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Show ee or Oeahe ) Hittory of Plants, pfacus minor, five Virgapaftoris, q The Defcription, Sheepheards-rod. Ofthe Hittorie of Plants. Liss Ze 7 ArdenTeafel is alfo ofthe number of the Thiftles it bringeth forth a Rat {log q The Vertves. There is {mall vfe of Teafell in medicines : the heads (as we haue faid) are vfed to dicfle woolponer Sie lencloth with. Digforides writeth,that the rootbeing boiled in wine, & ftamped till it is come to the fubftance ftalke that is ttraight, very long, iointed,andful ofprickles:the leaues grow forth of the ioints bycouples, not onely oppofiteor fet one right againft another,butalfo compat. ofafalue,healeth chaps and fiftulaes of the fundament, ifit be applied thereunto; and that this medicinemuft be referuedina box of copper, and that alfo it is reported to bé goad for all kindes of fo faftened, that they holddewand taine water likething that Pliny reporteth of Galedragon: for they are nothing elfe but moft vaine andtrifling fing the ftalke about,andfaftened together,and in manner ofalittle bafon: thefebe long, ofa light greenecolour,andlike to thofe ofLettice, but full of prickles in the edges,and haueon the outfide all along ft the ridge ftiffer prickles: on the tops ofthe ftalkes ftnd heads with thatpe prickles like thofe of the Hedge-hog,and ctoo- king backwardat thepoint like hookes: outof whichheadsgrowlittle floures: Thefeedis like Fennell feed, and in tafte bitter: the heads wax white whenthey growold, andthere are found in the midft ofthem whentheyare cut, certaine little magots : the rootis white, and ofameane length. 2. The fecond kindeof Teafell whichisal- warts. Itisneedleffe here to alledge thofe things that are added touching the little wormes or magots found inthe heads of the Teafell, and which are tobe hanged about thé necke,or to merition the toies,as my felfe haue proued alittle before the impreffion hereof, hauing amoft gricuous ague and of long continuance: notwithftanding Phyficke charmes,thefe worms hanged about inyneck, fpidets put intoa walnut fhell, and diuers fuch foolith toies that I was conftrained to takebyfantafticke peoples procurement;norwithftanding I fay,my helpe came from Godhimfelfe, for thefé medicines and all other fuch things did me no good arall. oisin chit tht theche leanYeau st + Thefigore which formerly was put into the {econd place,was of . the Dipfacns (ecundus ofm Tabernamenzanus, whichi differs from out common one, wedeeply divided, or cur in on their edges. Cuar. 488, $1 Curthamns fine Cricus Of Baftard Saffron. + 2 Cnicus alter cerulews . Baftard Saffron. foakindeof Thiftle,is very like vntotheformer, but his leaues are {malfer&narrower:his floures Blew floured Baftard Saffron; ofa purple colour,andthe hooks of the Teafell nothing fo hard or fharpe as the other,norgood for any vfein drefling ofcloath. : 3. There is another kinde ofTeafell, being SF wilde kinde therof, and accounted among thete Thiftles, growinghigher than the reft of his kindes ; but his knobbed heads are nobiggerthan @ Nutmeg, inall other things elfe they are like to the other wilde kindes. + Thishath thelower leaues deeply cut in with one gathon eachfide at the bottome of the leafe, whichlittle eats = mitted in the figure: the leaues alfcare leffe than the former, and narrower at the fetting 00, aM hold no wateras the two formerdo: the whole plantis alfo muchleffe. ¢ : 1 The Place. . The firft called the tame Teafell is fowne : this countreyin gardens,to ferue the vie ofFullers and Clothworkers. 3 The fecond kinde growethin moift places by brookes,riuers,and {uchlike places. Henning: Thethird f found growing in moift places in the high way leading from Laoat a fom ham caftle in B ffex,and notin any other place except here & therea plant _vponthe ne Cordes, Much-Dunmowto London. +I found it growing in great plentie at Edgecombe by clofeby the gate of the houfe ofmy much honouredfriendSir John Tunstall. “10)""” q| The Time. Thefe floure for the moft part in Iune and luly. The Names. aed CA Teafell is called in Greeke sitaus, and tikewite in Latine, Dipfacus, Labrum ere Veneres sit is termed Labrum Veneris,and Lauer Lanacrum, ofthe forme ofthe leaues ea «ot fhion ofa bafon, whichis neuer without water : they commonly call it Vira sll Cardenthe Carduus fullonum: in high Dutchkarden Difkell : in low Durch,Gaerden: in Spant thengs iM andCardo Penteador: in Italian, Diffaco, and Gardo : in French, Chardon defoullon,Verge Englith, Teafell,Carde Teafell,and Venus bafon. eee book the rent Thethird is thought tobe Galedragon Plini : ofwhichhe hath writtenin his 27- Chapter. A q The Defiription, | The Temperature. - 9 a certaine Therootes of chefe plants are drie.in the fecond degree , and haue 4 ¢¢ cultie, clenlig fa chen q 1 7 Nicus,called alfo baftard Saffron,which mayvery wel be reckoned among the Thiftles, tifeth vp with @ ftalke of a cubite anda: halfe high, ftraight, fmooth,round,hard, and wooddy& branched at thetop: itis defended with long leauesfemthing bread,tharp pointed; FEFEE |