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Show The Table of Vercues, The Table of Vertues. i Good for Fnfinmitios of thekidnies,g27,.519,¢.801, c. 859, & 7436.877 sh, 1OBI;C.1 437,41 52996 See Miduetes. Good for Fnfi of the bladder.899,b.1408,¢,k.fee Wiader. 8253684 syh.10.07,2.1012, denote. i (Good for Zukirmities of the Cheft.s130.776,a.Sce Chet, Goodfor Fnfirmitieg ofthe Fundament,681,d,Scee fandament, Good asaini Zinfiemitieg of the finewes.783,¢ 1055,h. See Sis Againk Bufiemities in theearce,rs4.6 To helpe the Fnflammations of thé almonds, throat, and other parts adioyning.87$,2.127 4,2.147 9,2.1$08,b, {ee PimondsTo help Jnflammationg of the dags.o5, c. Agsink inflammations newly b 7636. 1394, m.1413, da 1460,8.1508,b. Aremedyagain& the Jnflammation of the ftones, 95)G355 2 X2T1,qs Todiffoluc Jntginmationg ofthe breatt, lungs, and rougharteFie.395,f853,1-855,b.9 115¢.1303, k, Do helpeorcate Jnflammationgs of thecics.o9, 4215¢.6265b.8523¢.1107,f.122 550, 141 35% Sec Good againit all inward Jnflammations. 306, b 1263,9.142032.1533,b, Againft the Jinflammationg of the raines, 64,h, 395 1$33,b.1608,¢. 5 Focoole the Jnflammation of the liuer.s 7 2,b.437,g.8 53k. goo d.x431,b.Sce Liner. Good tor Fuflammations of che fundament,4505b.807,k.1225,0 12597 E134 ,013: x Totake awayorcure all Jnfammationg.37, 08 g. 4, le *85§2,2.8 God for Lamenefle 1180.2. Good againft the Laghe.36,2.395,a.6+% b, Goodfor thofe that are troubled with a hot Lagke. 36,%% S11,¢.820,a,r 32650 To ftop or ftay the dlaske.71,d 79,2.8¢,a,116jb2 £.3.96,k.398,f.4.00,b.522,).541,a. €7%,b, 698 876,a,881,£883,1.895,a.93 5,h.992, d.o93,ab; 1027, d. 103 544,1043,a,1046,b.1069,8.1073 a1 131j¢. LTO 5201 45500 TT ¥0,a.1194,a 1224,b t24¢.0.1257,y.1 26, 1328,a.1331,:1341,b.13§6,6.1368,91379,f 1413, 0.043252, 1440,d.1443.f1445,b.14 475¢,145 1,b.14595 by 1466,b 1475 » . = 1491,¢-1494,¢.1§01,b,15¢8,a.1538,b. 1564. Good tor them that would be HLeane.1 y 23.4.1 42350,1472, 8, Toprocure ALecherte: Sce Wodtip and Anft. Totakeaway fi ingofthe legs.69,a. 1 531,d. Good againft the manginefle of tlie degs. 870,k.1461,b, Tohelpetheold achesand paineia the dlegs.28r,b, Fo curcolda hic vicers inthe Legges, 700,4.87.0;ks Toki Reopardsyo 32. Goodforfuchas f 10$§,h.11809,¢.1 3 Toeafe the Isprofie, 7.934.378 30:5 06,d $4552 1608, F,1619,b. ¥45991460361478,8.1488, h.1518,1. To cure members outof Joint, 196,d.782,3.794,h.845, k; 876,¢. 906,d.91 6 3m, 1907,€.1 134 d.t14852, 1388.6 To cure the fhakingsof che Joints decliningto thepalfiee Sce HShakings. To helpcachtsand paines in the PFolts.274,b.1053,b,1180,a ¥233,6,125 7500153 2.21612, c. To ftrengthen the Joints 532, a, To aflwoge or diffoluc {wellings in the feintg 77,050.93 5s81257,D Good for weeping wounds of the Fotnts,s3 4, b, Tohelpe the long continual! paine of the Fotutg, 861,25 Tocure the Fichtatica.Sce SetaticaFer mansinvoluntarie Gllue.Sce Gonorrhea. To ftay or Lop all Flues of bloud.35 5, cg21,b. 565,0.631,b.935) 419935¢-95354.998,a.1012, b,104354.1047;t, 4069; 2.1237, b. 1264,1~12B45 52,13 68,2-1413,.1443,6 14519041475, 2,149 1:Ce 1499:21578,b-See Flureg of bloud, Tobe laid vpon Fllyes.2 59, fF. ; aes inthe corners ofthe cies,so9,f. away the