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Show 1893.] MR. G. C. BOURNE ON NEW COPEPODA. 165 lateral seta?. Mandible stout, the palp well developed, the basal joint produced in a sharp process, the outer joint bearing three terminal and one lateral seta. First pair of feet having the inner branch 3-jointed, the proximal and distal joints subequal in length, the middle joint rather more than half the length of the other two; all three joints denticulate on their outer margins. The outer branch reaches as far as the first third of the distal joint of the inner branch, and is provided with two terminal geniculate seta? and a stout external spine on each joint. Inner branch of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th swimming-feet 2-jointed, the proximal joint minute ; outer branch 3-jointed, each joint denticulate along its outer margin and bearing a powerful spine. Basal joint of the fifth pair of feet broad, the inner segment bearing four stout plumose seta?. The second joint ovate, somewhat elongate, bearing three plumose terminal seta? and three external marginal spines, of which the middle is twice the length of the other two. Posterior margin of the first abdominal segment strongly denticulate dorsally, the two succeeding segments denticulate ventrally. Furca short; caudal seta? minutely aculeate and half as long as the whole body. This is a well-marked species, agreeing with C. northumbricus and C. trispinosus in the characters of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th swimming-feet, which are two-jointed, and in the nine-jointed first antenna?; but differing from both in the form of the mandible-palp, in the inner branch of the second antenna?, in the proportions of the first pair of swimming-feet, and in the characters of the fifth pair of feet of the female. Fam. CTCLOPIDJE. C Y C L O P S A P R I C A N U S , n. sp. (Plate VI. figs. 8-11.) Cephalothorax ovate, evenly rounded in front. The first and second free thoracic segments of equal length, the third about two-thirds the length of the two preceding segments. Abdomen long and narrow, its length, not including the furca, equal to the four free thoracic segments. The first abdominal segment in the female long, equal in length to the three succeeding segments. The last abdominal segment finely denticulate on its posterior margin. Furcal segment equal in length to last two abdominal segments. Of the caudal seta? the two outermost are short, the internal median seta very long, equal in length to the whole abdomen and the last two thoracic segments. The first antenna? of the female 12-jointed, rather shorter than the first joint of the cephalothorax. First antenna? of the male 14-jointed, the basal joint equal in length to the next six joints. Hinge-joints between the 7th and 8th and 12th and 13th joints; the 9th to the 11th joints inclusive swollen. Mandible-palp consisting of a well-developed basal piece bearing two long and one short seta. Maxilla?, maxillipeds, and swimming-feet as in C. oricntalis. Fifth pair of feet rudimentary, resembling those of C. orientalis. |