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Show 1893.] SPECIES O F M O T H S F R O M INDIA. 389 Subfam. ABRAXIN^E. OBEIDIA, Wlk. xxiv. p. 1139. Type, 0. vaejipardata, Wlk. OBEIDIA MILLEPUNCTATA, sp. n. 3 . Fore wings white, yellowish towards the base, with irregular clusters of small brown-black spots along the first half of the costa, at the apex, and along the hind margin ; extreme apex and fringes wholly brown-black; at the middle of the costa is a large squarish patch, with 4 oblong smaller blotches below it, one on the median vein, the other 3 on the 3 median nervules, just beyond the origin of each ; below these, on the inner margin, are 2 irregular browm-black patches. Hind wings white, with the apex and hind margin irregularly blotched and dotted ; an interrupted central fascia, consisting of a quadrate dark blotch on the costa, and 4 smaller oval ones, on the submedian and 3 median nervules respectively, the 2 upper ones being contiguous. Underside the same. Head, thorax, and abdomen yellow, with the usual black spots. Expanse of wings 48 millim. Hah. Sikkim. [Males of this species were taken by Moller's native collectors in the interior, but I have never seen the insect myself alive.- H. d. E.] OBEIDIA FUMOSA, sp. n. 3 2 • Besembles 0. libellulalis in size and shape; the costa varied with yellow for § from the base; a series of irregular roundish costal spots, an interrupted submarginal row of spots, the discal spot, and another between it and the base, the hind margin broadly, and the inner margin more irregularly, smoky grey ; hind wings the same, but without the basal spot; tbe spots on the fore wing often irregularly confluent. Underside the same as upper; abdomen yellow, with black dots. Distinguished from 0. libellulalis by the absence of the yellow hind margins of the wings and the duller grey ground-colour of the markings. Expanse of wings 70 millim. Hab. Naga Hills. [Seems not uncommon at 5000-6000 feet, wdiere Doherty took several specimens.-H. J. E.~] PARICTERODES, gen. nov. Abraxas?, Moore, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 653. This new genus is necessary for the reception of Abraxas (?) tenebraria, Moore, and 3 or 4 other species. It resembles Icterodes, Butler, superficially, but is distinguished by the structure of the palpi and the coloration of the abdomen. The latter, instead of being yellow with black spots, as in the normal Abraxince, is concolorous with the hind wings. The palpi are porrected |