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Show 1893.] FROM BRITISH CENTRAL AFRICA, 745 and the depression, which is narrower anteriorly and widens in a somewhat arcuate manner posteriorly, is closely covered with a black tomentum. Some female examples from Mamboia and from Delagoa Bay agree with the example from Zomba in presenting the characters detailed above. In a male example from Natal, which in all probability belongs to this species, the following sexual differences may be noted :- The first abdominal segment is entirely of a pale yeUowish-white colour; the last ventral segment is flattened or slightly concave from side to side along the middle, and is only very faintly pubescent. CHRYSOMELIDAE. 46. SAGRA JOHNSTONI, sp. n. Cyanea, elytris viridibus subnitidis leviter cupreo-tinctis. 3 • Femoribus posticis basi intus fulvo-tomentosis, prope subtus bidentatis, dente postica paullo majore ; femoribus subtus obtuse dentatis vel tuberculatis; segmento abdominis medio longitudinaliter subdepresso, crebre punctulato, et fulvo-pubescente. Long. 14, lat. 5| mm. This species seems to be most nearly allied to S. bicolor, Lac. ( = festiva, Gerst.), of which it has the general form. The oblique depression at the base of each elytron just above the shoulder is, however, more strongly marked; the elytra are more nitid and are greenish rather than purplish in colour ; and the hind femora are each armed underneath near the apex with two small teeth on the outer edge, the distal tooth being only slightly larger than the proximal one. 47. CORYNODES DEJEANI, Bertol. One example. 48. CORYNODES ZOMBS, sp. n. Supra obscure viridis, elgtris interdum violaceo plus minusve pronoto sat dense punctato, interstitiis minutius punctulatis; elytris crebre punctatis, subrugulosis, interstitiis minute ; corpore subtus cyaneo-violaceo, pedibus cyaneis equinque ultimis antennarum sat fortiter dilatatis. Long. Upperside of a rather dark greenish colour, with the elytra in some examples more or less strongly tinged with violet or purple. Pronotum with some larger and less thickly distributed punctures, the intervals between which are thickly and minutely punctulate. Elytra closely punctured, with many of the punctures drawn out in a transverse direction so as to give to the elytra a slightly rugulose appearance, and with the interstices between the punctures very minutely punctulate. In general form this species resembles C. compressicornis, Fabr., but differs in having the distal five joints of the antennas a little more strongly dilated, and the pronotum and elytra more thickly punctured. ^ |