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Show 554. Of che Fliftorie'of Plants) ro Limariaanvea Mi = ~~OftheHiftoryofPlants. a Lip ae OCTE Scoparia; ot after Dodineus, Ofyrisy mawhichthe Italians cal Belvidere,hath very 14 Linaria adulterina, Baftard Tode-flax. IY Scoparia five Ofpris Gracoram, Buthicor BefomeTode-fax, ny fhootsor {prigsrifing from ong final ftalky making the whole plant to refemble a Cyptes tree, the branches grow fo handfomely:now it growes fomethree foot high,andvery thick Me and bufhie, fo that in fome places where it naturally groweth they make befomes Ofit, whereof it tooke the name Scoparia, The leaues be fmalland narrow, almoft like to the leaues offlax. The floures be fmall,and ofan hearbie colour,growing among the leauiesswhich keep greene all the WVinter. 4 I neuer knew it here to ripenthe feed, nor to out-liue the fir ; froft. + 12. This plantalfo for refemblasce fake is referred to the Linaries,becaufe his leanes be like Linaria, Atthetop ofthe {mall branched ftalks do growlittle yellowith floures, vale of colour,fomewhatlike the tops ofchryJocome. John Atonton ofTurnay taketh it tobe. Chryfocome altera. And becaufe there hath bin noconcordance among Writers, it’s fufficient to fet forth his defcription with his name Pa/- ferina.~ Banhine refers it tothe Gromlls, and calls it Lithofperneum Linarie folio Monjpeliacum. $ .13 This which Tabern. calls Lingua Pafserina, and whofe figure was giuenby our Authour for the former , hatha {mall fingle whitifhroot, from whichit feads vpa flender ftalke fome cubit and halfe high, naked on the E42 Pafferinalinariefolio,Lob, Sparrowes Tode-flax. lower part,but diuided into little branches on t 43 Pafferina alters Sparrow-tongue. like thofe of Winter Sauorie or the vpper,which branches are fet thicke with little narrow leaues bigneffe and tafte of Millet, but ofthe feeds longith Tyme : amongft which grow many little yellow leaues. Trazs calls this fomewhathotter and bitterer. The floures confitt of foure {mall fet it forth by the name of Liza. Pafferina sD odoneus makesit Lithofpermum minus :a0d Columnahath ; via altera botryodes montana, + $ 14 Nameleffe,iscalled in Thiswhich Clufias,hathfet forth by thename of Anonymos, or. \t hath many hard ulterina the Hiit.Lugd pag.1150. Anthyllis montana and by Tabern.Linariaad any order grow many hard narrow pale greenebranches of fome foot high, and vpon thefe without of a bitterifh tafte: the tops of long leaues like thofe offlaxe,at firft ofaverytart, and afterwards white floures confifting of fiue le carrylitt ich lkes,wh oot-fta the ftalkes are branched into fundryf : after which at length come {ma!lleaues lying ftatre-fafhion, with fomethreds in their middles cornered containing a white pith in ahard filme orskin.. The root is white,diui- finele feeds fiue vp many ftalkes,and fomtetimes cree« dedinto fundry branches,andliues long,euery yeate fending mountainous places of Germany; vpon grows and May, in floures It flax. Tode of that ping like an inclofure on the right hand of in hill achalkie of fide the wildeon growing it Mi. Goodyer found re. ¥ theway,as you goe from Droxford to Poppie hill in Hamp(hi q The Place. grounds,barThe kindes of Tode-flax growwilde in manyplaces,as vponftone walls,grauelly ' ren medowes, andalong by hedges. vs,voleffe the firft or+ Ido notremember that I haue feene any of thefe growing wilde with dinarykinde,whichis euery where common. x q The Time. They floure from Tune to the end of Auguft. qj The Names, Flax-weed,and Vrinalis:of fome; + Tode-flax is called of the Herbarifts of our time, Livaria,or Dutch,ypilt wag sin Engltth, low flatcls fraumen Onfer ofvre in bigh Dutch,Lpnbraut.and Faire in fight. Fode-flax,and Flax-weed: the eleuenth is called in Italian,Bel-videre,or make brooms Wild to thing fit a is it caufe runebe of, {ame plantis alfo called Scoparia,and Herbaftudiofo The |