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Show NeilaN a “4602 AnAppendix to the Hiftory of Plants. fadingthere fucceed final] a finell, but fuchas is in the floure of the Oliue tree ; thefe floures cornered heads, which comming to full maturitig containe a {mall and yellowifh dutty feed tit floures in Tuly, and ripens the {eed in the end of Auguft. C/afiws had:thisplantfrom Predeviche Sebizins Phy fitionto the Duke of Briga,and that from Briga in: Silefia, and he (as: faid) refers it.to the ‘srepge OF Theophraft ws, which he reckons amongft the fhrubs that catty fpike fathioned floures: This is not vfed inmedicine, nor the Temperature and faculties thereofas yet knowne; green,the leaues alternately ingirt the branches, & they are long,fmooth,thick,gteen,and oe fnipt alfo lightly about the edges : when thetree is growne to fome height, at the tops ofche bra ches among{t the leaues of the former yeares growth,vpona fprigof fome fingers length, it purs forth a great manylittle white floures, confifting of fiue leauesa piece, with manylittle chives in them: thefe floures’ quickly fall away,and the fruit that fucceeds them isaberry ofan ovall figure, ofthe bigneffe of alarge Cherry or Damfon,andofthe fame colour, and of a {weet and pleafant L é Rectan The Cherry-bayin floure. Cuar.10o.: 163 Laurocerafi fructus, The Cherry-bay with the fruir. Of the Strawberry-Bay, UAadrachne Theophrafti. The Strawberry-Bay. |. The Defiription, T Hefigure and hiftory of thisivere fent by Honoriws Bellus our of Candy to Clufius from whom I haueit.. Ir is thatwhich Theo. Phrafius calls Uddrachne ot (as. mot ofthe printed bookes haueit) A ndrachae,but the former feemes the tighter, and is the better liked b Plinylib. .cap.22.At this dayin Candy where it plentifully growes,it is called Ud dvacla,It i rathera fhrub than a tree,delighting in sockie and mountanous places, and keeping grecic VVinter and Sommer, hauing leaves{6 lise thofe of Bayes, that they ate diftinguithable only by the fmell, which thefe are deftitute of. ‘The barke ofthe bole and ail the branchesis fo {mooth,red and fhining, that they fhew ‘like branches of Corall, this barke crackes or breakes off in Sorhmer,andpills off in-thinne fleakes, at which timeit is neither red‘nor {hi- ning but in a meane betweeneyellow and ath- colour. ‘Ir hath floures twice ina yeere like as the C4rbutus,or Strawberry tree,aud that fo like it, that you can {carfe knowthe one from the other; yet this differs from it in that it growes onely inthe mountaines, hath notthe leaues jagged neither a rough barke; thewood hereofis very: hard, and fo Britele thatit will notbend, and they vfe it roburne and to make whorlesfor their womensfpindles, Theaphre- ffws reckons vp this tree. amongft thofe which dienot when their barkesare taken off, and are alwaies greene, and retaine their Icaues at their tops all winter long : which to be fo Hanorins Bellus obferued. Bellonius alfo obferued this tree in manyplaces of§ yria. Thefruit in Temperature,as in fhape,is like that ofthe Stawberry-tree. taftewitha flone init liketoa Cherry ftone. This floures in May,andripens the fruitin Auguft or September: itwasfirft fent to C/ufius from Conftantinople, and that by thename of Trabifon cur. mafi.t.Trape=untina dactylus,the Date of Trapefon; but it hath no affinitie with the Date, Dalechampius refersit to the fecond Lotus mentioned by Theophraftus,)ift.plant ib. 4.cap.4 buttherewith itdoth not agree.Clufius and moft fince;calit fitly Lawrocerafusor Cerafns folio Laurino.tcis now got into manyofour choife Englith gardens,whereit is well refpected for the beauty of the leaues and their lafting or continual! greeneneffe. Thefruit hereofis goad to be eaten,butwhat phy ficall vertues the tree or leaues thereof haue,it eis not yet knowne. Cuar.iz. Cuar, Il. Of the Cherry-Bay. THis plane which Lobeland fomeother late writers haue called by che name ofPyracantha,is the Oxyacantha mentioned by Theophraftus,lib.t.cap. 15 lib. 3.cap.4.iffplant.amongthecuet green {recsand I thinke rather this than our white Thorn to bethe 0 xyacaatha of Diofca rides,lib.N.C.123. | The Defcription, ‘ j eg Cherry-bayis one ofthe euergreentrees: it rifes vp to an indifferentheight, and is ae Ato fuindrybranches,couered ouerwitha fart green barke:that ofthe yongerfhogts is f ; Of the Euer-greene Thorne. green > audcertainely it was nootherthanthis Thorne which Virgil makes mention ofby the name of ‘Acanthuslib.2.Gcore.in thefe words, Et baccas (emperfrondentis:Acamthi. Thatis, Andthe berries of the Ere-g: greene Thorn. } eae This Teeece 2 eeeeSeeeeee |