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Show Ofthe Hiftory phPlint. n Lis.2. ae e Cuar. 472. Ofthe Hiftory ot Plants; 4 Filioulaperranfamina, five Chamafilix marina Thefemale dwarfe fone Ferne. (Angliea. Ofdiuers{mall Fernes, nish filken colour: it growes inthe chinkes of the rockes by the Seafide in Cornewall. q The Place. Theplace is fufticiently touched in the de- feription, q The Defcription. s @ The Time. They flourith both Wiinterand Sommer, His fmal] or dwarfe Ferne,which is feldome found except in the banks of ftony fou. OB asines, wellsand rockes bordering vponriuers, is very like vnrothe commonBrakes in leaues, but altoget for when the leaues wither by reafonof age, there arife youngto fupplie the place, fothat her lefler: the root is compofed of a bundle of blacke threddie ftrings. they arenot tobe feerie without greene and withered leaues both at once. 2 The female,whichis found likewife by running ftreames,wells,and fountaines,ypon ockes and ftonic places,is like the precedent,but isa great dealefaller,b lacker of colour, fewer 00tes, and shorter. 1 Filiculafontanamas. The male fountaine Ferre, ; 143 q The Names. : Tt fufficeth whathath bin faid ofthe names intheir feuerall titles: notwith{tanding the T 3 Filicula petreamas, The male dwarfe ftone Femme, laft deferibed we haue called Chamafilix marina'Anglica : which groweth vpon the rockie cliffe neere Hatwich,as alfoat Douer, among the Sampire that there groweth. | The Temperature and Vertues. Their temperature and faculties inworkin are referred vnto the kindes of blacke Oke Fernes,called Dryopteris,and Onopterss. glt,andhisde{cription,whehour Author,a5 1 indge, intended in that place to have giuen vss Cuar. 473. Of true Maiden-haire. Sse ~ ¥. } Kishard tofay what our Author in this chaprer meant, by his figures and deferiptions, wherefore I haue left his defcriptions as I found them: the Second fh grewhich was very likethe firft I haue amited:for the third, > which was of the Lonchitis Maranthe, meationed inthe foregoing chapter,I havepuc Clyftus his fia BreofhisFiliefxatilis 2,which growes in fach bplaces, and reafonable well fits our Authors defcriptionsin the fourth place Lhaue put Lobbells Chamafilix marine 1 Cibillus Veneris verus, T q The Defcription. ‘ : MeMaiden-haire, i V Hofo will follow the variable opini- Ne q The Kinds. aoe Htphraftus and Pliny haue fet downe two Maiden-haires, the blacke and thewhite;whereunto; may be added another called Ruta muraria, orwall Rue,equall tothe othersin facultie, whereofvewill intreat; 3 ; The male dwatfe Ferne that groweth vpon the ftonie mountaines ofthe North an d Welt ter, parts of England, efpecially the fea,and alfo in the ioints of tone walls among ae of hath fmall leaues deepely cuttoward on both fides, like vnto Ceterachor Spleene-woort, pate ofthe 0feeds and ftalks.as alfo without order placed ,the middle rib. whereof is ofa blacke fhining colour : the root confifteth of manie of thofe fpots or markes that areto be feene vponthe backe pe rhe Oke ther Fernes : the rootcreepeth along, fet with fomefew hairie ftrings,refembling oer Ferne, called Dryopteris. es rietoth 4 Thefemale ftone Ferne hath diuers long leauesrifing from a threddy eS of ofthe male,compofed of manyfinal! leaues finely minced orcut like theteeth of a fha tith green colour,without any. {pots or marks ar all,feeds or ftalks, which groweth a rocks,and craggie mountaines in moft places. + Froma {mall root compofed on pitt bairie,and intricately folding ftrings,come vp many Ieaues twoor three inches ae darke £reene, and fhining : in the dinifion,erowth pofition,fhape and tafte, it re pe ab Ferne,and hathalfo ruftie {pots on the backe: the middle ribbe and ftalke is of a 1h {mall threddie ftrings. 2 f This Affyrian Maiden-haireis likewife a bafe or low herbe,hauingleaues, flat, fmooth, and plaine, fet vpona blackith middle rib,like vnto aa of the We keenine i : other Maiden-haire, cut or nesibedlinsia oatcot Wsthe rope. noetaine forme,but making oneleafe of this fafhion,andanotherfardiffere m 1-48 tough and threddie, ; ; 5 toss 4s plant 4which we haue inferted among the Adianthesasa kinde thereof,aay may withour : G . pafle,which is in great requeft in Flanders and Germanie,where the practitio ners in PhyOvle the fame inftead ofCapillus Venerisand with better fucceflé than any of the ne erbs,, Sa)? 2 called Adtanthum verum, ox Capillue Fenerss verus, mutt ofneceffitic be broughtinto a labyrinth of doubts, confidering the diuers opinions thereof:but this 1 know that Venus-haire,or Maidenhaire, is alow herb growing an hand high, fmooth,of adarke crimfon colour, and glittering withall : the leaues be {mal,cut in funder,and nicked in the edges fomething like thofe of Coriander, confufedly or laa ons of writers concerning the Ferne |