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Show 242 Lia 2, Ofthe: Hiftorie of Planes, Of the Hiftory of Plants: Lis.23 243 — — teh Pai ford of Great: Raifort; anaHorfe Ras the low Germaines, MPercadus ¢ in’ Englith,’ mountaine radith; filuejtris: of thehigh Durcly men, QPervettichrain og Svetia French, ¢. q the Place, 1 Barbarea, ngSe ith, vis called in’ the North. part of Englahd, Redcole. — or on i It groweth in gardens among.pot herbes, and Winter, Crefles, Mais; ang Diwers*thinke thae this Horte Radifh isan enemyto bendeth backward fromig themis fo great,that oy _ ee planted neere tothe Vineit . 1 ane fellowthipwith it. villing a teated the ron hercof ftamped} and caft into good and aea very common inthe fields, neere to pathes and high wayes,almoft every where, | The Time. Thisherbeis greenall winter long.it floureth the Vineland Bak forthwith'ture it wae a on the old pete doe —s this.eniiityto af es ! Nave Named japeres- in May, andfeedeth in Tune, | The Names, : eyorts, W utc rhe moitancrents Ee iiotied of Pliny by the name of Lepidiuin inhis 19 -baoke, sineaiee : in thops,, Raphanus Sngrai Aigineta maketh mentionofthis plant,by the name Lepidium crupt ¢ the Enelith Piperitis : the Germanscall it, ofefferkraut : the lowe Dutch men,qBeppee Winter Creffe is called of the Latines> car. damum , or Nafturtinm Hibernum, of fome, Barbarea, and Pfeudobanium : the-Germanes call tr mien,Dittander,Dittany, and Pepperwort. S&S,Barbevendktaut ; in lowe Dutch, yeinrey Aerile, Gq 7he Temperature. 3 Lepidium aoe . rs It feemeth tobe Diofcorides his #oss20, thatas to fay , falfe or baftard Bunium : in Eng'ith, winter Creffes,or herbe Saint Barbara. Thefe kindes of wilde Radifhes, are hot and drie in the third degree’: they haue a drying and q 7 he Nature. Horfe Radith stampedwith alicele vineget put thereto, is commonly vied among the’Germanes for fauce to eate fifth with, and fuchlike meates, as we doe muftard; but this kinde of faucedoth heate the ftomacke better, and caufeth betterde geftion than muftard. Wee ill | i i 4 gree. ly A, | The Vertues, : The feed.of winter CrefleCaufeth one td A hs MPSS o make water, anddriueth forth grauell, and hele peth the frangurie, Theiuyce thereofmundifieth corrupt'and fil. B thy vicers, being made in forme of an vngyent with waxe,oyle,and turpentine. In winterwhenfalad. herbes bée fcarce, ‘this C ; Oximelor fyrupe made with vineget and ho- ~~ nie, in which-the rindes of Horfe radith haue beeneinfufed three dayes, caufeth vomit, ands commended againft the quartaineague. Theleaues boiled in wine, and a. little oile HH ; This herbe is hot and drie inthe fecond de. clenfing quality,and fomewhat digefting. Gq The Vertwes. > Oe. corns f herbe is thought to be equall with Crefles of : the garden,or Rotker: This herbehelpeth the fcuruic, being boiled D oliue added thereto and laid vponthe guletl among {curuie graffe,called in Latine Cochlearia, parts in mannerof a Pultis, doe mollifie and he caufing it to worke the more effe@ually. away the hard fwellings of the liner and er and being applied to the bottome ofthe belly:s aremedicfor the ftrangurie. f It profiteth muchin the expulfion of the le condineor after-birth, Ciar.g: - Irmittigateth and affwageth the pane ofthe hip or haunch,commonlycalled Sciatica. oe It profiteth much againft the collicke, : ain gurie, and difficultie of making water, Wi ftead of muftardas afotefaid. The root ftamped and giuen to drink e, killeth the wormes in children : the inyce giuct1 doth ; the fame’: an Gintment nadethereof; doththe like , being anointed vpon the belly ofthee a H Theleaues‘of Pepperwort but efpecially the rootes, be extreaime hot; for they nee , ning and bitter tafte. Iris of the number of feorching and’bliftring finiples,faith pliny , i 20.booke, the 17. chap. and therefore byhis hot qualitie, it mendethitie skinin the face : ; L ; See eet away {cabs, {carteS/and mangineffe, ifany thing remaine after the healing of evicers and 2m {uch dike: Of Mufard. ] TheDefcriptio. I He tame or garden Muftard, hathgreat tough deaues like to thofe of the Turnep, but ; rougherandleffer, Theftalke is round, rough,and hairie,ofthree cubits high, diuided +nto many branches; whereon doe grow{mall yellow tloures, and after thent long cods, flender and rough, wherein is contained round feed bigger then Rape feed, of colour yellow, oftafte fharpe, and biting the tongue as doth our commonfield rhuftard. £2 Ourordinary Muftard hath leaues like Turneps, but nor fo roigh, the ftalkes.aré {mooth, and grow fometimes to three,foure,or fiue cubits hich, they have many branches, and tlie: Jéaués vponthefe branches, efpecially the vppermoft,are long and narrow, and hang downeward on fmallftalkes; the cods are fhort, andlie flat and lofe to the branches, and ate fonie what fquare; the feedis teddith oryellow. + the Rape feed, whichis alfo notalittle fharpe orbyting. war: 8 @| The Defcription. = he Winter Creffes’ hath many greene, broad, fmootheand flat leaues like vate sie cout {ye mon turneps, whofe ftalkes be round,and full of branches,bringing forch atthe top fm : iN : yt 4 This whichI giue youbere being the Sinapi fativum alterum, of Lobel , and the Sinapé aloum of the thops, growes but low, andit hath rough crooked cods,and whitith feeds ; theftalks, floures, and leaues, are mnch like the firftdefcribed. +. Of Winter Creffes: low'floures:after them dot follow finalkcods,wherein is conteined {mall reddith feed: . : 3 Theother tame Muftardis like to the formerin leaues, and branched ftalkes,butleffer,and they até morewhitith and rough. Thefloutes ate likewife yellow, and the feed browne like «th i iAe wilde Muftard hathleaues like thofe of thepheards purfe,butlarger,and more deeply oe fe 2" itha ftalke growing tothe height oftwo foot,bearing atthe top {mallyellow floures ees - Oure leaues: the cods be fmall ‘and flender, wherein is.contained reddifh feed, much naller than anyof the others,but not fo fharpe orbiting. t x Sinapi |