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Show iain Nasitet Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. Cuar. 63. 1 Panicum Indicum ——— Of dec alee L Luis. oe pate Panick anick. { Ofthe Hiftory of Plants: 85 + 3 Tothefe may beaddedanother Weft-IndianPanicke,fent to Clufizs from M. tames Ga. vet ofLendon. The care hereofwas thicke, clofe, compact and made Taper-fathion, {maller at the one endthan at the other; the length thereofwas morethan foot & halfe. The fhape of the feed is muchlike the laftdeferibed, but thar many of themr together are containedin one hairie huske, whichis faftnedtoa vety fhotrftalke, as you may {€ereptefented apatr by thefide of the figure + q Thekindes. Sire fundry forts of Panicke , although of the Antients there haue beene fet downebut two,thatis to fay, the wildeorfield Panicke, and Ss 4 Panitund vuleare. J , : Common or Germane Panicke, 5 Panicum [ylueftre. yine) ; Wild Panicke. the garden or manuredPanicke, q The aefcrip tin, He Panick of India groweth vplike Millet, whofe ftrawis knotty, orfull of ioynts; the ears be round andhaning downward, inwhichis contained awhite ot yellowithfeed, like Canarie feed,or Alpifti. 2 Blew: Panick hath a reddith ftalke like to Sugarcane, astall asaman, thicker thana finger, full ofa fungous pith,ofa pale colour : the ftalkes be vpright and knotty ; thefe that grow neere the root are of a purple colour : on the top of the ftalk commethforth a {pike or care like the water Cats Taile, but ofa blew or purple colour. The Seed is like to naked Otes : The Rootsare very {mall, inrefpeé ofthe otherparts ofthe plant. w nas £3 Panicum Americanun: fpicalongiffime. Weft-Indian Panicke with a very long eare, SS lS Py a) K by PN * , ZL. 4 GermanePanicke hath many hairy roots growing thicke togetherlike vnto wheat,asis alf the reft ofthe plant, as well Jeaues or blades, as ftraw or ftalke. The care groweth at the top fin- gle, not vnlike to Indian Panicke,but muchleffer, The graines are contained in chaffie feales,red declining to tawny. : ; 5 Thewilde Panicke groweth vpwithlong reedenftalkes,full ofioynts, fet with long leaues like thofe ofSorghum, or Indian Panicke: the tuft or feather-like top is like vnto the common reed, or theeare of the graffe called /¢hemon,or Manna graffe. Therootis fmallandthreddy, @| The place andtime. na The kindes of Panick ate fowenin the Spring, andareripe in the beginning ofAuguft. They profper beft in hot and dry Regions,and wither for the moft partwith much watering,as doth Mil and Turkywheat: they quickly come toripeneffe, and may be kept gooda long time. | The names. Panick is called in G trousc, aNdwri. Diocles the Phyfition nameth it Mel Frugum : the Spaniards, Panixo > the Latines, Panicum, of Pasnicula : in Englith, Indian Panicke, or Otemeale, @| The temperature. Panicks nourith little, and aredriets,as Galen faith. _ @ The vertuess Panickeftoppeththelaske, as iA Millet doth, being boyled(as Pliny reporteth), in Goats milke, A 1drunke twice inada rardly in Pulteffes or otherwife, itdries and coales. ad made ofPanickn heth little, and is cold anddry,very brittle, hauing in it neither ; and therefore irdrieth a moift belly. POI Chapi |