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Show 374 MR. W. WARREN ON N E W GENERA AND [Apr. 18, line which edges the fascia ; hind margin blackish, traversed by a bluntly denticulate, fine, lilac-grey submarginal and subterminal line ; fringes chequered tawny and dark fuscous. Hind wings dark grey, with tawny fringes, interrupted with darker. Underside dark grey, with the white markings indicated. Expanse of wings 40 millim. Hab. Sikkim. This is a very striking form, and, so far as the white markings go, does not, in the specimens which have come under m y notice, appear given to variation. Whether it should be treated as a distinct species, or only as one of the many varieties of the Indian branch of P. russata, I must leave to further experience to decide. [Two specimens were taken by m e on the Nepal frontier at 11,000 and 13,000 feet in August, and seem to be a very distinct species.-H. J. E.~] CIDARIA DENTISTRIGATA, sp. n. (Plate XXX. fig. 4.) o*. Fore wings dark slate-colour, with a purplish tinge; basal patch dull rufous, followed by a pale lilac-grey fascia, the outer edge of which forms a blunt projection below the costa ; this fascia is traversed by 3 fine parallel lines, the first of which is rufous and the other two purplish-slate colour; central fascia purplish-slate colour, its inner edge still darker ; its outer half traversed by 3 dark much denticulated lines, followed by a paler slate-coloured fascia, down the centre of which runs a fine equally denticulated dark purple line ; this again is succeeded by a rufous fascia, edged with darker and spots of lilac-grey ; marginal area uniform rufous slate-colour, along with the fringes. Hind wings satiny white, smoky along the inner margin and the hind margin, and with 3 or 4 abbreviated wavy darker lines before the inner angle. _ Underside: fore wings wholly cinereous; hind wings whitish, with cinereous hind margin, both with only a discal spot and central line for markings. Head, thorax, and abdomen all dark fuscous. Expanse of wings 32 millim. Hab. Sikkim. [Three males which do not vary were taken by m e at 10,000 feet in July and are the only ones I have seen of this distinct species - H. J. E.~\ C I D A R I A INTERTEXTA, sp. n. (Plate X X X . fig. 3.) 3 . Fore wings with the darker fascia? dull olive-green, the paler intervals being pinky drab ; basal patch dull green, with 2 largish teeth, the upper one near the costa the larger; it is traversed along its centre by a pale drab line ; the outer edge runs obliquely outwards for its upper j, then obliquely inwards for the other jf; between the basal patch and the central fascia is a similarly indented pale drab fascia, traversed by 3 dull chocolate sinuous lines, the space between the first 2 of these being filled up with similar coloured atoms; central fascia olive-green, with 2 pale drab lines, |