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Show Of the Hiftory of Plants. —— Lis.2 Lis. 2. @ The Place. The titles and deferiptions fhew the place of theirgrowing ithe laft Belonins teporteth toe in diuersvallies ofthe mountaine Olympus,andnotfar from Ragufa a citie in Sclauonia The Time. ; grow feds like thofe ofMillet,blacke without,and white within: the rootis hard, tough,andwooddie, 2 Vuamarina maior . 4 3 Tragos Matthioli, Great fhrubbie fea Grape, They floure from Aprill to the end of Sommer. . Ofthe Hiftroy ofPlants. Battard Sea Grape, @ The Names, Horfe-taile is called in Grecke izruue , Hippuris : in Latine, Equifitum and Bibasofig: his ts, booke,28 chap. £quifetes,of the likenefle ofa horfe haire : of fome,s alii Pinan ae Candaequina : inhigh Dutch,Schattthet sin low Dutch, gecrtfteertsin Italian,cods dices in Spanith,Coda de mula: in French, Queue de chewal: and Caquene : in Englith Horfe-taile i 2 Shaue-graffe. an Shaue-graffe is not without caufenamed A/prella, of his ruggednefle, which is not vation AE aree oe ce women,who fcoure their pewter and woodden things of the kitchin therewith:whichthe German ‘ women call Hannenkraut: and therefore fome of ourhufwiues docallit Pewterwoort, of ST AOUTE, the tenth is called Ephedra, Anobafis,and Caucon. The Temperature, Horfe-taile, as Galen faith, hath a binding facultie, with fome bitterneffe,and thereforeit aa mightily dry,and that withoutbiting. t @ The Vertues. Diofcorides {aith,that Horfe-taile being ftampedand laied to, doth perfealy curewounds, yea though thefinewes be cutin funder, as Galen addeth. It is of fo great andfo paid a etn healing ofwounds,as that it is thought and reported for truth, to cure the wounds ofthe bladder, j and other bowels,and helpeth ruptures or burftings. Theherbedrunke either with wateror wine, is an excellent remedy againft bleeding at thenof, and other fluxes of blond. Ir ftaicth the ouermuch flowing of womens foures.theblou dy y fiflixan 4 ‘ the other fluxes ofthe belly. C Theiuice ofthe herbe taken in the fame manner can do thelike, and more effedually. B D Horfe-taile with his roots boiled in wine,is very profitable for the vlcers of the kidnies& bladder,the cough and difficultie of breathing. Cuar. 459. OfSea-(lufter,or Sea Rieifon. t 1 Yeamarina minor. 9] The Defeription, Smal] Sea Grape. Z _ _ Mal! Sea Grapes not valike to horftaile: irbringeth forth flender ftalks, almoft like ruthes, fetwith many lit- tle ioints; firch as thofe are of,the Horle-taile, and diuided into many wingsand branches; the tops whereofare fharpe pointed,fomewhat hard and prickingtit is without leaues:the floursgroy in clufters out of the idints, with little ftems, they are fmal] and ofa whitifh green colour: the fruit confifteth of manylittle pearles,like tothe voripe berries of Rafpis,or Hind-berry:when itis ripe it istedwith a faffron colour, intaftefect and pleafant: the feede or kernell is hard, three fiquare,(harpe on eueryfide,in tafte binding: the root is iointed,long,and creepsaflope: the plant it felfe alfodoth rather lie on the ground thas ftand vp: it groweth all full of fmall ftalkes 20° branches,cafting themfeluesall abroad. 2 : Carolus Clufius hathfet forth another fort viieneae Matthioli,or rather Trdgos improbus,Matthioli, which he vnaduifedly called Tragon,is fas Gaoie nothingelfe buta kinde ofKali: this plant rifeth vp out of the ground with an wes acubite high,diuided into fundryother groffe, th icke,and writhen branches,fet,or eth pricking leaues, ofthe colour and fhape of Atzoon,and fomewhat thicke and fleis har fon eu hich come forth fuchprickley burres,asare to be feen in Tribulus terrefiris, as that it rbes ? to touch any part thereof without pricking one hands : the floures are ofan turfeofthen? ring ing forth flat feed like vato Kali : the rootis flender,and {preadeth vnder the filth, and eer holeplant is full of clammie iuice,not anything aftringent,but fomewhat Trac Digh . fingular vertue that is yet knowne :wherefore I may conclude,that this cannot be hate he eee the rather, for that this Tragon ofMatthiolws isan herbe, and nota fhrub, as I pleafane in : eae in V a marina NEEL beareth it any berries OF graines like wheat,neither 1s. it fn expreffed eand fmelLor any thing aftringent,all which are to be found inthe right Tragos beMash isa which (as Diofcorides faith)is without leaues,neither is irthorney as Tragus improbus OE Sir ga us plant I haue found growing in the Ifle of Shepey,in the tract leading to the houf Ward Hobby called Sherlarid. @ The Place. vpon dry banks and fandyplaces neere tothe fea:it is found in Languedocke, elict,andin other places by the fea fide,and is a ftranger in England, offea Grape,far different fromthe precedents rifeth vp totheheight of a man, hauing manic branches ofa wooddie fubftance, in form liketo Spanifh Broome,without any leauesatallenberupon doe growclufters of floures vpon - c foot-ftalks,ofa yellowith moffie or herby gis like thofe of the Cornell tree:after which er reddifh©othe fruit like vnto the mulberrie,ofa Ra : eortwo Jour and fower tafte,wherein lieth hid one ‘eds . When tt groweth of it {el aS 5 elec : felfe remaineth Se okh long ft Oral the cold ont, it felfe the fruit is ripe in Autumne,the plant it green, inter, te: iScalled fthe : i ; 7 The Names. A 1 likene flethe t chee Herbaritts,Yua marina : in French, Raifin de Mer,of the pearled fruit, and lei oo hwith the Rafpis berriewhich is as twere a Raifon or Grapeccastingof MGpniged, oh. it 8 named in Grecke appt, but itis not called Tragus,or Traganos,ofa Goat (for tthe Greeke word) or of his ranke and rammithfmell,but becaufe it bringeth — i ; Tule |