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Show Of che Hittorie of Plants. La Bi 2s of milke : the floures are white;fmalland ae pointed,which being broken do yeeld abundance tathion : the roots white and many,{hooting forth findry other roots,whereby it mightily i Nerege — 3. ~~OftheHiftoryofPlants| —— Lae This ftrange kinde of Scammonie, which Clujises makethrightly to be Periploce ects hath very many long branches ramping and taking hold of fuch things as dogrow Neerevnto them, They keepe vfually in'theit fhops two compofitions, oreleCuarties, the one of Pfillium ot Flea- G woort,fet downe by Mefue : the other of Priines fathered vpon Nicolaus, which were deuifed for the tempering and correction of Scammony, and be commended for hot burning agues, and tertians, afd for what difeafes foewer that proceed ofcholer. : Gilebath taken Mafticke and Baellium out ofthepilles called Cochiz, which alfo conteine in of adarkith athe colour:whereupon do grow Icaues fharp pointed,crooked at the fetting Onof the ftalke like thofe of the blacke Bryonie,and likewife of an athecolour,fet together by couplesifom them agreat and fuflicient quantitie of Scammonie, aswe may reade in his’ fitft booke of medicines according tothe places affected, whichalfo we meane to touch inthe chapter of Coloquintida, where we intend to intreatat large concerning mafticke, and other binding things, thatare wrapped vp in downe,like as floures ftarre-fathion: thefeeds are contained in long coddes,and are accuiftomed to be mixedfor the correction of ftrong and violent purgers. ! The quantitie of Scammony,or of Diagrid.umitfelfe,as Mcfae wtiteth, is from fiue ¢raines to tenor twelue: itmaybe kept as the fame Authorfheiveth,foure yeeres:Plizy iudgcth it to be after to yeeres little worth: it is to be vfed, faith he, whenit is two yeeres old, andit is not good be- the bofome whereof thrutt forth {mall tender foot-ftalkes , whereon are placed {mall white thofe of Swallow-wort. Theroor is very long,flender,and creeping, like that ofthe {mall Bindweed, fo thatif it once take in any ground, it can hardly. be deftroyed. forenorafter. The mixing or otherwife the vfe thereofimore than-is fet downe,I thir keirnotex- q The Place. Irdoth growin hotregions, ina fat foile,as in Mifia,Syria,and other like countries of Afaitis likewife foundin the Ifliand of Candia,as Bellor.witnefles ;from whence I had fome feeds,ofwhich feed Lreceiued twoplants that profpered exceeding well ; the one whercof I beftowed vpona lear. ned Apothecarie of Colchefter, which continweth tothis day bearing both floures and ripe feed, But an ignorantweeder of my garden plucked mine vp,and caft itaway in my abfence, infteadof a weede: by which mifchance I am not able towrite heereof fo abfolutely as I determined: it likewife growcth neere vnto thefea fide about Tripolis ig Syria, where the inhabitants doe callit Meudhendi. @ TheTime. 7 pedieiittofet forth in the Phyficall vertues of Scammony, vpon the receipt whereof many times deathinfueth: my réafons are divers, for that the fame is very dangerous, either iftao greara quantitie thereof be taken,orif it be gitien without correction ; or taken at the hands of fome tunnagate phylicke-monger. quackfaluer,old women-leaches,and fuchlike abufers of Phy fickanddeceiuers ofpeople! The vfe of Scammony I commit to the fearned, vnto whomeit efpecially and onely belongeth, who can verycarefully and curioufly vfe the fame. 7. Thetidesofthe fecond and third were formerlycran(pofed, and boththe figures belonged to the fecond defcription which was’ OF theSadumoniiim Alon/beti« evjeof the Atverf. being the fame with the Scammonta Valentina of Clufins. It floured in my garden about S, James tide,as Iremember, for when I went to Briftow Faire, Lleft.itin floure,but at my retarneitwas deftroyedas aforefaid. @ The Names, alfo the hard and