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Show Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. 526 Lis.2 This kinde of Herb-Tuy, growing for the moft part about Montpelier inFrance, is theleaft ofall his kind, hauing fmalwhiteand yellowfloures,in {mell and proportionlike vntotheothers, but muchfimaller. Thereisawilde orbaftard kinde of Chamepitys, or ground-Pine,thathath leaues fome+ 4 whatlikeynto the fecond kinde, but notiagged in that manner,but onely f{nipt about the edges. The rootis {omewhat bigger,wooddy,whitifh,and bitter, and like vnto the root of Succotie, All this herbeis very rough, and hatha ftrong vapleafant finell, notlike that of the ground. Pines, Chamapitys fpuria altera Dodon. Ground-Pine. Roi _ Baftard Of the Hittorie of Plants, Lis. 2. G The Place. : Thefe kindes of Chamepitys (except the two laft) grow very plentifullyin Kent,efpecially about Grauefend,Cobham, South fleet,Horton,Dartford,and Sutton,and notin any other fhirein Eng: lahd that euer I couldfinde. + None ofthefe, exceptthefirft, for any thing I know,or can learne,grow wildein England) the fecond I haueoften feene in Gardens. ¢ q The Time. They floure in Iune, and often in Auguft. @ The Names. Ground Pineis called in Greeke seasmine : in Latine,Ibi¢d, Aingaand Abjiea : in hops, Ina arth. + 6 Chamapitys Auffriacas Auftrian Ground-Pine, ritica and Ina mofchata : in Italian,fua: in Spanith, Chamepiteos : in High Dutch’, Sergifg mich nicht ¢ in low Dutch,Welt Ctipzessin French,2we mofchate:In Englith, Herbe Iuie,Forget me not, Ground Pin¢,and field Cypreffe. t 1 The firft of thefe isthe Chamepitys prima,ofMatthiolus,Dodoneus and others,andis that which is commonly -vfed in fhops and in Phyficke. 2 This Marhiolus cals Chamedrys altera : Lobel, Chamadrys Laciniatisfolijs : Lonicerus, Triseara wera ; Tabérnamontanus,lva mofchata, and Dodon. (whominthis Chapter we chiefely follow) Cha. mepitys altera, ; 3 Thirdly,this is the Chamepitys 1 of Fuchfivs and others.the Chamepitys t. Diofioridis odoratjop of Lobel, and the Chamepitys 3.0f Matthiolus and Dodon, 4, Gefner cals this (hamepitys fpecies Monfpelly : Clufius,Dodon. Anthy lis altera, and Lobel, An: thyllis Chamepityides minor and Tabern. Ia Mofchata M on/pelsenfium. § Thisis Chamepitys adultcrinaof Lobel: Pfeudochamepitys and Aingn adulterinaof Clufine : atid Chamapitys (puria altera of Dodon. 6 This is Chamepitys Auftriacaof Clufius ; and Chamapitys carulea ofCamerarins ; The Nature, Thefé herbes are hot in the feconddegree,and drie in the third. The Vertwes, Theleaues of Chamepytis tunned vpin Ale,or infufedin wine,or fodden with hony, and drunke A, by the {pace ofeight or ten daies,cureth theiaundies, the Sciatica, the {toppings ofthe liuer, the difficultie ofmaking water, the {toppingsofthe {pleene,and caufeth women tohauetheir natural fickneffe, Chamepytis {tampedgreene with honie cureth wounds,malignant and rebellious vieers; anddif. B folueth the hardneffe of womens brefts or paps,and profitably helpethagainft poifon,or biting of any venomous beaft. The decoéion drunke, diffolueth congealed bloud,and drunke with vineger ; driueth forth the C dead childe. eth the intrals: ithelpeththe infirmities ofthe liver and kidneies, it eureth the yellow D % * nes ae + 5 There isanother kind that hath many {mall and tender branches befet with We for the moft part three together, almoft like the leaues ofthe ordinarie ground-Pine:f ‘oleae which branches grow flender white floures ; which being turned vpfide downe , ae e cog a vpward, do fomewhatrefemble the floures of Lamium : the feeds grow commonly foure inacup,and are fomewhatbig and round : the root is thicke, whitifh, and long iatadd Theregrowethin Auftriaa kinde of Chamepitys, which isa moft braueand aP 4 ie fe 6 Writers, vatill O! o sisian great beautie, yernot once remembred eitherof the ancient or new a fale mous Carolus Clufius had fet it forth inhis Pannonicke Obferuations ; who for his fingu ratcamt induftrie hath woonthe garlandfromall that haue written before his time. “This : ror eyen If plantI haue in my garden, srowing with many fquare ftalkesof halfea foot high, befet euen that it is hardfor oy + the bottomheto the top with Ieauesfo like our common Rofemary , ane" dothnot knowit exaétly to finde thedifference ; being greene aboue, and fomwhat hairy er of sone like rie vnderneath: among which come forth round about the ftalkes (after the mann floures * or coronets) certain {mall eupsor chalices ofa reddifh colour , out ofwhich come t heead vnto Archangell in fhape, but of a mof excellent and ftately mixed colour, the oul ; e mou th i‘ declining to blewnefle, and fometimesof a violet colour. Thefloure gapethlike the ” beaft, and hathas it were awhite tongue ; the lower and vpper iawes are white likew! ec, with many bloudy {pots : which being paft, the feeds appeare very long, of a fhining, lour,fet in order in the fmall huskes as the Chamepitys paria. The rootis blacke ane ha nic hairy ftrings faftned thereto. ot? being drunke in wine: 1t bringeth downe thedefired fickneffe,and prouokethvrine:being in Mead or honied water anddrunke,it helpeth the Sciaticain fortie daies. The people of raclea in Pontus do vfe it againft Wolfes bane in ftead of a counterpoifon. _The pouder hereoftaken in pils with a fig,mollifieth the bellie: it wafteth away the hardneffe B of the paps:it healeth wounds, it curethputrifiedvicers being appliedwith hony:andthefe things the firft ground Pine doth péfferme, fo doth the other two; burnot fo effectually,as witnefleth Diofcorides. Clafias of whom mentionwas made,hath not faid anything ofthe Vertues ofChamepytis An. F friaca: burverily bebinke itbetter by manydegrees for the purpofes aforcfai d: my conieéture I takefrom the rafte, {me H,and comely proportion ofthis Hearbe, which is more pleafing and familiar vito the nature of mat, than thofe which wee haue plentifully in our owne Conntr ey Cuar. 152. Of Nauelwoort,or Penntwoort ofthe Wall, @ The Defcription, He great Nauelwoort bath rouridand thicke leaues fomewhat bluntly indented about the edges and fomaewhiat hollowin the midft on the vpperpart, hauing a fhort ce em |