Zitehing of the cics.1043,d. 25 ¢,¢.1$27,b) To creche Fteh ofthe body.3 43,h.497 iets a ee 9226,1.1298 ,0+1 33332-1465,m.1608, a F, ty K Botake away theinflammation of the Zsernels vader the cares, dawwes, neck me-holesand flankes,7044 4.131 191.139 336 THRO SC « TFocomiume or walle away hard fwellings ofthe ernelg. $18,a0 es 652-13 620.1511, 8. apaink Asthev heclos.46,d,13 5,4,35931.529,a¢811, 1.9485 ke WA2Fpei 22651.1584,b. = Porapenfkoppings of the tidmrtes, 42134.5 34.b.661,¢.885,f,1023, Oe 52:1945 0-10 53,8.0112,b, 131 45.1431, Fe clenile the Ridutes.239,¢.574,b.623,3,626.d. 84252010325 f TOG jH.53 642-1373 ,41S 110594; c Goddforthe viccrs of the Htontes.Sce Gticerg and Qicerattong. ‘Te fixengchen the LADUS-3356.1065, G1 264, |. 302,%1612,c. Tobreake anddriucforth the ftoncand grauell in the tonics: t ¥437,6:1444,b.1510,0,Sec Grauelland Stone. Soodfor toallwagethe painc ofthe tfonieg,3 59,2.714,c.874, b. 857sh. 4843b.1017,8.1032,C,10 5§ 5b. 11.453k, 1206,6.1315, Ne 1437,4.1444,b.1502,a.1517,D. Goed for the dugges of Hainethat lraue beene bit by avenomous, + worme,or are chapt 789,a+ Povfolten the Ringssentl, 51.2 66,c. Toconfum cand wafte away the Hings-cutil.st2,a.609,b.61 9,8 79453-8104 10g5.d. 1211421 8,0.0315,m.1362,d, 1511, 0, . ES86,a:1619,¢, Podifoluchnd ture che Hings-enitt,366,c.602,i, 9175%0783,h5 233;'d.vo0g, ¢ 578,b.688,ik. Sor ay ay MEDEP.57 558 870,8,883.0.890,2,077,4.13 §35tts IOL25 e897961207, A1325;F 139652, 1408,k+1426 , cy Rood “9g Good againft Lentflg.248,¢,366,¢.1008 c, To rake away Wentils inthe face.13 2,h.360,¢.912, {hy Tokill dice 495,b 6472. 858,4,1379,b.1492,b.1549, be Todriuc Lice our of thebeard, head ,andallother t parts of the bos dy.4o5,b,c, Tohealedlicheng (that is tetters or rir gwormes)inchildren of young 1 ANtSs1499,6 Toprefcrueard prolong the ALife of man,832,ni Forchaps of the Lips. {ce Dhaps. Good for the Liner.395,0,¢.419,b,434,b 6495£.877,16692,¢.:103 2.6 1041,b,1126,4,1162,b.u94' 148 $524 303), To coole the hor bu g or infammationofthe Aimer.284, a. 306,b,852,2.178,d1204,2 01565, 2.160850) Sec Jusanima tion. To helpe obftru@ions of the Ui 424,¢.442,b *534,b.5485a.578, a,'d $5654.98 #b.59,b1016,b.109 8.109740. 17030412 437ace 334+343.750.1447 re ,b.1472, f.14733b.1508,2.19 47 2,847 452 3 sb 508, 8.15 2650152 25,d153 4,01 To mollifieand take away the hard fwellings of the Ufuer. 242,ce Toftrengthen the ALttitt.3.95,2.7 13,2 10895¢.197;¢, 1264. kagoi,f 1§25,€61§ 34,4.1536,4.1538.b.1619,b.1622,b, A good medicine againft dLoathing of meat, 1097,b.1303,¢ 1408,4 A ALoorh for an old cough & ftufting ofthe Lurgs 647, c. ‘ Yoftay the dLonging of women withchilde,i451,e.{ce alometn dLottons fer cankers & foresin childrens mouths,1;74,i.fec Wated A medicine againft the SoSpfieeui'.441,1.¢. : ie and hard L.uimps in any partofthe body.96,b, 94,b: 10 58.h, : e dLunaticke perfon 958,b, Good fer €.991 bai Toopeno ¢ Hunaticke.798; d. Aungs.629,b. 77632.779,b.867,0.877,h +881,d, 89% 1032,€5448;k.§1t,b.1¢71,b, souc obftrudtions ot for pings cf theunags.260 586,C.653,¢.849,1.91659 T024,2,12575q.1302,a,1 428,b Againft deftillations ypon the WNgs.270,h. ie Toclenfe the Langs.32,4,175,2.574,b.6 For the confumption of the ILungs.1 5. 