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Show R9O 5 3 Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. Salix Caprearotundifolia. The Goat round leafed Willow. "wap ’ iee 4 Salix Caprealatifolia, The Goat broadleafedSalloy; Lips 3 \/ Ofthe Hifterie of Plants: 6 Salix humilis, Thelow Willow. 391 7 Chamaitea, five Salix pumila The dwarfe Willow, 5 Salix Rofea Anglica, The Englith Rofe Willow: Rofe, ofa gteenith white colour,which doe notonly makea gallant fhew,butalfoyeeld a moft cooling aire in the heat of Sommer, being fet vp in houfes, for the decking of the fame. 6 Thelowor bafe Willowgroweth but low,& leaneth weakly vpon the ground, hauing many fmall and narrow leaues, fet vpon limberandpliant branches, ofa darke or blackith greene colour : amongftwhich comeforth long flender {tems full ofmoflie floures , which turne into a light downie fubftance that flieth awaywith thewinde. 7. The dwarfe Willowhath veryfmall andflender branches, feldonae times aboue a foot,but neuer a cubit high, couered with a duskithbarke, with very little and narrow leaues,of a greene colour aboue, and on the vpperfide,but vnderneathofa horyof ue! worne greenifh colour, in bigneile and fhion ofthe leaues of garden, Flax:amo which come forth little duskith fl which doe turne into downe that is ¢ away with thewinde: the root is {ma threddy, of the bignefle ofa finger,and of@ blackifh colour, — 5 8 There is aflorher kinde ofwillor to the former, and differet the leaues of this kinde are {mall rowert,as big as the leaues ofM {mall knobbie floures of< £8 Salix humile repens, Creeping dwarfe' VVillow. colour, which turne into downethat flyeth away with the winde :the rootis {mall and limber, not growing deep,butrunning along vpon thevppercruft of the earth. q The Place. Thefe Willowes grow in diuets places of England :the Rofe-Willow growethplentifully in Cambridgefhire,by the riuers and ditches there in Cambridge towne they grow aboundantly about the places called Paradifeand Hell-mouth, in the way from Cambridge to Grandchefter : I found the dwarfe Willowes growing neere toa bog or marifiground atthe further end of Hampfted heath vpon the declining of the hill, in the ditch that inclofeth a fmall Cottage there,nothalfe a furlong fromthe faid houfé or cottage. @| The Time. Thewillowes do floureat the beginning ofthe Spring. The Names. The Willow tree is called in Greeke “2 in Latine,Salix : in high- Dutch, wBeyden $ in low-Durch, npilgets in Italian, Sal.ce, Salcio : in French, Saux- in Spanith, Salzwei v0, Salzer,and Saws : in Englifh,Sallow,Wi- thie, and Willows ee The |