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Show 1094 Ofthe Hiftorie ef Plants. Lugs *Bias "Of the HiftorySess of Plants.: Ss £5 Aquilegiafloinverforubro. Columbine with the inuerted red floure . £ 6 Aquilegiaflo, inverf ally, Inuerted Columbine withthe white floure} : ; 109s 3 oretitne than were tequifite to leeft ahd therefore it fhall firfficelwhar lath beene{aid for nots. +2 ha eICiT ‘t There ate alfo other varieties Of this dorble kinde; which haue the foures of digess bE artie colouts,as blew and white,and'white and red varioufly marked or 4 potted, 5 Thiskinde hath the Hottes with their Hecles'or {purres turned outward or inthe niddle 6F thefloutewhenteitis called Ayuilaainverfa :the flodtes of this aré ‘common! y teddith, or of 4 light or dake purple colour,and double, ash 6 This differs from the laft in the colour of the floutes which atewhite, yet double,and inuers tedasthe former. + The r00ts,leaues,andftalks of this are not vnlike thofe ofthe precedént,butthe floure is mucli differentin fhape,; for it hath no heels‘or {purs,but is made of fundrie Jong leaues lying flat onen, being fometimes more fingle,and otherwhiles more double. The colour of the floute is either red, white, blew,or vatioufly mixt ofthefe as the former. : 8 Thisthoughit be termed degenerate, is a kinde of it felfe,andit differs from the lat deferibed in thatthe vtmoft leaues are the largeft, and the colour thereof is commonly greene, or greene fonewhat inclining to a purple. ¢ @ The Place. They ate fet atid fowne in gardensfor the beautieand vatiable colours of the floures. They flourein May,tune,andLuly. gj The Time; | The Names; Columbineis called ofthe later Herbarifts Aquileia, Aquilina,and Aquilegia : OfGoffeus,Pothos of Gifur,Leomtofomum : of Dalefihampius,toussflos : of fome, Herba Leonis,or the herbe wherein the Li- ondoth delight: in High Dutch,Aglep sin Low Dutch, Algelepen sin French, Apcoiles : in Eng- lih,Columbine, $ Fabiws Colurana tudgesit to be the //opyrumdeferibed by Diofcorides.$ G The Temperatures Columbinesare thoughtto be temperate betweene heate and moifture. $7 Aquileciaflore rofeo. Rofe Columbine. : samp $ 8 Aquilegia degencr ‘bine Degenerate Columbine, @ The Vertues. Notwithttanding what temperatureof vertues Columbines hane is notyet fufticiéntly known; lortheyare vfed efpecially to decke the gardens of the curious, garlands,and houfes:neuertheleffe .Savtiteth,that a dram weight ofthe feed,with halfea feruple or ten gtaines of Saffron given "iGisa good and effetuall medicinefor the topping oftheliuer,and the yellow iaundife,but nithhe,that who fo hath taken it muft be well couered with cloathes,and then {weat. ; Molin thefe daics follow ing orhers by tradition,do vfe to boile the leaues in milkéagainft the ‘renelle ofthe throat,falling and excoriation ofthe uvula : but the antient writers haue faid nosiicteof: Ruellivs teporteth,that the floures of Columbinesare not vfedin medicine:yer fome ; ei es do affirme they are good againft the {topping ofthediuer,which ctfe& theleaues dee “ pertorme, ’ oa ae faith, that D'. Francis Rapard 4 Pliyfition of Bruges in Flanders, told him that the it froieg common Columbine very finely beaten to pouder, and giuenih wine, wasa fingular ae faenne bine towomento haften and facilitare their labourjand if thefirlt taking it were tehtly effe tual! that then they should repeat ir againe. # Cuar. 448. Of Wormewood. Gf The Defcription. t Tie firht kind being our commmidn and belt kadiwne Wotinwood,hath leaves ofa grayith cubitsenety muchcut opiageed:and very'bitter ‘the ftalkes are ofa wooddie fubfance, Pb tae full of branches,along(t which doe grow little yellowith Doreee is : Eull of fires tke the feed of Tanfey,but {mallet : the root ig ikewife of awooddie fubfagec, The tecond kinde of Wormwood bringethforthflender ftalkes about a foor high or fome‘ More, 7 ORaheoge with leattes likethe former, bite whiter, much Regeraiid cut otispecd jaro “Rotheithes ied cuts or diutifions : the floures are like the formér,Hangite vpon si: eee *Sranorher fats ard: the roots are whitith, forall and many, cralingend ce pling ce eteby infinitely do inereafeof fuour eft pidafane tlanthe eomaion W Orns woot |