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Show 1184 Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants, > Laka Las. 2. whichat length turne into downe; among whichlies hid a {mall thining feed like the otherplants ofthis kind. The root is made ofdiuers thicke fibres, which runin the ground,and here and there put vpnewheads. This plantwants no fetting forth ; for Clufius giues vs the figureand hiftorie thereof, firft by the nameOfCirfium Pannonicum 1. pratenfé, thenhe giues another hiftorie thereof, witha worfer figure, (which he receiued of D‘. Thomas Penny of London) by the nameof Cipfu, Anglicum2. Lobel alfo deferibed it, and fer it forth with a figure expreffing the floure alreadie fy. ded, by the nameof CirfivmAnglicuim. Bauhinein his Pinax,deceiuedby thefe feuerall expreffions, hath madethree feuerall plants of this one ;a fault frequent in many Writers ofplants, Clu/y foundit growing in the mountainous medowes along the fide of the Dan6w in Auftria; Pennyin the medowesat the foot of Ingleborowhill in Yorke-fhire.: Zobel, in the medowes ata placecal- led AG&onin Glocefter-thire.I found this onely once, and that was in'a medowonthis fide High- Cuap * 494) Of three leafed Graffe, oreMedow T)refoile, | The Kindes . : Te diuers forts ofthreeleafed Graffes, fome gteatet, otherslefler ; fome beare floures of onecolour; fome ofanother: fome ofthe water,and others ofthe land : fomeofafweetfnel, others ftinking : and firft of the common medow Trefoiles, called in Irith Shamrockes, gate, hauing beene abroadwith the Companie of Apothecaries,and returning that way home,in thie companie of M*. Lames Walfall, William Broad, and fome others. Thaue giuenyou both the figures of Clufius his ownein the firlt place,and that of D*, Penny in the fecond, butthe formeris the better : I hae alfo giuen you that of Lobel, . Ofthe Hittoryof Plants. a I Trifolinmpratenfe. Medow Trefoile. £ 3. Trifolinm maiusflore albo, Great white Trefoile, 6 Thefealfo Clufins(whom Therein follow) addeth to the kindes of Thiftles, This : $7, Carduus mollisfolijs Lapathi, Docke leaued Thiftle-gentle. iageed leafed one, whichhe calleth Carduss mollior primus, hath manyleaties atthe root, bothfpred vpon the ground,andalfo fanding vpright; and they are couered witha white and foft downinefle, yet greene onthe vpper fide : they are alfo much diuided o cut in even to the middlerib,liketo the fofter.or tenderer leaues ofthe Starre Thiftle : they haue no prickles atallvpon them: out ofthe middeft of thefe leaues growvp one of two ftalkes, round, crefted, purplifh, hoaric, and fome cubit or better high. The leaues that grow vpon the lower part of the ftalke are diuided, thofe aboue not {6 ; the topsot the ftalkes fometimes, yet very feldome, are parted into branches, whichcary {caly heads containing elegant floures made of many purple ftrings. The floure decaying, there fucceeds a cornered feed: the root fomtimes equalls the thickeneffe ofones finger, brownifh, long, and fomewhatfibrous. It floure ’ in May, and growes vponthehilly places ot Hungarie. bee 7 Theftalke of thisis fome foot ot ie fomwhathairy ter high,thicke, crefted,and the leaues about the rootare fomwbat | aud in fhapelike thofeof Bonus Henrins\* b : =p bufiuely called in Englifh, ee me what finuated about the edges,and fet wit : TAS \ harmelefle prickles, greene aboue, and ree hoarie vnderneath, like the leaues oe white Poplar : thofe that grow vpoh”™ ftalke are leffer and narrower: out of whofe bofomes towards the tops of the ftalke grow O° ) morelittle {caly heads like thofe of the Sehr lictlé branches whichcarry three,foure, or Blewf MO Knapweed, whereout grow threddy blewith purple floures : the feed is wrapped in dow - vnlike that ofBlew-Bottle : the rootis blacke, hard, and liuing, fending forth fhootsonthe INE”: : : : Iuly. C/ufixs callsag duns mest this Carame and floures in It growes vpon the higheft Auftrian Alpes, Lapathifolio. | The Temperature andVertues. a8 » put nae ‘Thefe plants feeme byautheir tafteto be ofa : : moderately heating! and drying facultie, of them are vfed in medicine,nor: hauetheir vertues fet downe by any Author. # oe ee ra = Cua? ‘ | The Defcription. h = Ot ae : i Edo. Trefoile: bringeth forth ftalkes acubit long, round,and fomething hairy, the greater part of which creepeth vpon the ground; whereon do grow Jeaues confifting text th Of three ioyned together, one ftandinga little ftomanother, ofwhich thofe tharare ee Stoune land roots arerounder, and they that grow 1 Molton on theypper part longer, hauing for the he miditawhite {pot likea halfe moon. Thefloures stow onthe tops ofthe ftalkes atitate in tor fin tiskes+ ar ae ofa purplecolour, and fiveetoftafte. ‘The feed groweth in little 2. Th 2 ma pa blackith : the root is long;wooddy,and groweth deepe. Bog.bherei HOures. for.as rof the field Trefoiles,differing from the precedent efpecially in the colour foras tes;sanothe the diggs thofe are ofa bright purple, contrariwife thefe are very white, which maketh The te: : b big tence. sie The leaues,floures,and all the whole plantis leffe than the former. ltaly and din ae 1s — Trefpile of this kinde whichis fowne in fields of the Low-Countries,in Foweth in ucrs other places beyondthe feas,that commeth vp ranker andhigher than that which medow Ba ; . fe ete otear ee iesxe; nd is an excellent food for cattell, both to fatten them, and caufe them to o ~ MOTe OF ir * Ofthis thereis ; : 3 : Airy leasses *s thereis one more with white floures,whichhath ftalks fome foot high, and narrow “swith aroovof the thickne fe ofones little finger. Thisis Clufius his Trifolium maius Ggggg 3 primum, |