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Show ”Lips 2 Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. —— H eT a K - Raaaessa=— . The deco&ion of Enu/a drunken, prouokethvrine,and is good for themthatare grieued within. Of the Hiftorie of Plants, i . ward burftings,or haue any member outof ioint n an cle@uatic, clenfeththe breft,xipeneth tough madei {ugar, or honie with ot taken Thero I t the coughand fhort. Cuar. 281, leth mightily againi flegme,and makethit eafie to be {pet forth, and preuai hdigeftion, nefie ofbreath,comforteth the ftomacke alfo,and helpet es aforefaid, The roots condited after the manner of Eringos ferueth for the purpof The root of Enu/a boiled very foft,and mixed in a morter withfreth butter andthe pouder of neffe,andfuchlike, Ginger,maketh an excellent ointmentagainft the itch,feabs ,mangi fundrie vfes,butit isefpecikeptfor r, and tembe Se of end the in ered e begath to otsar Thero M__ Se art ne Cuar. 280. OfSauce alone,orfacke by the hedge. Aliiaria. q The Deféription. Sauce alone. Of Dittany, “| The Defcription, K ally preferued by thofe that make Succadeand fuchlike. 7| a Ittani : Candie by (as eam ea faith) tanieof Crete nowcalled Dio/torides isa hot and (h } much like vnto cha Penni-roiall, fauing that hi f arpe hearbe; esiohins fates 4 te mee at his leaves be greater and fomewhat hoary. a loit downe or white woollie co : “pote Ys og tton: at the top of the b . ¢ ‘ : row {mall {piki Biron. Puc {caly aglets, hanging bylittle fall flemthes,tefemibLing thef; a ae fiers fmall forth come doe there feales which nn oe a ay Aegan at,Of aun ared purple colour. whi 2 a3 ppt NOU oy ir ike contrarieto the faying of Disfiavides casaas being ps knopis found full of {mall feed 3 neit ti vho f § : haue feene it beare both in my Garden Rihies eas s eareth floure nor feed, butmyfelf lowing, 1 nthe whole plant perifhed in the next VVinter fol. i Didamnum =. CCreti erscume. tanie of Candie. Auce alone hath affinitie withGarlicke in name,not becaule it is like it in forme, butin fmell : for if it be bruifed or amped it {mel- % Pieudodsét 2 Pleudod:amnum, Baftard Dittanie. leth altogether like Garlicke: the leaues hereof are broad, ofa light green colour,ticked roundabout,and fharpe pointed ; the ftalkeis flender, a- bout a cubithigh, aboutthe branches whereof growlittle whitefloures ; after which come vp flender {mal and long cods,& in thefe black feed: the rootis long,flender,and fomething hard. q The Place. It groweth ofie felfe by garden hedgesbyold bor- wals,by highwaies fides,6r oftentimes inthe ders offields. - q The Time. It floureth chiefely in Iune and Iuly,the feed waxeth ripe in the meane feafon. The leaues ae fed for a fauce in March or April. The Names. f The later writers call it -4Uiaria, and Alia: of fome,Rima Maria: it is not Scordium, or wale Germander, which the apothecariesin timesPa miftooke for this herbe : neither is it Seana" esorakinde of water Germandet, whereo ‘ hauewritten:itis named of fome,Pes Afimins is called in High Dutch,enoblauch We at chel,and Satskvaut ¢ and in Low Dutch; =— fonder WLoock? you may nameit in Latine, : French, 4 Ujayre +10 Englith,Saucealone,and Iacke of the hedge. non 'bulbofum:in oehene | The Temperature, i 4 to fay, i theendo Tacke ofthe hedge is hot and drie,but muchleffe than Garlicke,thatis . fecond degree,or in the beginning ofthe third. : The Vertues. Salt fifths > with hereof leaues vfe ithathin mena divers eat the ftamped ie Weknow not whatthofe f ofRamfons. for a fauce,as they do and 3 _ Somealfoboile the leaues in clifters which are vfed againft the paine ofthe collicke in which notonly windeis notably wafted,butthe pain alfogf the ftonemitigated and ver) - eafed, Cust The fe ; tha, condkind called Pfewdaaictamnum,that is,Baftard Dittanie,is muchlike vito the fit eanIag NIS HOt freer vot Gas l neit ee eet ofel fmel i her dothit it bite bi the tongue,having round foft woollyftalks 5 te flou ae 8, and at eueryknot two leaues fomewhat round, foft, woo Ly, and fomewhat € ofa light purplecolor,com pafling a wale certain fpaces like garlands . 2 ¢ 24nd ons reth tothe ‘like the floures: ‘of Peni-roiall. The root is ofawooddie fubftance : the whole o erates eight ofa cubite and an halfe,andlafteth long. Toenail The firg BD: q The Place © é7ittanie com ommeth from Crete. an Iland which; w ies nave owneit in my sard f * ae anIland which we call Candie,where ic grow otk f en,Wwhere it ha and barefeed; bur itSALLI the iniy He of oyy extraordinarie a bid ane floured andborne perifhed ges by Nane Cold winter that then happened: neuerthelefle Diofcori ; |