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Show 872 Of the Hiftorie of Plants. Lin.2, Ofthe Hiftory ofPlants, Lip. 2 @ The Vertnes, » \Mechoncan Peruvianas , 3 Mechoacan. Diofcorides faith, that the roots do purge waterifh humours, andare goodfor fuchas have the dropfie; ifthey be boiled in wine,adding vnto thewinea little fea water, and: bee drunkein three Bryonie ofPeru. Bryonie of Mexico, ounces offairefrefh water : he {faith furthermore,that the fruit or berries doth takeawaythe Sun. B__ butne and other blemifhes of the skin. The berries do not onelyclenfe and remouefuchkindeof fpots,but doalfovery quicklywate and confume awayblacke and blew marks that come of bruifes anddrie beatings, which thing al. fo the roots performe being laid vpon them. C The young andtender {proutings are keptin pickle,and referuedtobe eatenwith meatas Dir/, corides teacheth, Matthiotus writeth that theyareferued at mens tables alfo in our age in Tulcanie: others report the like alfo to bedone in Andalofia,one of the kingdomes of Granado. D Iris faid that fivine feckeafter the roots hereof,;which theydig vp and eatwith no leffedelisht than theydo the roots ofCyclaminus,or Panis porcinus, whereuponit was called Cyclaminus alter, or Sow-bread ; if this reafonftand for good, then maywe in like manner iome hereunto manyother roots,and likewife call them Cyclaminus altera,or Sow-bread: for fwine do notfeeke after theroots ofthis onely,digge themvp and greedily deuoure them, but theroots of diuersother plants alfo, ofwhich noneare of the kindes of Sow-bread. It wouldtherefore bea point of rafhneffe toaffim Tamus or out Ladies-feale to be a kinde of Sowbread,becaufe the roots thereofare pleafant meat tofiine. ; E Therootfpred vpon apiece of fheepes leather, in manner ofaplaifter whileft itis yet frefh and green,taketh awayblacke or blew marks, all {cars and deformitie of the skin, breaketh hard apoftems,drawethforth fplinters and broken bones,diffolueth congealed bloud,and being laid on and vfed vponthe hip or huckle bones, fhoulders,armes,or any other patt where thereisgreatpainand ache,it taketh it awayin hort {pace,and worketh veryeffectually. ‘t ‘The figure that was formerly inthe fecond place of this chapter di¢ no waies agree with the difcciption forIt was ofthe DViernayor Teauellorsiog(hereafter to be mentioned; (which Tabernemonterus, whofe Ggures our Author made vie of ) calls Vitis migra fecunds, ne Cuar. 322. Of Bryonie ofMexico. ’ texbias cartaifievrsh xiat, and therefore Bawhine hath called it Bryonia Afechodean aigri- | The Defcription. ‘Hat plant which is nowcalled Mechoacan,or Bryonie of Mexico,com! meth verie neere the kinds ofBindweeds,in leaues and trailing branches,but in roots! ike the Briones; for there fhootethftom the root thereofmanyJong flendét rendrelsvhich do infiniteat ly grafpe and clafpe about fuch thingsas grow or flandnext ynto them: whereupon gt broad Ieaues fharpc pointed,ofa darke greene colour,in fhapelike thofe ofour Ladies-fea a whatroughand hairie,and little biting the tongue :among the leaues come forth the ee Nicolaus Monardus writeth) not vnlike thofe of the Orenge tree,but rather ofthe golly Peot dead nelah pil poe Bpuek hereof, [ It is asootlike Mechoacamput coueted with ablackifi azoneont rt ee r rather grayifh) on the infide: and cut into flices,it was brought fome yeares Silles eae ig oy the AAG ofChelapasor Gelapa: Itis called by thofe of Alexandria and Mar- The tite. eaaia as fiiofehiofe of Marfeilles itis thought the blacke or male Mechoacan - quickly flames rit in facuiei ee ee by reafonof the much gummineffe, put to the fire it fe fle it tnore Garam . siears the common Mechoacan ;. forby reafor of the great gumimithens the liner and eeee Satay witha little griping, alfo it principally flrensOperation withournanteouticetes Yee afely givenin the weight of 3j.and perforniesthe loue,con{ifting offiue fmall leaues : out of the middeft whefeofcommethforth a little c yaa peftell in manner ofa round lumpe,as big.as a Hafell nut,which being diuided witha thinSo houres before mica. ah con oe ya ually giuen in Succorie water, ot fomé thin broth'three {eeds,as bigze as Peafe, in colour blacke and fhining. The rootis thicke andlong, vente there is Souris ie: i @ The Place. : are . A vipat Me write that wech, vate the citie Spaine, neéte in the Prowince of* Newa5. found fir{t was oacae OF Mexico Or Mexi at a : iz ies called vez can,whereof it tooke his name, It groweth liketvife in a prouince ofthe Wet membrane, that commeth through it, openeth into two parts,in each whereofare contg the root of white Bryonie,whereof we mae this a kinde,although in the tafte ofthe i) tafteat oo difference: forthe root of white Btyonie hath bitter tafte,and this hath little orno all. f in2 The Bryony,or Mechoacan of Peru groweth vp with manylongtrailing flexible ca terlaced withdiuers Vinie tendrels,whichtake hold offurch things as are next OF net ere euenin fuch manner ofelafping and climing as doth the blacke Bryonie,or wine Vine © itis very likealmoft in cach refpeé,{auing that his moffic floures do fimell very fw as yet I haue not obferued,byreafon that the plantwhich doth grow in my garden choacan that hath been brought from Mexicoand other places ofthe Weft Indies of a cet by = figure fhould feeme to anfwer thatof the wilde Vine,but as yet thereof Tcanne - romus, 10 thatwasabout-1ér9. It hath beenelittle vfed here till within “taraguaand 9vito, whereit is thought the beft doth gtow. Trbearerh ts. ys gotld iy @ The Names. tiés,oy epeename as is faid,of the prouincein whichitis found. Some takeiit tobe Bryonie pe bath litle ae ot Bryiae : but feeing the rootisinothing bitter , but rather without tafte, it 6 the fame,byoccafion ofthe great rain and intemperate weather that hapned in An.t er rigbele in good hopetofee it inhis perfe tion, & then we fhall cafily iudge whether it be Ae 5 The tainly, # 3 fore he fer forth his prods ue f coe faith it was firft brought to thefeparts clewén yeres thisten yeares, + emes 3 oy fant which feet10 Thereisbrought tovs and intovfe of late time the root ofanother plant, bamor white Rabat ryote’; for the root of Bryonic ts verse bitters Ditiers namieit R4aa/- tC micht Yeetd eae ut vaproperly,being nothing like- Ivcommeth néere vnto Scammony,and mn EY eas sohests feemeth tobe Scammoninm qnoddin'Americanuim,ora certain SeamOt is keane as wee haue fayd, after the manner of ee: Pitch ene and thicke: the viuice hath but little tafte; as alfo hath this of Meved in Englith , Mechoca and Mechocan, and may bee called ,Jadian Bry- Ddddj be Th |