940,c, 1040,¢ 1448,2.1303,k.1356.c.143 To help the Aungs inflamed.s80,b 629,b,708,¢, 8522, 1871,b Good againft the cotigh ef the TUNGS-644,°,694 i Goodforthe Lunag ffed with raw cold} 6yk 36.106 05 6 6,) b,x Ge Againft the rifing and fuffocation of the Mother, 245,328, ay 359,b» 653,¢. 692, b. "743, 4-814, b. 984, f 1007,m. 10095¢) M Medicine againit Datmette; 395%5725 and To take « a MWadnetke proceeding of melancholy 2 the fpleenc, 578,b. 977,08 Mrs To cure the biting ofi940 togs, 80s, too2,er1004,0.Sce ting, MBad,and Dog. aaa Maggots; 13°9.8+ kill againe the To ie teen atthe ne Sickeneffe, and fend 1633,¢. 104952. 1055,), renninlas Tomoll.ficandfoften the foresofthe Mother, 1362,¢e Toclenfe the Mother, 332,b. 353m, Tokeepe garments from Detha, 1296, 4,2204,).13693¢, TAT Ay b.See Clothes & Garments, Tokill Maths, 1369, . andsHe bitvagofthe Monfe called 4 Shrew,178.b, fo9B,', if 258, b. See Gyewand leit To dry vpand healethevirulent yicers of the Month,632,4, 1or¢g ce anetbeciall fered 2g aft thenight Mare,o84,h ling of beat ae Totake away blackeand blew Marks procce Againft inflammations of the MPonth, 400,456,b, 825, €, 8535 liuely-colourinto their fac O15 2% To cure Mangitietle, 67, f 388,c, 391,h, 506,d. $363% 1, 100752144459 .1482,6« ' b, 1202,b. Tocur ‘ilvicers ofthe MBanth, 273, b: 421,6825,e99,hr14t4 1218,¢, bruifes, 373,b. 870," 872,¢. 103552.¢ r098si, rari, bow 14085) 14s ,c-See Wiacknelle & Wantles. Ho takeaway Watkes remaining after fmall pox and meafels, 845,1.1460,h. 15 UT yb, Bocaire heMatetis andtoreafé the paines thereof, 3955944215 72654, 766,04 7875 90930. 10943 75b« 6535 71839, B 4859c0 5712915°» ad = 12945% 1 107738 3* oer To fclpete coldnefi¢and fiopping of the MPateiy; 125734 1188,¢.4246,94 THO4S% 58 65¢o 654 g4v 672582 LOF Fale b 72 be $4926 672, Be 64952 586.6 195,¢. Watrly, ro welligeasd opénthe he 1206 229140. 14255 cu 1199 522,Fs ‘To Sdpe theinflammation ofthe Matrit, 44,6. 196, §5 79M 108154, 1197513884. a 1051, "Tocurc thefuffocat on and ftrangling of the MPatti¢, Q ; 1055,m.1104,¢.Sce Mother. 12373 be To bring the Matrivinto her fight place againe, 1341,8 ; *Toclenfe the Watrte, $74bs 719,72 Good for impoftames of the Matrix;893,.% Goodagainft the MPealels, 62952. 6619, 801 5e 667, is LOOI,23 Goodfor fuch as cannot brooke their $eat, 1219,!: i ahi ‘To cafethe paineof the megrttt, 379523 0," §84,2.6372%7 83; 883,d:1073,c.1408,).1586,b. at To purge Melancholy,5753s 653,¢+ 6735¢.798,4.977,9129 8,4 13434 7 Good fora Melancholy perfon, 574.4. 67451 692, as 994 Be 1343,° 2 8 The Melilote plaifter, 1206,bs Tocure Melicerides,1206,c. To warine cold Members, 12575u, Toftrengthen weake Members, 8765¢.133530. 1345384 ‘Fo ftrengthenand :preferue the weakened Memoze, 766,b. 1172,b, Tocomfort Memory.4.17,b.663,¢.1294,¢ To ftep the ouermuch flowing of the Menkes, S:¢ Slotires and @ermes,s1,b. To prouoke womens MPenleg, S-e lowers and Permes, 512¢8 64,6. 15119. 1$33,0+ ~ eae: 152536674,10686, 0. 