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Show 1620 An Appendix to ear Bs Tittle finger, crefted,andfilled witha foft pith, like as the ftalks of Elder, or morelik ' Bur-docke : the tafte ofthe rootis bitter, with fome acrimonie, whichalfo Dieseee his, for he {aiaith,the tafte Rome be biting iti and hot ;; thus muchforthe firft,being “ad Coftus dulcis ofthe fonne 1 Coftus Indicus fiveodoratus. Indianorfiveet fmelling Coftus. the Hiftory ot Plants. oc Cuar.-2 Ch 7° Of:‘Drakes root,or (ontra-yerua. 2, Coitus officinarum Lobel Bitter Coftus, ] The Deferipsion. Hat root whichoflate is knowne in fome fhops by the Spanith name Contra-yerua,is the fame which Clu(s hathfet forth by the title of Drakena radix : wheretore I will giue you the hifte> rie ofGlufiusjand thereto adde that which Mowardus writes of the Contra-yerua. For though Bauhine,and the Authorof the Ai/toria Lugduwenfis feeme to makethefe different, yet finde thar both Clufins his figure and hiftorie exatly agree with the roors fent vs from Spaine by thattitle, wherefore I fhall make them one,till fome-thall fhew me how.theydiffer:and C/ufins feemes tobe ofthis mindealfo,whodefired but the degree of heatewhich Mowardus giues thefe, and thatis but the fecond degree : now thefe hauenotafteatthe firft,vntill you haue chewed them a pretty while, and then youfhall findea manifeft heate and acrimonie in them, which Clujius did alfo ob{erue inhis. Inthe yeate (faith Clufins) 1581.the generous Knight Sir Francis Drake gaue me at London cer- tain roots,withrhree or foure Pertvian Beazor ftones,which in the Aucumne before(hauingfinith- ed his voyage,whereinpaffing the Straights of Magellan, he had encompafled the World) he had broug ht with him, affirming them to be of high efteeme amongft the Peruvians: now forhis fake that beftowed thefe roots vpon me,] haue giuen them the title Drakewa radix, or Drakes root, and haue made them to beexpreffed inva table,as you may/herefee them. “ly Drakinaradix, Contra-yerua. 2 2 Radix Drakene affinis. ‘ Another fort of Contra-yeruas The fecond,whichis the Coftus amarus,andit may bethe Indian of Dioftorides, and Niger of Pliny,is a root blacke bothwithin and without,light,yet very denfe. Ir feemes tobe of fomelarge root,for that it is brought ouer cut into large pieces,of the bigneffe of ones finger,fometimes bigger fometimes leffe which it feemes is for the more conuenient drying thereof for a large root,va- leffe it be cutinto pieces can fearcely be wel dried:thetafte ofthis is bitter,fomewhat clammy an ingrate : the fmellis little or none. Thereare fome other roots which haue beenfet forth by late writers for Co/fws,but becaule they are neitherin vfe,knowne here with vs, nor more agreeable tothe defcriptionsof the Antients, haftening toanend,am willing topaffe them onerin filence, @] The Temperature andVertues out of the Antients. A B- It hatha heating and attenuating facultie, and therefore wasvfedin oile to annoint the bodie againft thecold fits of Agues,the Sciatica,and whenit was needfull to draw any thingto the fuperficiesof the body. Itisalfoconuenient to mouevrine,to procure the termes,to help ftrains,convul fions,ot cramps and paines inthe fides , and by reafon of the bitterneffe it kills wormes. C..° . Itisgood to be drunke againft the bite ofthe viper : againft paines of the cheft, and windineffe - the ftomacke taken in. Wine with Worme-wood; anditis vfedto be put into fundrie Ant f otese . ; CHAP. ing ouout ( now and then bunching i thick, longith, halfe inch pS moft part fome ,al& for the t neh icke Secfcales ic roots were ; a Thefe ne e w co y ifthe were they if as d i tops looke into knots and vnequall heads,and their , blackifh without,wrinckled, an : ee Mone like thofe ofthe Dentaria enneaphyllos mot Br aed aa ae had {lender fibres ~ and ai 2 nee e eir instier part was white. they knots: knor: r = ich hung other dalfcfoand toughz jatwhthi ardal at the firft ; but Hore » thick the tongue ying ,&cdr . ngent A : ais attri ar mewh ; fefo Bro A U D DAL themto found ae hauea ta they had.but ne ae ed being fone chewed,they left a quicke and pleafing, acrimonicinipsi {peakes in his Itfeemedrohane gteat affinitie with the _— hea feeing N.Elit(who accompa. nied 7 Andies: booke of the Simple Medicines broughtfrom the Welk |