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Show 408 MR. W. WARREN ON N E W GENERA AND [Apr. 18, atoms; a darker fascia across the middle of the wing, olive-ochreous, followed by a paler space edged with pinkish and black. Underside pinky ochreous, speckled with black atoms; the inner margin of the fore wings, the apex, and the edge of the 2nd line pinky grey. Hind wings rather richer ochreous, with a yellowish fascia beyond the centre, which between the 1st and 2nd and 2nd and 3rd median nervules contains a semitransparent oval white ocellus strongly edged with deep brown. Head, antenna?, thorax, and abdomen all pinky mouse-coloured. Expanse of wings 32 millim. [A single $ from the Karen Hills, taken by Doherty in April at about 4500 feet.-IT. J. E.~] AMORPHOZANCLE, gen. nov. Fore wings with costa rather strongly arched throughout; apex rounded, blunt; hind margin below the broadly rounded apex oblique and slightly concave, anal angle well marked. Hind wings triangular, with both angles bluntly rounded off and hind margin nearly straight. Palpi minute, slender, not projecting beyond face; tongue present; antennae of 3 broadly pectinated. Neuration:- Discocellular of fore wing angulated; radial from the angulation; last subcostal from upper end of the cell (one of the subcostals appears to be missing). Type, A. discata, sp. n. AMORPHOZANCLE DISCATA, sp. n. (Plate XXXII. fig. 23.) Fore wing pale liver-colour, darker at base and along costa, with sparingly scattered black scales, which form a black costal blotch at about ^; an oblong-oval whitish discal blotch, beyond which there comes a trace of a faintly darker shade; fringe short, vinous. Hind wings yellow ochreous, with black dusting. Head, thorax, and abdomen liver-colour, with darker atoms. Underside with all the tints brighter and more distinct. Expanse of wings 28 millim. One male from Naga Hills. PLAGODIS RETICULATA, sp. n. 2 . Fore wings pale ochreous, traversed from base to hind margin by fine, interlacing, vertical, brown lines; costa brown from base to middle ; a linear brown vertical cell-spot; inner margin rather paler, but dusted sparsely with rather large black shining scales. Hind wings with the costa pale, unstreaked; the anal angle darker, otherwise like the fore wings ; no trace of lines or shades. Head, thorax, and abdomen straw-colour, with browner mottlings. Underside like upper, with both cell-spots clearer. Expanse of wings 34 millim. Hab. Sikkim. Also in Mr. Moore's collection. [Taken by Moller in October at about 7500 feet, and by Knyvett in June. It seems, however, a local species in Sikkim, as I have never seen it myself.-H. J. E.] |