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Show gz —Diet. Of the Hittorie of Platits, floures in formeare likethe other, but in colourdiffering ; forthae the hollowpart of the floure Ofthe Hiftory ofPlants. 1. Aphodelus non ramofus; with the heeleor fpurre is ofa purple colour, the reft' of the flouré yellow. The feed and veffels are like the precedent, LM 2 Afphodilys/rabsofies. White Afphodill, Branched Afphodill, 3 Gratangonon Euphrofine. Eyebright Cow-wheat. q The defiription, 3. This kinde of wilde, Cow-wheat Tabernan montanus hath fet forth vnderthe title of Odontives; others haue takenit tobeakinde of Euphra. fia or Eyebright, becaufe it doth in fome fort refemble it, efpeciallyin his flouress The ftalks of this plant are fmall, woody, rough, and {quare, Theleaues are indented about the edges, {harpe pointed, and in moft points tefembling thefor. - mer Cow-wheat; fothat ofneceflitie it mutt be ofthefame kinde, and nota kinde of Eyebright, as hath beene fet dewne by fome; holino @fDheplace, Thefe wilde kindes of Cow-wheat doe grow commonly infertile paftures,and buthy‘Coptes, orlow woods ; and among buthes ¥pon barren heaths and {uchlike places. The two firft doe grow vpon Hampfted heath fieere London,among the Iuniper buthes and bil- berry bufhes in all the parts of the faidheath, ; * in cuety part of England whereI hauetraucl. ed, @|. The time. Theyfloure from the beginning ofMay,tothe end ofAuguft, X_ | The names. The firkt is called of Lobelins, Crateogonen : and of Tabernamontanus , Milium Syluaticum, ot WoodMillet, and Alfine [yluatica, or Wodds Chickweed. Thefecond haththe fametitles: in Englith, Wilde Cow-whear, Thelaft is called by Tabernamontanus, odontites : of D odoneus, Eupbrafia altera,and Euphropwe. Hippocrates called the 2 3 wilde Cow-wheat, Polycarpum, and Polycritum, |. The nature andvertues. There isnot muchfet downe either ofthe nature orvertues ted that the feeds do caufe giddineffe and drunkenneffe as of thefe plants : onely it is reporDarnell doth. shheee! Crataggonon madeinfine pouderand giuenin broth orotherwife, mightily prouo- Somewrite, that it will likewife caufe women q The defiription. He white Afphodill hath manylong and narrowleaueslike thofe of lecks, fharpe pointed. Theftalke is round, fmooth, naked, and withoutIcaues, two cubits high, garnifhed' from the middle vpwardwith a numberoffloutesftarre-fafhion, madeoffiue leaues apiece, the 2 colourwhite, with fome darke purple ftreakes drawne downe the backe-fide. Within the floures be certaine fiall chives. The floures being paft, there {pring vp little round heads, wherein are ’ contained hard, blacke, and 3 fquare feedslike thofe of Buck-wheat or Stauef-acre. The tootis compact of many knobbyroots growing out of onehead,like thofe oftlie Peonic, full of juyce, witha {mall bitterneffe and bindingtafte. to bring forth male children, t Seethe vertues attributed to Crataogonon by Diofcorides before, Chap.38.B. 2 Branched Afphodill agreethwell with the former defcription,fauing that this hath many branches or armes growing outofthe ftalke, whereon the floures do grow, and the other hath nor any branchat all, wherein confifteth the difference. 3 Cuar. 70. OfWhitees phodill, fetteth forth the difference,ifthere be any fuchdifference, or any fuch plant arall : for I haue con- q] The kindes, - it followeth to thew vate youthe fundry forts of A fphocots, other tuberous or knobby roots, fome of yellow a gegen maketh mention butofene Afphe ere is themalea »faying, female Afphodil.i. The latter ageh,ath obferued many more befidé , G4Zea maketh mention, 6 y more befides the bulbed one,2 ofwhich abe ¢ owne two; which Dionyfis confirmeth, faying, That there Afphodill with the reddith floure growethvpinroots, ftalke, leafe, and manner ofgrowing like the precedent, faningthat the floures of this be ofa dark red color,8¢ the others white,which is the male an 1 Afphodelus ferred with many moft excellent men in the knowledge of plants, but none of themcan giue mee certaine knowledge ofanyfuch, but tell me they haue heardit reported thar fucha one there is, and fo haue I alfo ; but certainly I cannotfet downe any thing of this plant vntill I heare more certaintie : for as yet I giuenocredit to my Authour, which for reucrence ofhis perfon I forbeare toname, 4 The yellow Afphodill hath manyroots growing out of one head, made of fundry rough, fat, and oleous yellow {prigs,or groffe ftrings,from thewhichrife vp many grafly leaues,thick and groffe, tending to {quarenefie ; among the which commethvpa ftrong thicke ftalke fet with the like leaues euentothe floures, but leffe: vpon the whichdo growftarre-like yellow floures,other- wife like the white Afphodill. H 3 3 Aphodius |