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Show Of the Hiftorie of Plants, Lisa. Liss 2. Ofthe Hiftory of Plants; aeaeee Cuar.z9. _ £ 5 Cichorinmppinofum, Of Garden Succorie. commonlyblew, feldome white, The rootis Jong,white,with firings growing thereat; which withereth after the feedis ripe. 4 Curled Endiue hath leaues not vilite to thofe of the curled or Cabbage lettuce, but muchgreater, amongwhichrife vp ftrong and thicke ftalkes,fet with the like leaues,but leffer, and not fonotably curled or cri {ped. The flours growat the top,blew of colour. The root perifheth,as doth the whole plant, when ir hath Thornie Succory. @ The Kindes. Herebe fundry forts of plants comprehendedvnder thetitle of Cichoracea, thatis tofiy Cj. iT chorie,Endiue,Dandelion, &c.diffcring not fo muchin Operation and working,as in (hape and forme, which hath caufed manyto deeme them diuers, who haue diftinguifhed them vnder thetitles aforefaid:ofeuery whichkinde there bediuers forts, the which fhall be diuided iftheir feuerall chapters,wherein the differences fhall be expreft. broughtforthhis ripe feed. # 5 Tothefemay fitly be added the thor. fy or prickly Succory of Candy, being of this kindred, and there vfed in defe@ of the true q The Defcription, Arden Succoryis of twoforts,one with broad. leaues,and the other with narrow,dcep. ioeunre ] ly cutand gafhed on bothfides. The firfthath broad leaues fomewhathairiénoe muchvnlike to Endiue, but narrower; amongft which doe rife vp ftalkes, wheteon are placedthelike leaues, but fmaller. The ftalke diuidethit felfe toward the top into many Succoric,in ftead thereof, The root is pretty long, white, with few fibers hanging thereat ; the ftalke is hard,wooddy,and diuaricated into manybranches,which commonly end in twoor three ptickes like hornes: The leaues are bits ter, long, narrow, and fharpe pointed, aid Lie {preadypon the ground,andarea little finuated, or cut aboutthe edges:The flours,which vfually grow vponlittle footftalkes at the diuifions of the branches,are muchlike thole of the ordinas ry Succory, yet much lef, confifting offiue blew leaues, with yellow chiues in the middle . Thefeedis like thofe ofthe common Succor y, branches, whereon doe growlittle blewfloures confifting of many{mall leaues, afterwhich fol lowethwhite feed. The rootis tough, long, and white ofcolour, continuing many yeeres; from thewhichas from euety part of the plant doth iffue forth bitter and milkie juice. The whole plantis ofa bittertafté likewife: 2 Cichorium ([aivun, Garden Succorie, 283 3. Itybusfatina, f Garden Endiue, It floures in Iuly and Augut, + @ The Place and Time, This Succory, and thefe Endiues ate only fewnein gardens. Endiue being fowen inthe {pring quickly commeth vp to floure, whic feede h th in harueft,and after warddieth. But being fowenin Iuly it remainethtill winter, at whic h timeit is taken vp by the roots,and laid in the fiunne oraite forthepace of to tough,andeafily endure to be wrapped vpon an heape, and buriehoures; then will the leaues be d in the earth with the roots vpward,where no earth can get within it(which ifit didwould caufe rottenneffe) the which fo coue= red maybe taken vp at times conuenient, and vfed in fallades all the winter,as in London aad other places is tobe feen;and thenit is called whit e Endiue, whereof.Pliny feemeth not to be ig. norant,{peak ing to the fame purpofe in his 20.booke and 8.chiapter. | The Names. Thefe herbesbe called by one name in Greek 314%: notwithftanding for diftinGions fake they called the garden Succory, 34ime, and the wilde Succory,oedy pies Pliay nameth the Succory He4)pnois : and the bitterer Diofcorides calleth mpc: um erraticumand Cichorium-in {hops it is calledin Latine,tnrybum fylueftre, Intybum agrefte, IntyCichorea, which nameis not onely allowed ofthe later Phyfitions, but alfo of the Poet Horace in the 31 .Ode ofhis firft booke, x Mepafiunt oline, Ne Cichore ue malua. Withvs,faichPliny in his 20.booke,8.chapteralenelq , they hauecalled Istybum erraticum, or wilde Ene “1UC; Ambuycia (others 2 The fecond kinde of Succorie is like vnto the former, but greater in euery point. be which caufeththe difference is,that this beareth floures white ofcolour tending to blewnelle; others blew,as I haue faid. a Garden Endiue bringeth forth long leaues, broad, {mooth, more greene than white,like : moft tothofe of lettuce,fomething nicked in the edges. The ftalke groweth vp among the ae being round and hollow, diuided into branches ; out ofwhich being broken orcut there iftuet™” <0 : “11. ee jnice like milke, fomewhat bitter ; the floares vpon the btanches confift ofm saujes, in any leaves , Ie colo oy reade Armbubeia:)a {omethere be that nameit Roftru m porcinum : and others, a's Guilielmus Placentinus, and Petrus nd Cre Centins, terme it Sponfafol : the German ies call it *Hegwarten,whichis asmuch to fay,as the keeper ofthe waies': the Italians, Cichorea : the §paniards, Almerones ‘ the Englith-men, Cicorie and Succor y : the Bohem ians, cZakanka, _ Poses named in Greekextictues: in Latine,Intybum fativum : of fome, Pi Gnas araxacon : of the Italians, Scariol a: of Auicen a, which name remaineth inmofEndiui t fhops,alfo 5ertola, Letty ca lao thould ficlycall it Seris, but notfo well Serriola, with a double r: for 5erriola Sean fre wilde Jettuce iit is called is in Spanith,Serraya Enuide : in Englith, Endiue,and mace ane when i¢hath been in the earth buried as aforefaid, them it is called white Endiue. 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