7053%738386 79 79% 880,f. TO47sA. L126; 13425¢. ; ’ To kcepe from Merrpgalis, 1388.28 Good againft or to cure Mert pgalts,3 59" 1360,0.1584,b¢ Diceand Rats, 441, Tokill brefts, To roe or caufe much PD tlkein Nurfes 296,b- 308, $24,2-803,d. 4933, a, 103532» 108 1307,b. 13565¢ To cruddle aaa 703 A 1p ose ‘o dry vp Wilke, 674,27: 883,!.1217,), 1225, pe 1257 5% = ae Diires waxing fouré and crudling in the ftomacks 681,f. r5115ps : To curethe hardneffe, $c: OF the Mite, (ce Syplene: ” To openthe {toppings of the MPAt, $34:6-57859.589,c.4ce Stops “hy birudcion,nd Spiene. f braine,fee re as mot(tute from thethead; and clenfe the Bear. "To dry vp ouermuch moiftnte ofthe ftomackes. 1242,2.13935¢. een take away the Mosphekn, 172.9. 196.4, 289,7.466 eeeae BoiSpeetheesteche face, 9 5,h.942,f121 8, Ta ea the blacke Mozpheto,s19,7:833,b, 979,¢ 1, 12745'-1393 00139594. 148459, m,876,22998,a.1274,4°1331,b,.1436,05 san gky Anexcellent Bundificattuefor old yiccrs and malignant Sores, 441,¢. 1015,4, {ce Wicers. ; Againit the SPuarratne and other infirmitics of Castell, See Cate tell. To helpe all Mars, 1086, d, A To helpe the {uffocation by Dalhtomes, 202) f,808,h, 1098.04 E257 50 N O ftrengthen fRature, 925;a.. T To helpe the ftanding out ofthe HRantl. r0$4¢,d, To takeaway loofe Jatieg on the fingers or toes, 877,15 To caufe ill Patles to fall off, $57,d.816,b. 883.m, 963,a 1358 4.1362 To ‘icaleche galled Macks ofcattell, 1130,b, To helpe contraction ofthe Merues, See Sbainking of the Sis newer, Good for Haht wheales, 1393.0 For ftinging ofJMetties, 708,h. Tocaule Jetng, ce Sneefing- Toclenfé the haire of J91t9,644,2. Tokill Pits, 64752. 858,d. 1597," 1353.1, 1370.6, 1492,6) Towate hard J2odes,2455i, 845,b. 1526,a For the Stotfe of theeares, (ce areg. For. ftanching bleedingat the Sfrote,fe Wiebing. Tocaule the Moleto blecd, 1073,<, Totake away the difeafeof the J2ofe whichis called Polypus; fee Polypus. To circred fictie $2 ofeg;91 2,F. To cure the old fores and vicers which breed dn the Poke; 858,c. Againtt Hummnelle of the fect,hauds, and finewes; 80458 1148,ce : How toenicreafe and ingender milkein Hracheg brelts,3783¢,36a a; 1032,b; 3 Tobeng downe the Monethip courfe of Women, &c, Sce Fo reftraine bodily Luft.821,¢.918,a¢ To cafe all Lupations.37,b.1620,b, 51, 935585 Tohe Ipe the falling downe oftig Piether, 1432), Oo i open Dbitrgttong, 34,2. 1$2,b. 177,24, 281,¢. 434,4,508 b. 534, b. $78,f,65754705,6.778,b, 925.4, T01$,a, Lo295 4-1053,d. 1445,a-1e¢ Stoppings. Toopen Dbfkenttonsoftheliuer, 3,4, 398,b. 427,d.556,b,6265 d, 661,¢. 694520714; b, 792j2, 837,¢, 885,b. 896,a. 911,°.998 f, L001, c+ LOTS, a, 1023, d. 1024,b, 1089,b, 1121.1, 1139,de 12365d.1264,¢. Sec Hiner'and Stoppings. Good againtt Dbitrndiong or Roppings of thé {pleeiey $56,be 626,40 661 0c¢69454.71 45s 791,84 937 5% 88S, b. 895,2.200T acy 1023, d. 1024,b, 1e89;b, I121, is 1236, dy fer’ Solnng # and Stoppings: To cure or wafte Ozdemata, viz; cold {wellings, 978;b. 7878. 88g 1,233 6,¢01929;d. 161950 Aprecious D tie to curcdeepe woundsy thofe made through the body, or with any venomous wéapons,and alfo prickt finewess 54st. ‘ Anexcellent D {nttment for members outofioint,gout,and kibed heeles; 665,¢; Absinthe danger proceéding of Opiyis, $64,9:987,4, 88oh. tho4sd. ] To belpe Doilations or Loppings of the luer, gox,h.Sec Dpdryer gions. Againft Dppzettion of che Cheftwith rawand gold huitiors/ Bee helt, , aw, vee Bbbbbbb @ us Te |