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Show 10 ME. E. Y. WATSON ON THE HESPEEIIDJE. [Jan. 17, fore wing is nearer to 4 than to 6, with the exception of those noted above. When in a complete state of repose all the species of this group rest with their wings raised above their backs; but when only sunning themselves, in many species the fore wings are elevated and the hind wings depressed. The cell of the fore wing is almost invariably less than two-thirds the length of the costa, and the antennse almost invariably end in a fine point. Subfamily I. P Y R R H O P Y G I N A Antennse: club very thick, ending in a blunt point, usually more or less bent into a hook. Palpi: second joint densely scaled, closely pressed against the face; third joint naked, minute. Cell of fore wing always more than two-thirds the length of costa. No costal fold or other secondary sexual characters on fore wing of male. Vein 5 of fore wing nearer to 4 than to 6. Vein 5 of hind wing usually wanting. Hind tibiae usually with two pairs of spurs. The thick blunt club to the antennse will at once distinguish this subfamily : a few of the lower genera of Hesperiince and some Australian Pamphilince have a somewhat similar club ; but in them the cell of fore wing is invariably less than two-thirds the length of costa. This subfamily exactly coincides with the Pyrrhopygini of Mabille, which he places as a section of his Hesperidi; however, its characteristics are so well marked that it has here been treated as a subfamily of equal value with the Hesperiince and Pamphilince. Little or nothing is known of the early stages of this subfamily, but the perfect insect seems in many ways to have affinities to both Hesperiince and Pamphilince, and its correct position is a matter of some doubt. According to Westwood and Hewitson, the perfect insect rests with its wings extended horizontally. The whole group would also appear to be protected, as a large number of the species are mimicked very markedly by Erycides and its allies and also by some species of Pamphilince.' This subfamily is confined entirely to South and Central America. Synopsis of Genera of PYRRHOPYGIINLE. A. Middle and lower discocellulars of fore wing very oblique, a. Club of antennse much thickened. a1. Vein 5 of hind wing wanting. a2. Vein 3 of fore wing less than twice as far from 2 as from 4. a8. Vein 3 of hind wing from before end of cell. ,. _ . „ ... . PYRRIIOPYGB, Hb. Type, hyperm, Hb. (1) b\ Vein 3 ol bird wing from beyond end of cell. „ TT. „ „„ . MTBOEIA, g.n. Type, aeastus, Cramer. (2) 1>\ Vem 6 ot lore wing more than twice as far from 2 as from 4. a'J. Vein 3 of hind wing from before end of cell. „ v Q f v i • t Y A N , G ™ A ' S- n. Type, spatiosa, Hew. (4) bJ. V ein 3 of hind wing from end of cell. a*. Cell of hind wing short, not reaching half across wing. MIMONIADES, Hb. Type, iphinous, Latr. (9) |