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Show 1214. Ofthe Hifterie of Plants. & Phafeolus Brafilianus. KidneyBeane ofBrafile, Lisi. Tinz Of theHiftroy ofPlants. 8 Phafcoli Brafiliani ad vivum, — 9 phaftoli, Americipargantes. “hig. Phafeoliparwi ex Americadelati, ° eeisery Bean of America, Phafeoli paruip allide albiex Americadelati, Zz sz Zz ZEz B : Eee Pe Z Sw ‘A ZB ZB i peatheightwith foft hairyleaues and large cods,wherein are contained feeds of divers colourss. black, and otherthey are red,otherwhiles of awhitith ath colour, fometimes wholly “metimes eed fpotred: Wiles ¥ The Egyptian Beaneis fomewhat like rhe other KidneyBeanes inhis growing, his fruitys: yellow. or Orenge colous ofa {mall Hafell nut,blacke.on.one fide, and ofa golden Ofthebioneffe . r Onth ec other. it not amiffehere figured, and divers others d efcrided by Clufus,\ think fromthe former Indian Kidney wardens, is a large plant, not differing in manner of growth vuilgarly ters Belides thefe youfinde and growes in out Mention two more. The firft ofthefe,which was procures Dy Mt. Tradefcant; wheneeitis Peanes, but his flounes are latee inany, andofabelegant f{catlet colour: but it med by our Flourifts, the Scarlet Beane. The other ! haue feene growto alittle height, not indure ; but the cods of itwhich were brought to vs were fome three inches long, and. edwith ahairie downe ofa reddith colour, whieli put vpoa the hands or skin in any iy of “body would fting like a Nettle, and this was called the Stinging Beane Ithinkest came trom *nepartofthe Eat Indies. + ech |