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Show Baw.Zz _Ofd the Hittory of Plants. Cua vp. 103. OfCaptaine AndreasDorias hs Wound-woort. + Herba Doria L’obeli. , qThe Dorias Woundwoort, and fat leaues, “of aa blew fh gree nwitht ) race A mongthefe jeaues rifeth f boninto man upon grow which turnetl awaywith thew almoftlike HeHebo Ofwhich kinde like the fo: rougher, fom at the edges, grofie. a TheTermperature Golden Rod is hot and dryin the feconddegree : it clenfeth, with a certaine aftricion Of bite ding qualitie, q The Vertues. Golden Rodprouokethvrine, wafteth awaythe ftones in the kidnies, andexpel lerh chem,nd andrraw fleg matick 4 umors flicking in rhe vrineveflels,which 10" withall bringeth and then do} caufeth the> grauell or f{f and which is brittle to be gat I bone fone.“And ee fore ArnoldbsV illanouanus by good seafoa hath comm litagain{t the ftone andpaineof the kidnies. al Iris oftl mber of thofeplantsthat ferue for wound-drinks, andis reportedeure| performeall thofe things that Saracens Confoundcan; andin mypractifefhall b laced inth ee ‘ I It isextolle ding2 wounds J imBucklers Buryi wood, euenas it AIR, : 3 < toaether, Wot , Lhat the diftilled water,drankey ine for fome few dayes thet; lat i i kidnies. 1 blee: | } FOr { pro ing of b] in { linolent vicers ane 4 § owne the dryhetbe han in tueic which came a 5 andregardtha ta fold fal from beyond the fea This hert roundbrittle ftalh phered,finewed) or furrowed about foureor fiue foot hi fullof whit pith like thatof E id. fendeth forth {mall branches : t onthetalk outoforder,8ca fharpepointed,,in {Rapelik eHerba Doria, but much th rowers, the broadeft dome being aboueten ore hes longpannd fefeatce twoinches broad, j {mrally nickt-or indented aboutthe edges.the Othingpileaf: gether with the flalke they are brokenand rub {mell of Hemlocke. Out ¢ res are Many,and g re ommonly eight of thofe on for halfea crowne an ounce. But finée it was foundj ! tour townes end,no manwill giue halfe a crownefor anhsundredwelg it :which plainly fettethforth our taconi¥ancie and any thing, ho ious foeuerit be, than whileft it is ftrange I v 7 inkes of riuers neere to Natboneth France, contented tobe made denizons in myga n mutabilitie, eftceming no long’ lith prouerbe,Far fetcht a aot Rove I is beft for Ladi phantafticall Phy neere home ag: @; yetnot content the oyi theywi s hurt more than theyhelpe. Thus muc h ie againe to efteeme sesso his adn hefame vertue nowthat then ith cat quantitie, fr Captainneth very {finall long feedles whLi offmall ftrings which moft I ftroyeth and ftarueth otherherbesthat x Thad it from M*. Zohz Coys,.and yet q The Ver ed InWwt |