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Show Ofthe Hifterie of Plants. 1208 $4 Trifelinmfracifirem, bia.2/ "Of theHiftory of Plants: white Trefoile,burthere is fomedifferencein the floures and feed; for the floures ofthis Straw-berry Trefoile. «] The Defiription. are fmall, grow thicktogether,& are ofa whi. tith blufh colour :after which follow heads He gieat Beane rifeth vp with a foure fquareftalke, {mooth, hollow, without ioynts; fuch a manneras they refemble a Strawberrie it is fowne alone by it felfeit foone falleth downe to the ground: it bringeth forth made oflittle bladders or thinneskins after or Rafpas, and they ate ofa grayith colour, here and there markedwith red’: the ftalkes feldome grow. aboue three inches high. It growes in moft falt marifhes, as in Dartford {alt marih, in thofe below Purfleet,and fuck like: it floures in Tuly and Auguft, Clufius hathfer-it forth by thenameofTrifolium fra. giferum Frificum+fome had rather call it Tri. folium veficarinm; BladderTrefoile. 5 ‘There are two other Trefoiles with which«E thinke good to acquaint you, and thofe by the fimilitude of the cups, which containe the floures,and becomethefeed veffels,may befitly called stellata, and thus Ba hine calls the firlt Trifoliumftellatum ; whereto long and vpright, which when itis thicke fowne hath noneed of proppingbut when ong leaues-one {tanding from another, confifting of manly growing vpononerib orftem, euerie onewhereofis fomewhat fat, fet with veines,flipperie, more long than round. The floures are eared, informe long, in colour either white with blacke {pots,or of a blackith purple: after them comevp long cods, thicke, full of fubftance, flenderer below, frized on the infide with a certaine whitewooll asit were, ot foft flockes ; which before they be ripeare greene, and afterwards being dry they aré blacke and fomewhat hard, as be alfo the cods of broome, yet they be longer than thofe, and grearer: in which are containedthree; foure,or fiue Beanes, feldome more, long,broad, flat,likealmoft toa mansnaile, great, and-oftentimes to the weight of halfe a dram ; for the moft partwhite, now and then ofa red purplifh colour’; which in their vpper part haue a long black nauellas it were, which is couered witha naile, the colour whereof isa light greene : the skin of the fruitorbeane is clofely compaéted, the innerpart being dry is hard and found,and cafily cleft in finder; and it hath on the one fide an evident beginningof {prouting,as hauealfothelittle peafe, a Ciches, and’ many other Pulfes, “The roots hereof are long, and faftned with many firings, for diftin@ions fake I adde hirfatum, calling 1 Fabamaior hortenfis. The great garden Beane. it Trifol, ftellatum hirfuttm, Roughftarrie hea- ded Trefoile: it hath a fmal long whitesoor, from which arife ftalkes fome foot high, 2. Fabafylueftre. The wilde Beane; round, flender, hairie, afd reddifh, having fewleauesor branches: the leauesftandthree ona ftalke, as in other Trefoiles, fmooth on the vpperfide, and hairy below; the floures are {mall andred, like in fhape to thofe ofthe commonred Trefoile, but lefler ; and they ftand each ofthem ina cupreddith and rough below, and on the vpper part cut into fiue long fharpe leaues ftanding openas they commonly fi- gurea ftarre:the floures fallen, thefe cups dilate themfelues, and haue in themiddle a longifh tranfuerfe whitith fpot. I faw this flouring in May in the garden of M'. Tradefcant, who did firlt z bring plants hereoffrom Fermentera a {mall Ifland in the Mediterranean fea. 6 This other(whichfor any thing that I knowis not figured nor deferibed by any)hath ftalks fometimes a foot, otherwhiles little aboue an inchhigh,hairy, and diuided but into few branches: the leaues, which ftand by threes, are faftned to long foot-ftalkes,and they themfelues ue fomewhat longith, hauing two little fharpe pointed leaues growing atthe ferting on of the ie ftalkes to the ftalkes :they are greene of colour,and not fniptabout the edges. The ~~ ae grow on the tops of the ftalkes are round, fhort,and greene,with fmall purple or elfe w _ floures like thofe of the common Trefoile, but leffer, ftanding in cups diuided into fiue a which whentheflouresare fallen become fomewhat bigger, harfher,and more prickly, but aie . not themfelues fo muchas thofe ofthe former: the feed is like that of Millet,but fomwhat a der. This floures in [une, and the feed isripe in Iuly. I firft obferued it in Dartford ated the tenth of Iune, 1633. I haue named this Trifolium ftellatum glabrum, Smooth ftarriesbieades Trefoile. ¢ @| The Temperature andVertues. Thefe, efpecially the three laft, feeme to be ofthe fame temper and vertu eas the common Me- -* dowTrefoiles, but none of themare at this day vfed in Phyficke,or knowne, ynieffe to fome icw Cuar.s97. 2 Of Pulfe. The fecond kinde of Beane (which Pesafetteth forth vnder the title of Sylwifiris Gracorum 42 cd Dodoneus, Bonafylneftris ,which may. be called in Englifh Greeke Beanes) hath {quate ftalkes like the garden Beanes, but {maller.. The leaues bealfo like the common Beane,fa- natthe ends ofthe rib whereon thofe Ieaues do grow haue at the veryend {niall tendrels or @ The Kinds. +e comprehend : Here be diuers forts ofPulfe,as Beanes,Peafon, Tares, Chiches, and fuchlike,comph . vnderthis title Pulfe :and firft ofthe great Beane, or garden Beane. nq pos tuchas the peafe Ieaues hauc. The floures are infathion like the former, but of a darke whet :whichbeing yaded,there fucceed long cods whichare blacke whenthiey be ripe,wirhin ~<A4s inclofed blacke{eed as big asa Peafe,ofan vnpleafant tafteand fauour, Liiii 3 #3 The |