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Show 1893.] DR. C. J. FORSYTH MAJOR ON MIOCENE SQUIRRELS. 215 Fig. 5. Xerus (Eoxerus) hosei, Thos. plf 6. Xerus (Ecxerus) insignis, Fr. Cuv. m1. 7. Xerus (Protoxerus) stangeri, Waterh. mx. 8. Xerus (Protoxerus) aubinnii, Gr. m v 9. Xerus (Atlantoxerus) getulus, Gesn. m2. 10. Xerus erythopus, Geoff. ni„. 11. Xerus (Eoxerus) laticaudatus, Gr. p,. 12. „ „ mL. 13. Anomalurus fraseri, Waterh. p r 14. Anomalurus beecrofti, Fras. m,. 15. Xerus (Paraxerus) pyrropus, Fr. Cuv. xav 16. Xerus (Eoxerus) berdmorei, Bly., juv. nij. 17. ,, „ middle age. 18. „ ,, old. m1. 19. Pteromys leucogenys, Temm. mx. 20. Sciuropterus pearsoni, Gr. m2. 21. Sciuropterus horsfieldi, Waterh., type. m r 22. Xerus (Paraxerus) pyrropus anerythrus, Thos. 23. Xerus (Paraxerus) cepapi, Smith, m,. 24. Xerus (Paraxerus) isabella, Gr. m2. PLATE X. Fig. 1. Sciuropterus albanensis, n. sp. (Middle Miocene of Grive-Saint-Alban.) Upper incisor, a, from the outer, b, from the inner, c, from the anterior side. 2. Xerus (Eoxerus) grivensis, n. sp. (Middle Miocene of Grive-Saint- Alban.) Left mandibular ramus, nat size. 3. m1; m2, m3, of the same ; magn. f. 4. Sciurus spermophilinus, Dep. pv m,, m 2 sup. sin.; magn. $. 5. ,, „ Anterior view of inf. incisor ; magn, 6. ,, „ Left mandibular ramus, inner view, nat. size. 7. ,, „ Left mandibular ramus, outer view, nat. size. 8- >> >» Pi, mj, m2, m3, inf. sin., upper view; magn. f. 9. ,, ,, The same as fig. 8, inner view ; magn, f. 10. Nannosciurus concinnus, Thos. (Isabella. Basilan, Philippines), type. (B.M. 1940 a. 1876/10 . 4.7.) Av mv m2, m3, inf. sin.; magn. f. PLATE XI. Fig. 1. Sciuropterus tephromelas, Giinth. Malay Peninsula. (B.M. 1885/8. 1.126.) Left mandibular ramus. Nat. size. From the inner side. 2. The same. m2 ; magn. \. 3. Sciuropterus albanensis, n. sp. (Middle Miocene of Grive-Saint-Alban.) Leit mandibular ramus, from the inner side ; nat. size. 4. The same from the outer side ; nat. size. 5. The grinding-teeth of the same, upper view ; magn. f. 6. Nannosciurus minutus, D u Chaillu. W . Africa. (B.M, 1794 a. 1861/7 .29.19.) Superior grinding-teeth of the right side (p;, m1( mg, m 3 ) ; magn. \. 1. Nannosciurus concinnus, Thos., juv. Superior grinding-teeth of the right side (dj, mv m2, m 3 ) ; magn. f. |