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Show Of the’ Hiftorysot Plants, Lise, is 23 which fend forth roots after roots. Whereby it isenident that this root whereofw € intteat js“ fot this kinde ofEriphinm. Concerping Thefium the old Writershauewritten butlittle ; Theophra fius faith,that the root thereofis bitter, and being {tamped purgeth) the belly. P/zy,in his 21, booke, 1 Aquilegia carulea, Blew Columbines. OFthe Hiftory of Plants: 2 Aquileia rubra. Red Columbineés: chap..17.fheweth, that rhe root whichis.called 7 efiumis like the bulbed plants, and. is roughin tafte: Athenaus citing Timachiqa for an Authour, faith, that Thefinm is calleda flourejofwhichapi. adnes garland was made. Thefe things feeme well to agree with Hollow. roor s.for it is bumped or bulbous,oftafte bitter and auftere or fomething rough, whichis alfo thought to purge ; burwhat certaintie can beaffirmed,feeing the old writers are {o briefe > what manner of herbe Capuos. Cheli- doniaiswwhichgrowethby hedges,and hereuponis furnamed es2;,ume, Aetins doth not expound, onely the namethereofis found in his fecond Tetrab.the third booke, chap. 110.in Afartianushis Cal amand inhis Tetrab. 3.booke,2 .chap.amongfuchthings as ftrengthenthe liuer.But ifCapos Che. lidoniabe thatwhichPliny in his 25,booke,chap.13.dothcall Prima Capaos, or the firk Capnes, and commendethit for the dimneffe ofthe fight,it is plain enough that Rad/x caua,or the Hollow 100t, is hot Capos Chelidonia: for Plinies firft Capaos is branched,and'foldethirfelfe vpon hedges:but Hollowroot hatlrno fuch branches growing on it,and is a low herbe, andis not held\ pwith props,nor needeth them.But if detins his Capnos Chelidoniabe anotherherb differing from that ofPay(which thing perchance was thécaufewhy it fhould bee furnamed Chelidonia) there is fomereafon why it fhould be called CapuosChelidonia,forit is fomewhatlike Fumitorie in leaves, though greater,and commethvp at thefirft {pring, which is about the time when the Swallowes docomeinsneverthe- leffe it doth not follow,thatit is true and-right Capos Chelidonia,tor there be alfo other betbscom- ming vpat the famefeafon,and perifh in fhort time after, which notwithflanding are not called Chelidonia. © <The Temperature, ‘Hollowrootis hot and drie,yet more drie than hot,thatis to fay,dry in the thitd degree, and hot in the fecond, it bindeth,clenfeth,and fomewhat wafteth, A . q The Vertues. ‘ Hollow root is good againft old and longlafting fivellings of the Almondsinthe throat, and of the iawes: it likewife preuaileth againft the paines ofthe hemorrhoides,which are fivolne and painefull,being mixed with the ointment of Poplar buds, called 7g. Populeon. : Itisreported thata dram weight hereofbeing taken inwardly,doth purge by fiege,and draweth forth flegme. a T Jefe Jeftche T Thayereduced the eight fgures which were formerly here put to the firft 8 defcriptions, being all fone and the fame plant, totWo = have defcriptions, which in my opinion mighthaue beenas well fpared as thefigures, for exceptingthe various colour of the floures thereare but twos of the Fumaria bulbofi maior, the onc hauing ahollowneffe inthe bottome of the root, and the other wantirgit, andthis whichbaththe eeie greene leaues berweencthe foures cut in or diuided, the floures2lfo are leffe, more in number, and of an elegant 1¢d purple colour; and ieldome other colour, whereas the other varies much inthe colour of tlre floures. Seen eS. Cuar.° 447. Of(Columbine. @ The Defiription, F : f fe Jer,inynder,! , + He blew Columbine hathleaues like the great Celandine,but fomew i i whe W dented on the edges,parted into diuers feGions,ofa blewith greene colour, Cs ing broken yeeld forthlittle inice or none at all: the ftalke is a cubit anda ball flender,reddifh,and fleightly haired ; the flender {prigs whereof bring forth eueric haceDr with five little hollow hornes,asit were hanging forth,with {mall Jeaues ftanding ypUS he fhape of little birds:thefe floures are of colour fomtimes blew,at other times ofared l I tenwhite,or ofmixt colors,whichto diftinguith feuerally would be to {mal purpofe, » : fo familiarly knowne toall: after the floures grow vp cods,in whichis contained EI sige mani glittering {eed: the rootsare thicke, with fome ftrings thereto belonging, which cont yeares. é he ars are Gt 2° The fecond dothnotdiffer fauing in the colout of the floures ;. for like as bee deribed.to beb lew, fo thefe are ofa purple red,or horfe-flefh colour, which maketh ee 3. Thedouble Columbinchath flalks, leayes,androots,like the former:theflour’ very double,that is to fay,many of thofélittle floures(hauing the forme of birds)are a to the belly. ofanother,fometimes blew,often white , and other whiles ofmixt Bea Lift to play withherlittle ones,differing fo infinitely,that to diftinguiththemapa*t 3 Aquilina multiplex: Double Columbines? $ 4. Aquilegia variegdas Variegated Columbine? |