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Show 706 PROF. P. R. UHLER ON HEMIPTERA-HETEROPTERA [Nov. 21, List of Species (continued). Emesopsis nubilus, Uhler, sp. nov. Salda humilis, Say. humilis, var. Large size. Pelogonus marginatus, Latr. Two varieties. Limnometra marginata, Guerin. Brachymetra albinervis, Amyot. Microvelia pulchella, Westw. Un-winged. capitata, Guirin. Dark coloured form. marginata, Uhler. N e w sp. Mesovelia bisignata, Uhler. Ehagovelia obesa, Uhler. elegans, sp. nov. Zaitha anura, H.-Schf. Anisops elegans, Fieber. pallipes, Fabr. Immature. Plea striola, Fieber. Fundanius rubens, sp. nov. Pceciloscytus obscurus, sp. nov. Agalliastes simplex, Uhler. Oorythuca sp. ? Allied to C.gossypii, Fab. Typonotus planaris, Uhler, sp. nov. Teleonemia sacchari, Fab. Phymata annulata, Uhler. Coriscus capsiformis, Renter. roripes, Renter. Saica recurvata, Fab. Stenopoda culiciformis, Fab. Narvesus carolinensis, St&l. Henicocephalus flavicollis, Renter. Emesa angulata, Uhler, sp. nov. Luteva gundlachii, Guerin. Westermannia tenerrima, Bohrn. - - sp. ?, immature. Cerascopus ? larva. There are also in the collection representatives of about 9 species of the family Anthocoridae and of about 8 species of Ceratocombidae. B. Bescriptions of New Genera and Species. Pam. COREID^E. Sect. Alydina. D A R M I S T I D U S , gen. nov. Porm shorter than usual, almost flat above, the basal division of pronotum less sloping than usual. Head large and long, fully as long and a little wider than ?the pronotum, much wider than deep, gradually narrowing behind the eyes; the ocelli large, placed behind the line of the eyes and wide apart, but not far from the eyes; the eyes globular, moderately prominent laterally; the tylus narrow and gently sloping, enlarged at tip and a little bent down towards the base of rostrum. Antennae slender, short, the basal joint thick, short, and not extending much beyond the tip of tylus ; the second and third joints long, nearly equal, more slender than the others ; the apical joint much thicker, scarcely as long as the third, contracted and a little bent at tip. Bostrum slender, reaching between the posterior coxae; the buccidas slender, waved in front and not enclosing the base of the first joint, the first joint shorter than the throat. Pronotum trapeziform, almost as long as wide, with the disk convex each side of the deep longitudinal groove, the apex contracted by a narrow collum, which is followed behind by a transverse curved series of slender callosities; the lateral margins bluntly cari-nate, oblique and feebly sinuated; the posterior margin is callous each side, and has lamellar lobes between the callosities and the humeral tubercle. Scutellum long and narrow, with the submargin carinate to near the acute tip. Tip of corium short, a little blunt, and not protracted backwards as in Alydus and next related genera; membrane long, charged with numerous, chiefly simple |