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Show 1O?'2. L rea, Of the Hiftorie of Plants. \ eee fabs 18 Rraightard Sines sche feedis long and rough , lik c The feed « . C a oo - 1€ BN fingle,growing deepeinto the ground,ot awhite colour,anc — are | roacerand the ‘2. Thereis another fort like vnto the former,fauing thatt ¢ leaves thercot ectermiration of u€ floures are of a reddish colour: there hath great controuer fie 1 fenakbout felfe ful c vee ec breitiegitt Caucals, becaule the Latine interpretationof Diofcorides is greatly . this plart is thetne decmet wee but : hiftory the to pertinent not rauchfuperfluous matter, cone Canealee,the notes fet downe declare it 10 to be : the floures, faithhe, are redd ith the feeds garments that it touchethascoe with a rough huske fet about with prickles, which cleave vnto Otes,rotvnpleafantin Burs.which roughneffe being pilledoff, the feed appeares like vnto hulled afame. ew I allwhic Ceeear that hath a long fingle root, thrummedat out thevppererd - vp Cae pe jes with many thrummy threds ofa brownecolour : from whichrife a: ie “ne . hefakes o that vnto like skinniefilme, orknees, coucred with a fheath or ar i grow at the topof the falke or jagged,refembling the leaves of our Englith Saxifrage of that Particy. in fpokyrundles like Fennell : the feed is {mall like ask dn 8 rubentibas. tib minor flofcnlis jucalis aa eo Hedge Parfley. + 6 Cancalis nodofacchinotofemint, C KnottedParfley, Bey SH yy Vvuty ey “102 3 againftanother, faipt about the edges, and endingin a long andfharpepointedleafe: thefe leaucs as alfo the ftalkes are fomewhat rough and harth,andof a darke greene color:the floures are fmall andreddith, and grow in little vmbels, and are fucceeded by longi h feed of fome‘whata ftrong and aromaticke tafte and fniell, It is anannnall plant,andfloures c ommonlyin Iuly, and the feeds areripe in Augutt.(ordws and Thalins call it Dancoiédes minussand Banhi ucalis femine afpeoflofcules (w Srabemtibus. There isa bigger andlefler vz y or fort of this plant, for you fhall findit growing to the height oftwocubits, withieaues andall the vpper parts anfwe and youmay againe obferueit not toexceedthe height ofhalfea foot- 6 Thisother,which Bavhine hathfirft fet forth in writing by the name of Cay natofeminehath a white and long root,from which it fends vp fundry{mall crefted and rou cheswhichcommonly lie along vpon the ground, and they are commonly of an vnequall length, fomea cubit long,other-fome fcarfe two handfulls:the leaues are {mall,rough,winged, and deeply jaggedandat the fetting on ofeach Jeafe clofe to the ftalkes vfually vpon very fhort foot-ftalkes stow{mall little floures of colour white,or reddifh, and made of fiue little leaues apeece: after thefe follow the feed,round,fmall and rough,andthey growclofeto the ftalkes. Ir flonres in lune and Iuly,and growes wilde'in fundry places, as in the fields,and vpon the bankes about S, lames, andPickadilla, Fabius Columaa iudges it to be the true Scandix ofthe Antients. + There is likewife one ofthefe found in Spaine, called Cawcalis Hifpanica, like the firft: but it is anannuall plant,whichperithesat the firft approach ofwinter, the whichI haue fownein mygardenbut it perithed before the feed was perfected. k Ske @ The Place. _ Thele plants do grow naturally ypon tockes and ftony grounds : we haue.the firft and the third inourpaftures in moft places of England: that with red floures isa ftranger in England. + Lhauenot heard that the third growes wilde with vs, but the feeond was found growing in thecorne fields on the hilles about Bathe, by M*. Bowles. £ Zw The Time. ee t i OftheHiftory ofPlants, Lis. 2. They floure and flourith from May to the end of Auguft, The Names, Baftard Parfley is called in Greeke zuais:in Latinealfo Cancale : of fome, Daucns fylueftris ae Mong the baftard names Of Democritus, 34m :in Latine, Pes Gallipacens, Pes Pull: the Egyptians tame it Se(elis : the country-men ofHetrutia, Petroféllofalwatico #in Englith, baftard Parfley, and Hennes. foot. @] The Temperature andVertucs. : Disfarides faith,that baftard Parfley is a pot-hetbe whichis eaten either rawor boiled,and prowoketh vine, Pliny doth reckon it vp alfo among the pot-herbes : Galen addeth, that it is preferued in pickle forfallades in winter. Thefeed ofbaftard Parfley is euidently hot and dry, and that in the fecond degree : it prouokethvrine, and bringeth downethe defired fickenefle: it diffolueth the ftone,and driuethit forth Tttaketh away the ftoppingsof the liuer, fpleene,and kidniés: it cutteth and concoéeth raw andflegmaticke humours : it comforteth a cold ftomack, diffolueth winde, it quickneththe fight, and refrefheth the heart,if it be taken fating. Mattbiolus inhis Commentaries vpon Diofiorides, the fecond booke,attributeth vntoit many E cellent Vertues,to prouoke venery and bodily Juft,and erection of the parts, 1 The igure which belonged to che third de(cription in this chapter was formerly put for Englith Saxifrage. wbich hath + 4 Clufiusvnderthename of Caucalé maior hath defcribed and figured t hisy ndry branes fu o , int diuided more,whichare or fome two cubits high ny crefted ftraight ftalkes ca,but 10! 0 and at each joyntfendforth large & winged leaues fomewhat like thofe of Ange Ji tes, ini g, ou fl whitifh of and of a darker greene; atthetops of the branches grow vmbels fomewhata purplith or flefh colour vnderneath ; and thefe are fucceeded by eae? glyste Cuar.4o4. q The Defiription. like thofe of the Cow-Parfnep, but that they are rougher, and forked at the . a rootis white,hard and wooddy, It floures in Iune, ripens the feed in Iuly and ‘continues the root dyes,and the feed mutt be fowne in September,andfo it will come vp ze withvs belt “sa: : all the winter. 5 Befidesthefe formerly defcribed there are two others growing wilde ¥ bolt thefe, which I haue thought good tocall Hedge,orfield Parfley,(becaufe it ine profane and in plowedfields very plentifully euery where)hathcrefted hollow fralkes B10" 8. «(eto Jongifhon cubit and halfe high, whereon ftand winged Icaues made of fundry little Of (andy Alexanders. D* corides and Pliay haue reckoned Smyraium among the kindes of Parfley, whofe indgement ; While this plantis young, and not grownevp toa ftalke, may ftand with very good reafon, Rertza or that the young leaues next the grovindare like to Parfley,buit fomewhat thicker and lara cubithigh,and fomewbat more,garnifhed with round Jeaues, vp a ftalke Toga,whichrifeth farted S . = Fay » ‘ ifferent from thofe nextthe ground,inclofing the ftalke about like Thorow wax,or PaDiy Lplest i" “ales are ofa yellowcolour, and do rather refemble the leaves of Fole-foot t |