condenfediuice : ef rhe Apothecaries,Scammonea;aud whenit is prepared,Diagridiwm : as though they fhould fay,ae: which fignifieth a littleteare: both theherbe andinice are named Scamony:of Rhafis, Corixiola. | The Temperature. fpr The iuice doth mightily purge by the {toole,andis the ftrongeft purge whatfoeuet; a ci bafins faith,it is in no part ouercomeby thofethings whichftir and mouethe body.It sith ” ole famenot vchementlyby any hot qualitie, but by fome other hid and fecret properti¢ oht hing fubftance ; for there is no extremitie of heat perceiued in it by tafte: for with whatI re sae foeuerit is mixed, it giuethvnto it nobitterneffe, biting,or other vnpleafant tafte arall,and § ie fore it is not to be accounted among the extreme hot medicines, but among thofe that are x The Vertues. A B A : Itclenfeth and drawethforth biecialiecholer : alfo thinne and waterifh fms and tentimes flegme, yet isit as Paylus teacheth more hurtfull ro the ftomacke thanany° cine. ‘ at it Mefues thinketh chatit is not onely troublefome and hurtfull to the ftomacke, "te fhaueth the guts,gnawingandfretting the intrails, openeth the ends ofthe ee sai effence ofhis whole fubftance,it is anenemy to the heart,and tothe reft ofthe ite gs vfed immoderately and in time not conuenient,it caufeth fwvounings,vomitings, 40 ontias eofthe ftomacke,fcouring,the bloudy flux and vicers in the lower gut, which bring 4¢ fireto the fioole. ; 4 mixed with the C Thefe mifchiefes are preuentedif the Scammoniebe boiled ina Quince an 2 sthatbialt flime or mucilage ofP/ilium,called Fleawoort,the pap or pulp of Prunes,or other thing a flimic iuice,with little Mafticke added, or {ome other eafie binding thing. iL Scammosié Plinie affirmeth that the hurt thereof is taken away if Aloes be tem pered withit: a‘Aloes (faith he) ouerthroweth the ftomack,purgethcholer,loofeth thebelly valeffe — synop asd be put vnto oneferuple ofit]which alfo Ovibafius allowethofin the firft booke 9 the feuenth booke of his medicinal! ColleGions. i E he Quince? The old Phyfitions were alfo wontto boile Scammonie ina Quince,and to ee belly with be eaten,hauing caft away the Scammonie: and this Quincefo taken doth aonighments outany hurt vnto the ftemacke,as Galen in his firft booke ofthe Faculties of Nou The Apothecaries dovfe Scammonie prepared ina Quince; which'as we have Disgridium,and do mixit in divers compofitions. aoe ore te @ The Kindes, Ti: be twokindes of Bryony; the one white, the other blacke :ofthe white Briony asfolloweth, Bryonia alba, White Bryonie. | The Defiription. ; fr ™ Hite Briony bringeth forth diuers long and flender ftalkes with manyclafjping tendrels like the Vine, wherewith ‘it eatcheth hold of thofe things thatare next vato it. The leaues are broad, fiue cornered,and indented like thofe.of the Vine ; but rougher; more hairie,and whiter of colour. The foures be fmall and white, growing many, cogether. The fruire confifteth,in little clufters, the bérriés whereof areatthe firft greene, and red when they beripe, The rooteis very greate, long, and thické grojy. ing deepein the earth, ofa white:yellowith ¢olour, extreame bitter,,,and altogether of an-vn- pleafanttafte. The Queenes chiefe Surgion Mz, William Godorous, avery curious and learned gen- tleman fhewed mea root hereof, that waied halfe an hundred weight, and of the bigneffe ofa child, ofa yeeteold. : q The Place. Briony groweth almoft euety where among pot-herbeshedge-bufhes, andfuchlike places, @ The Time, 2a Tr floureth in’ May, and bringeth forth his grapes in'Autumtie. t fet downe,andlikew ife inhis third booke ofthe Faculties offimple Medicines. fai shey F : Cuar. 320, Of Briony, or the white Vine. I The Greekes call it erm: the Latines,Scammonium, fo naming not onelythe plantit felfefout rately hot and drie. * 4 @ The Names, etc, Bryonyis called in Greek, demnsraoot in’ Latine, Vite Dddd |