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Show 1332 Ofthe Hiftory of Plants: Crap. 27. Of box Thorne,and the inice thereofcalled Lycium, | The Defiription. Ox Thorneisa rare plant,in fhape notvnlike the Box tree,whereofit hath beene recke: ned fora wildekinde,hauing many great branchesfet full ofround and thicke leaues,very like that ofthe common Boxtree: amongft which grow forth moft fharpe pricking thotnes : the floures grow amongthe leaues, which yeeld forth fmall blacke berries ofa bitter taft, as big asa pepper core: the iuice whereof is fomewhatoilie,and ofa reddith colour;whichbitter iuice beingfet onfire,doth burne witha maruellous crackingand fparklingthe afhesthereofare of ared colour: it hath m@ny wooddie roots growing aflope. 1 Lycinm,(ive Pyxasantha, Box Thorne. Lis, 3. Lin: 3; ke Lycinum Hifpanicum. Spanith Box Thorne, Sw 4 Of the Hiftory ofPlants. 1333 inthe decoction thereof, after which the feces or wooddie ftuffe mut becatt away,and thatwhi ch remaineth bouled apainetill itbecome as thickeas honie: Pliny faith, that the roots and branches arevery bitterand for three dates together they mutt be boiled ina copper veffell, and the wood and ticks often taken out till the deco@tion be boiled to the thickneffe ofhonie, The Time. They floure in Februarie and March,andtheirfruit is ripe in September, q The Names. Itisnamed in Greeke 72¢xe02u, which a man may callin Latine Buxeafpi na : and inEnglith Box Thome:of fome; A fles Box Tree,and prickley Boxe: it is alfonamed Lycium, of the inice which is boyled out of it: the iuice is properly called w«#, and retainet h in Latine the fame name Lycium : itistermed in Englith Thorne box, But it feemeth to me, that the originall name L ycium is fitter, beinga ftrange thing and knowne tovery few : the Apothccaries knowit not, who in ftead thereof dovfeamiffe the iuice ofthe fruit of WWoodbinde,and that not without great errour,as we haue aj. ready written. $ It is vnknownein our fhops,neither is there any thing vfed for it,it being wholly out of vfe,wherefore our Author might here well haue {pared Dodoneus his words. £ Dioftorides teacheth tomake a xaizxe0f Sumach which is good for thofe things that Lycium is, andis vled when Lyciwm is not to be had,anditis fit tobe put inall medicine sinead theteof, ° q| The Temperature, Lytiwm,or the iuice of Box Thorne,is as Galen teacheth,of a drying qualiti eand compounded of diuets kindes of fub ftances, one of thinne parts digefting and hot; another earthie and cold by - itenioyeth his binding facultie: it is hot ina meane,andtheref ore itis vfed for feuerall pure poles, q TheVertues, _ Uyoum cleareth thefight,faith Diofcorides,it healeth the feuruie feftred fores of the eyelids, the A’ itchand old fluxes,ord iftillations of humors, it is a remedie for the running of theeares rs — a g¥mmes, and almondsof the throat,and againft thechappesor gallingsoftheips;forvice and fun-: amen. . Ly Thefisire which wasin the 2 place,was ofthe Lycivm Italicum of Marthiolu andothers 5 but the deferipti ption and d title title better bet t fitted Pani thisi Zycium Hifbanicum tdiees T putthereto,The figurealfo ofthe Lycinm Italicum of MM arsbiolus our Author 0) gue againcin'the next chapterfaue two. 3 ical ee Crap. 28. Of Remmeor Harts Thorne. «| The Kindes, Aft the opinion ofDiofcerides there be three forts ofR hamausone with long,flat 8 theother with white leaues; and the third with roundleaues, which are fomewhatfoft leaues blackith ; Thaphraftus and Piiay affirme that there are but two,the onewhi te,and the other black,bot h which dobeare Thornes’: but by the labour andinduftry ofthe new and late writers thereare found fan. tyforts moe,all which and euery one ofthem are plants ofawooddie fubftance,hauingalfo many aighttwiggie and pliant branches,fetwith mot fharpe pricking thornes, 4] The Defcription, I TR isa thrubbe growingin the hedges, and bringingforth ftraight branches and hard ; : «fuch 2. Theotherkinde of Pyxacantha or Lycium,groweth like vnto the common Priuethauing like leaues,but fomewhat narrower: the topsofthe flenderfprigs are furnifhed with prickles: root is tough,and ofa wooddie {ubftance. qu The Place. aia : t . She : They grow in Cappadocia and Lycia,and in many other countries: it goneWe ces,it hath likewife been found in Languedoc,and Prouence in France : Bel/onius writeth foundit in Paleftina, ‘ f ‘ a and cet- Matthiolus piureth for Box Thorne,a plant with box Ieaues,withvery many ous aol inion, taine thornes ftanding among them:but the notable Herbarift Aveuillara and others,ho thatit isnot the right;with whom we alfo doagree. : boughs t ; faith,out oftheboug je DOUE Thorn,or as Pliny Thereis drawnercout of the leaues and branches ofbox and roots being throughly boiled, aiuice,whichis named Lycint. ; ad Dioftorides faith,that the leaues and branches muft be braied,and the infufion m je manydaics pi) _4 thornes,like tothofe of the Hawthornewithlittle leaues,long, fomethin a thishath that notable learned man'C/ufins defcribed morediligently in thefe g fatand fofts words : the Ram «.ihtub fit to make hedges of,with ftraight branches, parting it felfe into many twigs, white,and With iff and ftrong thornes,hauing leaues,whichfo r the moft part growby fouresor fiues at tndcur Thorne, long,fomething fat,like to thofe of the Oliue tree, fomewhatwhite, but jae fullof iuice; which in Autumne doe fometimes fall offleavin g newgrowing in their de ? the floures in Autumneare fomethinglong, whitith, ditiided at the brimsinto flue parts : x Places is lefta feed,in fhewas in Gelfemine : notwithftanding it was neuer my chance to fee 4tsthe root is thicke and diuerfly parted. e obferuedanother(faith the fame Author) almoft like to the former,but lower,and diuided thea.Dtanches,withlefler leaues,more thick and falt oftafte,and whiter alfo than the former; ~HOUres are like,in all things but their colour, thofe of the former whichin this are purple, . hath moreflexible ftalks and branches, andthefé alfo fet with thornes: theleaues are dian notfo thicke or flefhie as thofe ofthe former,yet remaine alwaies greene likeas they -, Houres are {mall and moffie,of a grcenifh colour, growing thickeabo ut the branches, and Vare fucceeded b y aroundfruit,yellowith whenitisripe, and remaining on the {hrubbeall the ee ee ae eee |