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Show 1893.] SPECIES O F M O T H S F R O M INDIA. 381 angle. Head, face, thorax, and abdomen fuscous. Underside cinereous, tinged with luteous, with the markings faint. Expanse of wings 18 millim. Hab. Naga Hills. [Several specimens taken by Doherty in July agree with the type.-H. J. E.] PERIZOMA CONJUNCTA, sp. n. o* 2 . Fore wings white ; the edge of the basal patch represented by a curved dark brown-black fascia, the costa itself from the base being suffused with fuscous; central fascia indicated by very fine grey lines, each marked by a minute black dot on the veins ; discal dot large, black, touching a brown-black quadrate patch, which occupies the costal portion of the fascia, and contains a tawny line along the subcostal; the outer edge of the central fascia has a small angulation below the costa and a bilobed projection below the middle, beneath which it is suddenly contracted in width ; hind marginal space a mixture of fuscous tawny, grey, and white; the subterminal line appearing as a series of regular white undulations, preceded immediately by a narrow tawny fascia ; fringes mottled grey and white, preceded by an irregular series of black lozenge-shaped spots ; between the basal patch and central fascia and beyond the latter a broad pale band, each traversed by a fine thread-like line ; the lower part of the central fascia is slightly darkened with grey, and contains two grey transverse lines, dotted with black on the veins. Hind wings dull fuscous, with the margin and discal dot darker. The above description applies to the 2 '•> m the only 3 examined, the whole of the central fascia is filled up with brown-black. Face, vertex, collar, and patagia snow-white ; thorax itself brown-black, as are the palpi; abdomen greyish ochreous. Underside glossy grey, dusted with darker, and with all the dark markings of the upperside denoted. Expanse of wings 20 millim. Hab. East Pegu. [Taken at 4500 feet in the Karen Hills by Doherty in April.- H. J. E.] GAGITODES, gen. nov. Anticlea, Moore, Lep. Coll. Atk. p. 273. Fore wings elongate triangular, bluntly subfalcate; costa straight, except at extreme base and apex, where it is curved: hind margin faintly indented below apex, and showing a slight elbow at end of third median nervule ; hind wing rounded. Palpi rough, shortly porrect; antennae simple, somewhat thickened and flattened in $ . Thorax with a double crest of short erect scales behind. Scaling smooth and fine. Neuration:-1st median nervule at about half the length of cell; 2nd and 3rd from lower angle; lower radial from middle of the discocellular; upper radial from below the upper angle; last 4 subcostal nervules from PROC. ZOOL. Soc-1893, No. X X V I . 26 |