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Show 1893.] SPECIES OF MOTHS FROM INDIA. 383 brown streaks on the costa; subterminal line indicated by a series of whitish dots on the veins ; fringe concolorous ; discal spot small, black, consisting of raised scales. Hind -wings like fore wings, but with the base and costal region pale and less marked with lines; face, thorax, and abdomen concolorous; vertex paler; palpi dark brownish. Underside duller, almost without markings ; both wings with cell-spots dark. Expanse of wings 30 millim. Hab. Sikkim. [One 2 w a s taken by myself at about 10,000 feet, and two more by m y collector on the Nepal frontier.-H. J. E.~] CALLUGA MODESTA, Sp. U. 3. Fore wings sandy, more or less suffused with greyish; more grey towards the hind margin ; margin of basal patch and inner edge of central fascia indistinctly defined and angulated; external edge of central fascia denticulated near the costa, where it runs outwards, then deeply indented, and undulating towards the inner margin; it is finely margined throughout with whitish, which forms a wedge-shaped blotch at the indentation ; submarginal line distinct, finely denticulated, fringes paler at their apices, with a fine blackish basal line. Hind wings sandy grey, less grey at the extreme base; basal § traversed by 3 or 4 indistinctly expressed, undulating, darker lines; marginal grey area traversed by a fine undulating paler line, a pale fascia, with a fine darker central line, between the grey basal -| and the marginal area. Head, thorax, and abdomen sandy ochreous. Underside dull straw-colour, with the markings grey. Hah. Darjiling. [Taken by m e at light, the only one I have seen from Sikkim, but two from East Pegu appear to be the same species.-H. J. E.~\ IRAMBA SPISSIDENTATA, sp. n. Fore wings fuscous with an olive tint, with very indistinct markings ; an inner, outer, and subterminal pale fascia, each edged and traversed by a very much denticulated dark line ; cell-spot large, dark. Hind wings the same. Head and thorax concolorous. Underside dull ashy, with the basal f- rather darker. Expanse of wings 16 millim. Hab. Sikkim. A very obscure-looking species. EUPITHECIA COSTIPICTA, sp. n. (Plate XXX. fig. 21.) 2 • Fore wings pale whitish grey, with the lines forming on the costa 4 dark and darker-edged spots, each preceded by a single small dot; all the lines are angulated below the costa, and then run parallel to hind margin; marginal space beyond the subterminal line slightly darker; fringes concolorous with dark basal line. Hind wings pale grey, with many wavy indistinct lines, which, as usual, are plainer along the inner margin. Head and 26* |