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Show 360 MR. W. WARREN ON N E W GENERA AND [Apr. 18, LIPOMELIA SUBUSTA, sp. n. (Plate XXXII. fig. 24.) 3. Fore wings olive-drab, much suffused with tawny and brown; the olive-drab ground-colour is limited to the base, the costa, the apex more broadly, and the hind margin; the basal portion is edged by an oblique tawny line, starting from the inner margin close to the base, and running parallel to hind margin, ending in the middle of the cell; second line red-brown, commencing below the costa, forms first a large conical projection hindwards, then a double curve, and a second conical projection above the inner margin; the space between the two lines filled up with tawny except along the costa, with some paler vertical wavy streaks on the inner margin; subterminal line irregularly dentate, almost touching hind margin below the centre; space between it and 2nd line filled up, in the lower |, with mahogany-brown ; fringes olive-drab, with a fine tawny dot at end of each vein; discal spot elongated, white, shining, somewhat raised. Hind wings wholly tawny, mottled with brown, from base to subterminal line, then olive-drab; fringes as in fore wings ; discal spot constricted in centre, sometimes divided into two spots. Palpi, face, and antenna? dark brown ; vertex and collar red-brown; thorax and patagiaolive-drab ; abdomen tawny olive. Underside dull olive with a pink tinge; the inner region of the fore wings and the upper of the hind wings being suffused irregularly with blackish. Expanse of wings 28 millim. Hab. Sikkim ; Naga Hills. BHODOSTROPHIA SUBFLAVIDA, sp. n. 3. Fore wings pale cinereous, dusted with darker, and tinged with ochreous; basal area diffusely darker, costa aud hind margin more distinctly so; parallel to hind margin, and separated from the darker streak by a narrow pale space, is another oblique dark fascia of equal width with the dark portion of the hind margin ; cell-spot dark. Hind wings pale whitish ochreous, with a faint yellowish tint, tinged with grey towards the anal angle; fringes of both wings with a distinct darker basal line. Underside of both wings whitish grey, strongly suffused with yellowish. Expanse of wings 38 millim. Hab. Kashmir. There are several examples, all males, in the B.M. Coll. from Afghanistan. Near P. borealis, Swinhoe. [The type, in m y collection, was taken at Sonamurg in Kashmir by the late M r . Atkinson.-H. J. E.~] TANAOTRICHIA, gen. nov. Fore wings with costa nearly straight, more curved just before apex; hind margin curved, more obliquely towards anal angle; hind wings with hind margin rounded, anal angle rather marked. Antenna? of o" beset with long close ciliations; palpi horizontally porrect, hardly reaching beyond face ; tongue present. Hind tibia? |