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Show oy Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants, een fpotted here and there with darke {pots orftreakes, hauing a ftalke couered with the like Jeaues fothat the plants differ not in any point; except the blacke {pots whichthis kinde is datht with» tr White Birds:Satyrion hath leaves sifing immediately forth of the groundlike vato the bladesofleaues ofLeekes, but fhorter ; among thewhichrifeth vpa flender naked ftalke two Lise. ~ OF the Hiftorie of Plants. t 9 Orchis ornithophora, Birds Satyrion, 215 + 10 Orchis Ornithophora folio maculofo, Spotted Birds Orchis, we handfitlls high; on the pop whereof be white floures refembling the fhape or forme ofafimall bird _, ready to fly, ora white Butter-fly with herwings {pread abroad. Therootsare round,and{mallet thananyof the former. 12 Souldiers Satyrion bringeth forth many broad largeand ribbed leaues, fpred vpon the groundlike vnto thofe of the great plantaine : among the whichrifeth vp a fat ftalke full offap or iuyce, cloathed or wrappedin the like leaues cuento the tuft of floures, whereupondo growlittle floures tefembling a little man hauing a helmet vpon his head, his hands and legges cut off, white vpontheinfide, {potted with many purplefpots, and the backe part of the floure ofa dee percolour tending toredneffe. The roots be greater than anyof the other kindes of Satyrions, ¢.7 Orchis Myodes Lutea, Yellow Satyrion. t 9 Orchis Myodes minor. Small yellow Satyrion. Tit Orchis ornithophora candida, White Birds Orchis, f 12 Orches Strateumatien, Souldiers Satyrion, 12 Souldiers Cullions hath manyleaues fpread vpon the ground,but leffer than the foldiers Satyrion, as isthe whole plant.: The backfide ofthe floures are fomwhat mixed with whitenelle and fometimes are ath coloured: the infide of the floure is {potted with white likewife: 14 Spider Satyrion hath marly thinneleaues like vntothofe of the Lillyfeatteringly fet vp ona weake and feeble ftalk,whereupon doth growfinall floures,refembling-as well in fhape asicoJourthe body ofa‘dead humble Bee, torrather ofa § pider; and thireforeI thinke Zobe/,whowas the Author ofthis name, would haue faid Arachnitis, of.ase a Spider. + # 15 Thisbyright fhould hauebeene putnext the Gnat Satyrion, deferibed place. Ithath fhort,yet prettybroad leaues, and thofé commonlythree in number, inthe fecond befides thofe {matlonesfetwpon the ftemme.The floutes are fmall, and much like thofe ofthe fecond: former* ly deferibed: + °r6 “Our Authorgaue youthis figure in the fourteenth place, vnder the title oforchis A¥pres. itisof the Orchis 16. minor ofTabernam. ot Orchis Anguftifolia ofBanhinus: This Or Nisas of the kinde of the Myodes,or Fly Satyrions, but his leaues’are farre longer and narrowet 0 tae $13 Orchis |