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Show Of the Hiftorie of Plants, 108 Lit Lis. t Of:the Hiftory of Plants, 101 nial q Thekindes, Tke as we haue fet downe fundryforts of Floure de-luces, with flaggyleaues, andtuberous of knobbyroots, varying very notablyin fundry refpects,whichwe haue diftinguithedin their mon Flourede-luce : the which being paft, there come inthe place thercof long thicke cods or feed-veffels, wherein is contained yellowith feed. of the bignefleof a taresor fitchs The root is round likean Onion, conered ouer,with certaine browne skinnesor filmes, Ofthis kind thereare fomefiucorfix varieties, caufed by the various coloursofthe Floures; proper Chapters : itrefteth that in like manner we fet forth vnto your view certaine bulbous or Onion-rooted Floure de-luces,whichin this place do offer themfelues vnto our confideration, whereofthere be alfo fundry forts, forted into one chapteras followeth. .§ Tris Bulbofa Flore luteo cumflore & femine, Yellow bulbed Floure de-lucein floure and feed ¥ 4 Iris Bulbofaverficolor Polyclonos. Iris Bulbofaflore varie. Many branchedchangeable Floure de-luce. Changeable Floure de-luce. 3 Changeable Floure de-luce hath leaues;ftalkes, and Rootslike the former, but leffer. The Floure hath likewife the forme ofthe Floure de-luce, thatis to fay, ic confifteth of fixe greater leaues,and three leffer ; the greater leaues fold backward and hang downward,the leffer Rand ypright; and in the middle of the leaues there rifeth vp a yellow welt, white about the brimmes,and | The defcription. +% : Hefirft of thefe, whofe figure here we giue youvnder the nameof ris Bulbo(i LatifoHia,hath leaues fomewhatlike thofeof the Day-Lillie,foft, and fomewhat palith greene,with the vnder fides fomewhat whiter , amongwhich there rifeth vpa ftalk bearingatthe top thereof Flouré little in fhape different from the formerly defcribed Floure de-luces.” The colous'thereofis blew , the numberof the leaues whereofit confifts nine : three of thefeare little, andeome outat the bottomeof the Floure as fooneasit is Opened ° three more are large, and being narrow artheir bottome,become broader bylittle andlittle, to turne downwards: whéreas then they are fhapen fomewhat roundih or obtufe.vnrill they come In the middeft ofthefe there tines yp a yellowvariegated line to the place whereas they bend backe. Thethree otherleaues arg arched likeas in other Floures ofthis kinde, and diuided at their v containe in themihree\threads ofa whitith blew colour, cr end, at : Thisis called tris Bulbofa mihee by Clufius , and Hyacinthws Poctarum Luatifolius, by Lobel. Itfloures imanuaric and Februaric, whereas it growes naturally, as it dothin diuers places © Portugall and Spaine-Ttis a tender plant, and feldomethriues well in ous gardens. : 2 Onion Floure destyce hathlong narrow bladesor leauesfcréfted, chamferedorftrcaked on thebacke fideas itwere welted ; below fomewhat round, openifigit felfe toward the to yet fe mainingas it were Ralfe round, wherebyit refembleth an hollow troughor gutter Teck bot- eeofthe hollowneffe it tendeth to whiteneffe , and amongthefe leaues do rife vp aftalke of4 enbithigh ; atthe ropwhereof growetha faireblew Floure, notdiffering in fhape fromthe com- mon fhadowed all ouer with a wath of thinne blew tending toa Watchet colour. Toward the ftalke theyare ftripped ouer witha light purple colour, andlikewife amongft the hollow places of thofe that ftand vpright(which cannot be expreffed in the figure) there is thé famefaire purple colour; st fmell and fauourvery fiveet and pleafant. The root is Onion fafhion, or bulbous like the other. +4 There is alfo another variegated Flourede-luce, muchlike this laft defcribed, in the co- lour ofthe Floure ; but each plant produceth more branches and Floures, whence itis termed Jr Bulbofaverficolor polyclonos, Many-branched changeable Floure de-luce.. $ 5 Ofwhichkinde orfort there is another in my Garden, which I seceiued from my Brother Tames Garret Apothecarie,far more beautifull than the laftdeferibeds thewhichis dafht ouer,in ftead of the blew orwatchet colour, with a moft pleafant gold yellow colour, of{mell exceeding fiveet, with bulbed roots like thofe ofthe otherfort. 6 _Itis reported,that there is in the gardenofthe Prince Elector the Lantgraue of Heffen,one ofthis fort orkinde, with white Floures, the whichas yet I haue riot feené, # Befides thefe forts mentioned by our Author, there are ofthe narrow leaued bulbous Floure de-luces, fome twenty foure or morevarieties, which in fhape of rdots;leaues, and Floures differ very little, or almoft nothing at all ; fo that hewhich knows one of thefe may prefently know the teft. Wherefore becaufe it isa thing no motepertinent toa generall hiftorie of Plants, to infift vponthefe accidentall nicities, than for him that writes ahiftorie of Beafts to deferibe all the colours, and their mixtures, in Horfes, Dogs,and the like; I refer {uch aSiare defirous to 1n eee 1 x * ; : i i them- |