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Show 702 Ofthe HiftorieofPlants.— q The Time. do. Of theHiftorieofPlants. ee Lis. 2 ; Itfloureth and flourifheth whenthe others q The Names. ganawhald whazesaty, as Pliny teftifieth in his 27. booke,8. chapter:offome’ It is called in Greeke (purinm jor baftard Horehound:in fhops,Prafium fetidum, andBallo Marrubiafiram,or M arrubium ith, Marranio negro : in FE rench, Marubin noir COputant : in Englith in Italiani, Marrubiaftro : in Span . und eho Hor king ftin @ The Temperature. lenfing andas Paulas Bgineta teacheth,ofa fhatpe and’c dry, and hot is und cho Stinking Hor faculty. q The Vertucs. - of a maddogge, againft which it is of Being ftamped withfalt and applied,it.cureth the biting A . writeth des Diofcori as , B great eflicacy hard Jumpes or knotsin or about The leaues rofted in hot embers do wafte and confume away Author teacheth. fame the cers,as filthyvi and foule lenfeth the fiindament. Italfoc plier ro "but foft andas itwere downy. The floutes compafie the ftalkes is a even as tho Of Horehound doe, whereof doubtleffe this been generally holden: which floures are white of colour, fafhio ur érootis very thteddy. + Thete is alfoavarietyZz of this bauing5 red¢ helmet l’ hath {quate ftalkes tifing from a threddyroot, fet with leant 4 Yellow Archangel t ples, very mnchcut or hackt about the edges, and fharpe pointed. The vppetmof leaues; ofa gold oftentimes ofafaire purple colour. The floures grow amongthe fatne colout, fafhionedlike thofe of the white Archangell, but ye greatet,and more wider gaping Open: manyleaucs {pred 3 Red Archangel! being talled ¥#tica non mordax, or dead Nettle, hath dogrowroughleaues vponth : eround.among which rife vp ftalkes hollow,and fquare,whereupon ofan ouer worne colour, amofig which comeforth purple floures, fet about in round wharles, of rundles. The root is fnalljand perithethat thefirft approach ofwinter. £ 4 Laminm Pannonicum, fiae Galcopfis« + 3 Laminumrubrum, Hungarydead Nettle. Red Atchangell. Chapter. * 5 and the figure that fhould hauebeene here was in the former The figure was of Lemino album, OPArchangell with the white floure eres Cuar. 235. Of eArchangell,or dead Nettle. 2 Lamium luteum. “4+ x Laminin album. White Archangell. Yellow Archangel. a Dead Je xf H Witteet large rough leaues very muchcurledor ¢rumpled pone Mere esOfa darkegreene colour, fnipt about the edges like the teeth of 2 Oure {quare ftalke by couples ; from the bofomeof which Ieaues come fortl tothe ftalkes, of:a Peperfect purple colout,infhapelike colout,i ike thofe thofe ofof the teria ' purple white Archangell, hehikcAtRanbelL, Gnotak oe ee ower chap whereofis of a bright purple {potted with white, . The root is thicke. ponee inclofed in rough huskes,with finefharpepoints flicking ts To Ben onlihiing of many threds andlong fttings, : call Prtics Heracleg . seerenay fitlyr¢ fer 2.0ther plants;the firft ofwhich Tragws andothers 200 Herculea, and Clufius iudges it to be the ttud Galeopfis of Diofcorides, as ey 4ragus alfo thoug eae Pe is fibrous andcreeping, fending forth many etary tee ee ee: or foot hereof T q The Defcription. leaning Ge Hite Archangell hath foure fquare ftalkes, a cubit high, WS ues, that way, by reafonof the great weight of his-ponderou1s lea fing! fhapelike thofe of Nettles,nicked roundabout the edges, yet nt ~ es, but more fort ie - 1 a sa growtwOleaues vpon long ftalkes very like thofe of itwereina {pike Affon ati an ‘the tops of the branches endas t feuerall roundles Wliteos aes ice ones ike thofe ofArchangell but Jeffejand ofa purple colout{pot ~Onthéir infides'; the feedes are conteined foureitra veflell, andare blackewhen z € in Inneand'Tuly. pe ; It growes about hedges in very manyplaces, andfloures 6 Fhis Nnn 2 - tobe tine |