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Show 48 ME. E. Y. WATSON ON THE HESPEEIIDJE. [Jan. 17, 6. Genus ERITES. Erites, Mab. Bull. Soc. Ent. Beige, p. lxxi (1891). Type, melania, Mab. Very close to Sarangesa, from which it may be separated by the more dentate margin to the hind wing, and by the lower margin ot the cell between veins 2 and 3 being straight. djcslcelce, WUgr. And one unidentified species. A species closely allied to motozi, Wllgr., had been^ wrongly identified as djeelcelee in the British Museum collection. Therefore all Mr. Butler's records of djeelcelee really apply to this other species, which is apparently unnamed, and which is in the Brit ish Museum from Aden, Wadelai, Somali, and Abyssinia, the true djeelcelee being represented only from British Caffraria, Cape of Good Hope, Transvaal, and Natal. 7. Genus SARANGESA. Sarangesa, Moore, Lep. Ceyl. i. p. 176 (1881). Type, purendra, Moore. Hyda, Mabille, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) ix. p. clxxxiii (1889). Type, micacea, Mab. Sape, Mabille, Bull. Soc. Ent. Beige, p. lxvii (1891). Type, lucidella, Mab. Antennse: club moderate, slightly recurved. Palpi porrect; third joint short, bluntly conical. Fore wing : inner margin longer than outer margin; cell less thau two-thirds the length of costa; vein 12 reaching costa well before end of cell; discocellulars suberect, the lower the longer ; vein 3 shortly before the end of cell; vein 2 nearly three times as far from end of cell as from base of wing; the lower margin of cell slightly arched between the origins of veins 2 and 3. Hind wing: outer margin slightly sinuate ; vein 7 very shortly before end of cell; discocellulars and vein 5 barely traceable; vein 3 immediately before end of cell; vein 2 hardly nearer to end of cell thau to base of wing. Hind tibise with two pairs of spurs in some species, with a tuft of hairs attached to the proximal end. * purendra, Moore 1. j *grisca, Hew 5. sati, de Niceville 2. \ micacea, Mab. dasahara, Moore o. albicilia, Moore 4. motozi, Wllgr 6. kubela, Triinen 7. phyllophyla, Trimen 8. And seven unidentified species. The genus Sapehas been erected by Mabille for motozi and its allies, but these species all fall into the genus Sarangesa. The species micacea is one of the many species described by Hewitson which have been redescribed by Mabille. Asiatic and African. |