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Show OFthe Hiftory of Plants, 538 1 Ctrinthe maior. Great Honie-woort. Liz. 2 £ 2 Cerinthe afperior flore flavo Rough Honie-woort, “ ‘: mE Lis.2. 59 ftheHiftory of Plants. and flender This other Cerinth or Honywort hath fmall long branches, reeling this Way and not muchvnlike the prece. itway, as not abletofuftaine it felfe, very brittle, befet with Jeaues ne colour.The floures be fall;hol. h.gree blewif d,ofa {potte nor rough fo neither leffer, but white,with fome fibres; “y.and vellow. Thefeedis {mall, round,and as blackeas Let : the root is floures or leaues chews the in wax ofnew were ir tafteas isa . There former s thewhich dietha the . ed,as the namic doth feeme to import q The Place. ‘ Th efe plants don t growwilde in England, yetI haue themin my garden; the feeds wherofJ it it honorable the Lord Zouch, my honorable ood friend. receiued fromthe rig The Time. r, and mutt be fowen , floutefromn May to Augu ft, andperifh at the firftapproch of WVinte a againethe next Spring. £ q@ The Names. hefe by Gener is called Cynogloffa montana and Cerinthe : Dodowans callethit firl 2g The + ‘ major. cmaru herbs: and Lobel and others,Cerinthe he quorundam major flauoflore of Clufius. w 2 The fecond isc ® Thethird by Dodoneus is called Maru herba minor : and by Clujius, Corinthe quorundam minor flano flore : Lobel alfo calls it Cerinthe minor. + q| The Temperature andVertues. n ; notwithftanding Plizy and Auicen {eee to agree, that thefe herbes areof acold complexio ting. thewri worth vertues r ofthei nt experime any there is not pboen tia geeeat Cuar. 158. Of S. bbns wort. 2 Hype vicumSyriacum,. RewS, Iohns wart, Cerinthe minor. Small Honie-woort. of leaues, branches, & muchiuice,thewhole plant is furcharged with ; vponw hich bran- ches are placed manythickerough leaues, fet withveryfharpe prickles like the rough skinne ofa Thornebacke,of a blewith green colour, {potted very notably with white ftrakes and {pots, like thofe leaues of the true Pulmonaria or Cowflips ofTerufalem and infhapelike thofe of the codded Tho tow-waxe, whichleaues do clip or embrace the ftalkes round about: fromthebol whereof come forth {mall clufters ofyel floures,with a hoopeor bandof bright pu youo" ple round about the middle ofthe houre. Thefloure is hollow, fafhione alittle boxe, of the tafte ofhoniewhea tS many fucked, in the hollowneffe whereof are imal chives or threds;which bei b ehet fucceed roundblacke feed,conta skinnie husks. The root perifh approch of Winter. + This varies Jour of the floures,wh ple,and fometimes of both cc $2 Theleaues of this Wwort(of Clef: defcripti thofe laft defcribed, rowerat their ferrin floures arealfoyellc & magnitude the feeds, 8all the Pr ° 2 |