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Show Lis.2. —————— 1128 Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. @ The Vertues, The floures ofyellow Maids haire, as Diofcorides writeth, is vfed in ointments againgt burtings andit ftancheth bloud: it is put into the Cerote or Gere-cloath of Rofes it is feta funding in 4 glafle, with Oyle Oliue, vatill ic bewhitesit is good to anoint the wearied Traueller;the toot thereofdrunke in wine ftirreth vp bodily lui ; and the floures {mel led vnto worke the fame éffed, The herbethereof is vfed for Rennet to ma Kechitafe, as Maithiolus reporteth; faying, Thatthe people of Tufcanie or Hetruriado vfe to turnetheirmilke, that the Cheefe which they makeof Sheeps and Goats milke might be the fveetér and more pleafanv intafte,andalfo more wholfome, efpecially to breake the ftone,as it is reported. \ The people in Chefhire, e{pecially about Namptwich, wherethe beft cheefe is made, dovieit in their Rennet, efteeming greatly of that cheefe aboue other made without it. OFtheHiftoryofPlants: 1129 q The Defcription. if He male Fernebringeth forth prefently from the root broad leauesand rough, fome-. T whathard, eafic to be broken,of a light greene colour, and ftrong {mell, more than a cubit long, {pred abroadlike wings, compoundedas it were of a great number ftanding vpona middle rib, eueric onewhereofis like a feather, nicked in the edges,and on the backe fidearefprinkledas it were withaveryfine earthy-colouredduft or {pots,which many rafhly taken for feed : the root confifteth of a number of tufts or threds, and is thicke and blacke, and i without ftalke and feed, andaltogether barren. £ Filicis (vulgo) maris varietates & differentia. We finde nothing ¢xtant in the antient writers, of the vertues and faculties of the white kinde but are as herbes neuer had in v{eeitherfor phyficke or Surgerie. Differences ofthe male Ferne, J Thefigure that was formerlyin the third place was of the Gallium album minus of Tabern-which commonlyhathbue two leaues ata ioynt, yer fomerimes itis found with threc. | haueobferuedfoure forts of Ferne,by moft writers efteemedto be the male Ferne of Diofcorides: by Anguillara, Gefner, Cafalpinus, and Clufins,accounted to be the female, and fo indeed doe I thinkethem to be, thoughI call them the male,with the multitude. Ifyou looke on thefe Fernes according to their feuerall growths and ages, you may make many more forts ofthem than I haue done;which I am afraid hath beene the occafion of defcribing moreforts than indeed thereare Cuar. 465. in nature, Thefe deferiptions I made by them whenthey werein their perfect growths. Of Ferne. 1 Filix mas ramofapionulis dentatis, @ The Kindes, : | * Here be diuers forts of Ferne, differing as well in formeas place ofgrowing ,whereoftherebe two forts according to the old writers, the male and the female ;and thefebe properlycalled Ferne: the others hauetheir proper names, as fhall be declared, 1 Filixmas. Male -Ferne, 2 Filixfemina. Female Ferne, or Brakes. Theroots are nothing but an aboundanceof {mall blacke hairy ftrings,erowing from the lower patts ofthe maine ftalkes (for ftalkes I will call them) where thofe flalkes are 1oyned together. tthe beginning ofthe Spring you mayperceiue the Ieauesto gtow forth of their folding clufes.coueted with brownith fealesat the fuperficies of the earth, very clofely ioyned together: a Young plant hath but a few leaues ; an old one, ten, twelue, or more : each ftalke at his lower end teetethe ioyning to hisfellowes, athis firft appearing, before heis an inch long hauing fome of tholeblacke fibrous roots for his fuftenance. ‘Theleaues being at their full growth hath each of them a three-fold diuifion,as hath that Ferne which is commonly called the female : the maine tlke,the fide branches growing from him, and the nerues growing on thofe fide branches bea= ting the leaues : the maine ftalke ofthat plant I defcribe wasfully foure foot long (bur there are Viually ftom one footto foure in length) fullofthofe brownith{cales, efpecially towardthe root, nmesone fide flat; the reft round, naked fully one and twenty inches,to the firft paite offide branaan Thefide branches, the longeft being the third paire from theroot, were nine inches long, és otterand fhorter towardsthe top, innumber about twenty paire ; for the moft part towards eo grow by couples, almoft oppofite, the neerer the top the furthes from opposition : fhoneereating the leaues, the longeft were two inches anda quarter long, and fo, fhorter and ide eg the tops ofthe fide branches , about twentie in number on eachfide of thelongeft nerweyeach The leaues grow for the moft part by couples on the nerue, eight or nine paire on a ca ae leafe being gafhed by the fides,the gafhes ending withfharpe points, ofa deep green mens fide, on the vnderfide paler, and eachleafe haning two'rowes ofdufty red feales, ofa per fey lackifh colour: toward the top of the maine ftalke thofe fide branches. change into eof sting only the leaues. When the leaues are at their full growth,you may fee inthe midbre ‘See at their roots the faid fealy folding clufter; andas the old leaues with their blacke Breene al polly pexith,they {pring vp. ;moft yeares you may finde many of the old leaues dovienigoncs oteefpecial ly in warme places... This groweth Plentifully in the boggy fhadutharh in = neere Durford Abbey in Suflex, and alfo on the moift:thadowie tockes by Maple- and Peta neere Peters-field ; and I haué found it oftenon the dead putrified bodies tal yon Be rottenokes, in the faid moores, neere the old plants I haue obferued verie may {mall cleeall herhes growing, which cameby the falling: of the feed from thofedutty {cales : for [ es haue feeds inthemfelues to producetheir kindés, Gen.1, rr. Cl2. A . Menschen haue but a twofold diuifion, the many ftalks and the nerues bearing the lcaues, Ndclope isha allare blacke fibrous threds like the fir, their maine {talks grow many thicke scther atthe root, as the firft doth: the differenceis inthe fathion oftheir leaues,and Manner oforcsfow .: was n@ions fake ing, and fordifti Lhaue thus called them: The} he fales 2. Filix mas non ramola‘pinnulis latis denis minutin dentatis. are o fayellowith greene colour on bothfides, fervery thickeand clofe tozethér 04 |