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Show 1893.] SPECIES OF MOTHS FROM INDIA. 393 the submarginal band sometimes with only 1 or 2 round spots, sometimes with several more or less confluent ones. Hind wing with a central round spot; a row of spots along the abdominal margin, a fascia-form row of spots beyond the centre, and a series of spots along the hind margin itself. Head, thorax, and abdomen yellow, spotted with black. The distinctness of the markings seems to vary much, more particularly in the hind wings; it might well be considered a fixed form of the common A. grossidariata, but the sinuous sub-marginal fascia with its central yellow streak will well distinguish it. Hab. Sikkim. This form, I believe, occurs also in Japan. In Mr. Elwes's collection is a single $ , rather larger than the Sikkim specimens, and with the sinuous submarginal band entirely interrupted for a short distance just above the centre by the pale ground-colour, which interruption gives the specimen a decidedly different appearance, but the central yellow line is present as in the Sikkim insect. ABRAXAS DIAPHANA, sp. n. 3 . Fore wings dull pale or dark fuscous, with darker irrorations, very faintly tinged with yellowish towards the base; an indistinct dark line near the base, forming in part or wholly the margin of a basal patch; a small dark cell-spot and an oblique dark fuscous line beyond, parallel in the main to the hind margin, but with a slight bend above the middle. Hind wings the same, but a little paler. Underside like the upper; abdomen concolorous. Head and thorax tinged with dull yellowish. In the Atkinson Collection placed as a variety of irrorata, Moore. Hab. Sikkim. [It is possible that this is only an extreme alpine form of A. irrorata, Moore, occurring at high elevations. I have 6 specimens, varying considerably in tint, which were taken by m y native plant-collector, Phoolsing, at Jongri, about 13,000 feet, wmilst A. irrorata occurs at about 10,000 feet.-H. J. E.~\ ABRAXAS SEMILUGENS, sp. n. 2 • Fore wings white, with a few yellow scales near the base; the whole wing densely suffused with dark fuscous dots and shading, which are thickest at the edge of the basal patch and beyond the 2nd line; cell-spot black and distinct. Hind wings rather less thickly speckled, especially towards the base. Head, thorax, and abdomen pale yellow, with black markings ; the segments of the abdomen marked with black triangles. Underside like upper, but still darker in the fore wings ; cell-spot of hind wings prominent. Expanse of wings 35 millim. Hab. Sikkim. [I think that this may be a small dark variety of A. picaria, |