertues. Theforce of thefe Wolfes-banes, is mot. pernicious andpoifonfome, and: (as it:is teported) A ciceedeth the malice of Nypellus, orany of the other Wolfes-banes,as we haue {aid) ; They {ay that it is of fuch force, that ifa man efpecially,andthennext any foure footed beaft B Se wounded with an arrowor other inftrument dippedin the ittice hereof, they.die within halfean houre after remedileffe. re were formerly foure figures in this chapter, with as mativ defcriprions,though the plants figured and Aeferibed were but two, to which number reducda ‘The two former,which were by the names of Pthora Valdenfit mds andfemina, thusdiffered the male hadonly two large round leaues,and the #¢. Theother two being alfo ofone plantate more deeply cue in vpon the top ofthe leaces,which arc fewer and leffer thar thu(e ofthe forméx, Cuar.373.. Of Winter Wolfes-bane« S| Fhe Defcriptions G The Defcription. owe He fist kinde of Aconite,of fomé called Thora,others adde thertothe place Valdenfin” hich Fethe aie in great abundance, which is the Alps, and call it Thora t0 name of the Greek word ssi, fignifying corruption, poifon,or death,wht i ; effetsof this pernicious plant: for this they vfe very much in poifons, cones infec their arrowheads,the more {peedily and'deadly to difpatch the wilde: a , (0808 int , annoy thofe mountaines of the Alpes : to which purpofe alfo itis brought y ll che 40 neete vnto thofe places tobe fold tito the hunters, the iuice thereof be pol ¢ rch blow! whee forth,.and fo kept inhornes and hoofes' of ‘beafts, for the moft fpeedie 3cut a’ ay in e therewith, leaueththe wound vncureable(ifit but onely ‘ly for anarrowtouched qu’ G fpecdily -the fleth. bee entereth in) except that round about the wound if ae ry) sane pagSA ofAconite is called Aconitt mhyemale Belgarum,of Dodoueus, Aconitum luteim of ie ee comeforth leautes wolfes-bane,whofe yellow (mal deat aaa Volfes-bane,or inthe his leaties a oures; e cold, - t OPW itereanhy rite bearing thefhow vpon their heads of is re oe as larger and fairer is,the fhow thatthe deeper the is,and . zs a _ atier rane ade ie Oe jsaibe lefier is the floure,and worfe coloured; thefe : fo ae et or iag ee eT diatly fro. nthe roorwith a naked, foft,and flender ftem, don : Ye Secu atin eding faire greene colour,in the Midt Oe Me ne uo ny , %, or fathioa like vnto thie coum on field Crow, fooratie a oe an. sé the other kindes of Aconites’: the root is thicke,y tuberous, rm Gi 7%: |