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Show 1893.] ME. E. Y. W A T S O N O N T H E HESPERIIDJE. 55 by authors identical with obscurus, Hiibn., but the former is described and figured with two transparent apical spots, which are wanting in obscurus. Confined to tropical America. 20. Genus CAMPTOPLEURA. (Plate III. fig. 12.) Camptopleura, Mab. Pet. Nouv. ii. p. 166 (1877). Type, theramenes, Mab. Antennse : club moderate, evenly curved, finely pointed. Palpi porrect, conspicuous ; third joint stout, bluntly conical. Fore wing : male with a costal fold; costa angled just beyond the fold; cell less than two-thirds the length of costa; vein 12 reaching costa well before the end of cell; discocellulars inwardly oblique, the lower the longer; vein 3 very close to end of cell; vein 2 twice as far from end of cell as from base of wing. Hind wing evenly rounded ; vein 7 shortly before end of cell; discocellulars and vein 5 barely traceable; vein 3 immediately before end of cell ; vein 2 considerably nearer to end of cell than to base of wing. Hind tibise with two pairs of spurs, and in the male with a tuft of hairs attached near the proximal end of the hind tibia?. theramenes, Mab 1. iphicrates, M a b 2. cbenus, Mab 3. thrasybulus, Fabr 4. And two unidentified species, one of which is Butler's female type of Achlyodes nyctineme, his male type of which is a female of the genus Pellicia. Confined to tropical South America. 21. Genus POTAMANAX, nov. Type, jiavofasciata, Hew. Antennse : club rather robust, slightly flattened, evenly curved. Palpi porrect, divergent; third joint rather prominent. Fore wing : costa much arched, inner margin longer than outer margin ; cell of fore wing less than two-thirds the length of costa ; vein 12 reaching costa well before the end of cell; discocellulars erect, the lower the longer ; vein 3 shortly before the end of cell; vein 2 hardly nearer to base of wing than to end of cell. Hind wing evenly rounded ; vein 7 very close to end of cell; discocellulars erect and in the same straight line ; vein 5 barely traceable ; vein 3 immediately before end of cell; vein 2 more than twice as far from base of wing as from end of cell. Hind tibia? with two pairs of spurs ; no secondary sexual characters in male. * jiavofasciata, Hew. ... 1. * thestia, H e w 2. *latrea, H e w :'.. *thoria,'H.evf 4. unifasciata, Feld 5. Confined to tropical South America. |