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Show Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. 398 6 Oxalis minor. Small Sorrell. 7 Ofthe Hiftory of Plants, Lis.2, The fmalleft fort ef Sorrell is like vnto the pre. Cuar. 85. cedent, fauing that the loweft leaues that ly vpon the ground be fomewhat round, and withoutthe little eares that the other hath,whichfetteth forththe diffe The Defiription. rence, ¢ 8 Thereisalfo kept in fome gardens a verie Hegreat Biftorthath long leaues muchlike ke Patienc Pat e but {maller. large forrel, hauing leaves thickewhitith,andas latge as anOrdinarie Docke,yet fhaped like Sorrell, andof the fame acide tafte. The ftalkes and feed are like thofe of the ordinary, yet whiter coloured. + Gq The Place, + The commonSorrell groweth forthe moft part in moift medowes and gardens. The fecond by water fides, but not in this kingdome that I know of. The fourth alfo is a garden plant with vs, as alfo the:fifth: but the third and Jaft grow vpon grauelly and fandie Of Biffort or Snake-weed, ‘ or crumpled, on the vpperfide ofa darke greene, andvnd erneath a mo: and i ofa bee. colour, muchlike Woad, The ftalke is long, fmooth, and tender, hauing atthe to Kea sy sie ora fet full of {mall whitith floures declini ng to carnatio : n. A Theroot isall in . sh: : : a % Outfafhion;: within ofa reddith colourlike vnto flefh,in tafte like the kernel! ofan 2 The fmall Biftort hath leaues aboutthree inches long, apis os is tapcine colour, and vnderneath ofan oue Watch rifeth vp a ftalke c of the height ofaé {panne, full of ioynts or knees, bearing a t th fi eeeasPye great Biftort beareth ; which being fallen, edaith of colour, euery feed hauing one {mall greene the feeds appeare of chet nesof: Mie leafe faftned thereunt o, with many fuch leaues ata ban thruft nne in amonF g ae the whole pd:ba offloures : and feed. The rootis : i tuberous like i the other, barren ground and ditch bankes. t q The Time. X Biftorta major, Snakediesd, ? 2 Biftorta Bifforta minor. mai: Small Snake-weed, They flourith at that time when as theotherkinds of Docks dofloure. G The Names. Garden Sorrell is called in Greeke state, and «istic: of Galen, sfnémsw : that is to fay, Acidum le pathum, or Acidus rnmex, foure Docke :and in fhopscommonly 4cetofa: in the Germane Tongue, Satozamp fer: in low-Dutch, Surckele, and Surincks the Spaniards, AXederas, Agrilts, and Axedgs : in French, Oxeille, and Surelle, Aigrette : in Englith,Garden Sorrell. 1 : The fecondis called of the later Herbarifts Tuberofa acetofa,and Tuberofum lapathum : it Englifh Bunched or KnobbedSorrell. ‘Thethird is called in Englifh Sheepes Sorrell : in Dutch; Sebap Surbel, The fourth, Romane Sorrell, orround leaued Sorrell. The fifth, Curled Sorrell. The fixth and feuenth, Barren Sorrell, or Dwarfe Sheepes Sorrell. $ Theeighth is called oxalis, or Acetofa maximalatifolia, Great broad leaued Sorrell. + @ The Nature. The Sorrels are moderately cold and dry. g Thevertues. A Sortell doth yndoutedly cooleand mightily dry ; but becaufe it is foure it likewife cuttet tough humors. ; The iuyce hereofin Sommer time ib a profitable fauce in many meats,and pleafant to cheraft it cooleth an hot ftomacke, moueth appetite to meate, tempereththe heate of the liver, and op neth the ftoppings thereof, The leaues arewith goodfucceffe added to decodtions whichare vfed in Agues. The leauesofSorrell taken in good quantitie , ftamped and {trained into fome Ale,and a po flet made thereof, cooleththe ficke body, quencheththe thirft, and allayeth the heate of fuch as # troubled witha peftilent feuer, hot ague,or any great inflammation within. jool- The leanes fodden, andeaten in manner of 4 Spinachtart, or eaten as méate,foftneth and loo" p nethi the belly, anddoth attemper and coole the bloud exceedingly, The feed of Sorrell drunkein groffered wine ftoppeth the laskeand bloudyflix . a toed leaned Snake-weed hath manylarge vneuenleaues,fmooth and very greene ; among ess ae noel brittle ftalkesof two hands high,bearing at the top faire {pike of floureslike thar wantoie 2 ee. The root is knobby or bunched,crookedly turned or wrythed this way and is Ferah Mherce it tookehis name Bifforta. + It differs fromthe firk Onely in that the root c 1 more twined in, and the leaues broader and more The great Bift crumpled, + | The Place. dowie Woods.a4 growethin tOrt OB vers commonin dis h darke fhadow. Pp. places, > and inH the = gardens;moift and waterie moft Md as Very 2° The |