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Show 1386 Ofthe Hiftory of Plants; Lis. Lie. 3 Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. Erica maiorflore albo Clufij. Cuap. 52 e e Of Heath, Hather,or Linge 2 a "The great Heath with white floures. se 1381 . 4 Eritamaior florepurpureo. Great Heath with purple floures, i G The Kindes, a be diuers forts ofHeath,fome gteater,fome leffer; fome with broad leaues,and fomenar: "® rower : fome bringing forth berries, and others nothing butfloures, q] The Defcription, I see common Heath isa low plant,but yet wooddie and fhrubby,fcarce a cubit high:it bringethforth manybranches, whereupondo growfundry little leaues fomewhat hard and rough,very like to thofe of Tamariske, or the Cypreffe tree : the floures are orderly placed a. longthe branches,finall,foft,and ofa light red colour tending to purple : the rootis alfowood. die,and cteepeth vnder the vpper cruft ofthe earth:and thisis the Heath which the Antientstooke to be the right and true Heath. i Erica vulgaris, Give Pumila. Commonor dwarfe Heath. £ Ericavulzaris hiyfuta, Rough leaued Heath; 15 Erica cruciata, Croffed Heath. There is another Heath which differeth not from the precedent, fauing that this pi" bringethforth floures as white as {now,wherein confifteth the difference : wherefore we may" it Ezica pumila alba, Dwarfe Heath withwhitefloures. i ods 2 Thegreat Heath, (which Carolus Clufius at his being in England found in the barren Peerol about Wihdfor,which in his Spanith tratiels he makeththe firft kinde) :groweth tothe re two cubits,feldome higher,full ofbranches,coueredwith a blackith barke : whereonare Br “he goodordet by couples,{mall,rough, {quare leauesfiner than thofe of Tamariske or Cypre ae 5 floures inclofe the little twiggic branches round aboutat certaine diftances, fromthe low 3 F- the'top fafhionedlike little bottles,confifting offoure parts, ofa fhining purple colout,very ietifullte behold,and the ratherto be efteemted becaufe it foureth twife in the yeare:the root wifewooddie, t 3 This 6 Erica Pyramidalis; Steeple Heath, ~ |